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I hate forwarded e-mails!

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Why do people feel the need to send me stupid forwarded e-mails? I just can't stand getting them. I have forwarded maybe two things in my whole life. I has to be VERY good in order for me to forward it. Do people not realize how annoying these are?


Sorry, if you are a forwarder, you are probably forwarding them to people that hate receiving them!



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I just have everything with "FW:FW:" or "FWD:FWD:" automatically sent to my trash folder so I don't have to deal with it. If someone asks me if I read something they forwarded, I just tell them I'm sorry but I don't have time to read every forward sent to me.

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I rarely read them, especially the ones that come from people that don't bother to send personal messages at least once in awhile. I can't believe some people actually only pass this stuff around rather than personally communicate with people. think006.gif


Love the sender, but not the message.




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What I especially hate are the ones that assign you homework: "Add your input to the bottom of your list, sign your name, and forward it to 12 people in the next 12 minutes. Don't break the chain!"


I get these from several people who I'd really like to hear from. I frequently write back with a "real" short note, "How are you doing? Is your daughter still having seizures? I have tickets to xx next spring. Do you want to go?" But they never write back other than to forward me another piece of junk another day.

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I get these from several people who I'd really like to hear from. I frequently write back with a "real" short note, "How are you doing? Is your daughter still having seizures? I have tickets to xx next spring. Do you want to go?" But they never write back other than to forward me another piece of junk another day.


I have the same problem. If you don't want to have a conversation with me, then how do you know if I'll appreciate the forwarded stuff? Obviously, they don't really know me that well, since they don't answer my conversational inquiries, yet continue to send me crap. So I have no qualms whatsoever about telling people to quit sending me this stuff. Especially since they don't snip, include HTML tags, etc., etc.


The *best* ones are the ones that attach multi-MB mp3s, etc. I had one tie up my dial-up connection for *hours* before I was able to figure out who it was and get rid of it at the server.


If everyone hates this stuff so much, who is sending it? :D

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This may be blinkingly obvious, but has anyone tried gently asking these folks not to send forwards? I realize I don't know everyone's family dynamics, but the only person who routinely sends us junk mail is a mentally ill relation of my dw's. (Those messages are diverted into the trash automatically.)


Maybe it's just that we've both been on the internet since back in the day, but our friends and family all know this stuff is junk and if they receive it, they don't pass it on. In fact, when my dw and her grandmother (age 82) were on the phone the other day, the spent a pleasant half-hour ranting about stupid political rumors spread by email. Progress is possible, even with older and less tech-savvy family!

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This may be blinkingly obvious, but has anyone tried gently asking these folks not to send forwards?


In my experience it doesn't work and/or they get all huffy with me. I find it easier to just delete it. But then, I guess I don't mind too much. It makes my family/friends happy to send something to me even if I don't read it. It's a small sacrifice. I have asked them not to send attachments as we are on dial-up.:)

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I now get very few of them, thankfully. I have one cousin who occasionally sends them, but hers are almost always very good ones. I should mention that she's one of 3 cousins who share my sense of humour, but these are funny to others, too! I always open hers, but rarely any others.

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Why do people feel the need to send me stupid forwarded e-mails? I just can't stand getting them. I have forwarded maybe two things in my whole life. I has to be VERY good in order for me to forward it. Do people not realize how annoying these are?


Sorry, if you are a forwarder, you are probably forwarding them to people that hate receiving them!




That's exactly how I feel. I probably forward something maybe once or twice a year if that! I can't stand them!

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This may be blinkingly obvious, but has anyone tried gently asking these folks not to send forwards? I realize I don't know everyone's family dynamics, but the only person who routinely sends us junk mail is a mentally ill relation of my dw's. (Those messages are diverted into the trash automatically.)


Maybe it's just that we've both been on the internet since back in the day, but our friends and family all know this stuff is junk and if they receive it, they don't pass it on. In fact, when my dw and her grandmother (age 82) were on the phone the other day, the spent a pleasant half-hour ranting about stupid political rumors spread by email. Progress is possible, even with older and less tech-savvy family!


Unfortunately, my friends and family all know it's junk, too, but it's junk *from them* to me (after they've sent it on from someone else, of course) and that makes it all right, I guess.


When I try to be straight with people and tell them I don't appreciate my mailbox being filled with their virus-malware-trojan infected crap, they don't appreciate it. *If* however I tell them that my internet connection is *so* slow it just can't handle the traffic, they then feel sorry for me and cease and desist.


I have also responded to the effect that, if you want to have a conversation *with me* -- all well and good. I've actually received not only forwarded junk but the equivalent of the "Christmas Newsletter" on a monthly basis. But when they realized they would have to actually talk to me and I might actually respond, they stopped.

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