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Hey members of the Dark Side!

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What is the Dark Side?:confused:


Reformed (Calvinist) Christians ;)


Here it's a play off of Star Wars, I believe. Elsewhere, it's been likened to the Borg from Star Trek (you cannot resist; you will be assimilated = election, predestination, irresistible grace).


It's a running joke on the board. There is even a "Dark Side" social group.

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Reformed (Calvinist) Christians ;)


Here it's a play off of Star Wars, I believe. Elsewhere, it's been likened to the Borg from Star Trek (you cannot resist; you will be assimilated = election, predestination, irresistible grace).


It's a running joke on the board. There is even a "Dark Side" social group.

Thank you... now I'm off to find out what a Reformed Calvinist Christian and a Borg are :)

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LOL, even after my quack comment you're still helping me, thank you!


I found a Reformed Calvinist Christian site, but Min is too far for me to drive. Thanks for the links, I'll check these out. My dh will be so proud of me (hunny, I learned what a Borg is today ;) )

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LOL, even after my quack comment you're still helping me, thank you!


I found a Reformed Calvinist Christian site, but Min is too far for me to drive. Thanks for the links, I'll check these out. My dh will be so proud of me (hunny, I learned what a Borg is today ;) )



Eh, I let it roll like water off my back ;) That's what ducks do :D



:lol: about the Borg. Girlfriend, you need a large super-latte, some ice cream, and to rent DVD's on a thorough Trekkie education. Note: all three are addictive!

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And actually, we have friends who named their sons Calvin and Wesley - so they're pretty much covered, theologically speaking :)



Now, see I had never thought of that - my husband's name is Calvin (named our son after him) and for my husband to even be a Christian after his upbringing HAS to be under the "irresistible grace" heading!

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Eh, I let it roll like water off my back ;) That's what ducks do :D



:lol: about the Borg. Girlfriend, you need a large super-latte, some ice cream, and to rent DVD's on a thorough Trekkie education. Note: all three are addictive!

Okay, now I HAVE to friend you :)

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My husband and I have a little joke that we must be super-Calvinists since our youngest son was born on Calvin's birthday. :lol:


Well Happy Birthday - did you name him Calvin. :lol:


Happy Birthday to Calvin! We did a little celebrating!!

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Reformed (Calvinist) Christians ;)


Here it's a play off of Star Wars, I believe. Elsewhere, it's been likened to the Borg from Star Trek (you cannot resist; you will be assimilated = election, predestination, irresistible grace).


It's a running joke on the board. There is even a "Dark Side" social group.


A while back, someone asked if they could still use TOG, even though it is *shudder* Reformed. I suggested that they could just come over to the Dark Side and then they wouldn't have to worry about altering it. ;)


It took off from there, with someone starting a thread with that as the title to inquire about Refomred theology (which has apparently led a few down the path,) although many correctly commented that it is actually the Light Side! :D But now it is firmly established as a WTM code.

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I'm pretty skittish where too many rules are concerned, lol. That being said, I do find the idea of structure alluring...


Dh said I can be any kind of religion I want, as long as the kids don't start condeming everyone to hell. He also said he'd tag along, as long as I don't expect too much from him :tongue_smilie:

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I'm pretty skittish where too many rules are concerned, lol. That being said, I do find the idea of structure alluring...


No set of rules other than the Westminster Confession and the Shorter Catechism. I'm not a theologian or even a philosopher but but I've found Dark Side Calvinists to be largely self-governed and even fairly likeable.


as long as the kids don't start condeming everyone to hell


I wouldn't recommend doing that in public - especially. :D

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I sent them to a bible school that was ran by a friend (A FRIEND) and they came home worried for the state of my soul, because I smoke.....


That's made dh a little leary. Especially since my kids (for unknown reasons) speak very loudly in public :001_huh:

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I'm still not getting it...can I get some help please :)


So by reformed, is that anything that is Christian, but not Catholic?


Guess my brain is in slo mo today. Thanks for any help.



Check out some of the links below... the first are for Borgs, the next group are Reformed and Calvinism :)

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I sent them to a bible school that was ran by a friend (A FRIEND) and they came home worried for the state of my soul, because I smoke.....


That's made dh a little leary. Especially since my kids (for unknown reasons) speak very loudly in public :001_huh:


I'd just label that a developmental stage, then.


RC Sproul was/is quite the smoker, so I think, and puts you in good company.

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NO, Reformed is called such, because of the Reformation - the Reformers that broke away from the Catholic church (though there was communication and attempts to connect with Orthodoxy at the time apparently, but that failed due to a few variances). Today's Reformed aren't as "Catholic" as the original Reformers were (Calvin still held to the Perpetual Virginity of Mary and Luther still said the Rosary).


Some Baptists are Reformed, most are not. Pentacostals, Charismatics, Liberal Presbyterians, Methodists, etc are NOT Reformed! Reformed is specifically defined. In some areas they have more in common with other Protestants and Radicals and in other areas they have more in common with Catholics and Orthodoxy.


TOG is more Reformed Baptist ;) So there is a slight difference, but not so much that you can't make it work.


Reformed people like their beer and wine, just not drunkenness ;) Some Reformed men love to sit around, discuss, and smoke their favorite cigars and pipes. Cigarettes not so much, but it's not an issue of salvation or moral failure. Just a preference issue and taking care to not ruin your health (which is why some view occasional cigars and pipes as different to a cigarette addiction).


Reformed people like to debate, get hot headed, shake hands, and go out for beer.

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occasional cigars


Yes, my husband smokes the occasional evening cigar as part of his patriarchal duty to deter mosquitoes.


And concerning the delinquent teenage boys in our neighborhood his cigar clenched between his teeth was worth a thousand words.

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Here is a 22 min long video by R.C. Sproul that is part of his series What is Reformed Theology? It's a good place to start. This video talks about the difference between Catholic, evangelical and Reformed faiths. If that gets you interested in learning more, there are many other videos linked on that site that are part of the series.


ETA: I found the order of the videos on Ligonier's website: Introduction to Reformed Theology; Catholic, Evangelical and Reformed (the one I linked above); Scripture Alone; Faith Alone (part 1); Faith Alone (part 2); Covenant; Total Depravity (part 1); Total Depravity (part 2); Unconditional Election; Limited Atonement; Irresistible Grace; Perseverance of the Saints.

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Okay, who called my dh and put a bug in his ear?


I've read him a couple of things posted this past week (the husband/submit that Nakia posted as well as the links MamaDuck posted, for instance)... Now, he's craning his neck to learn more.......


I'm starting to wonder if you guys don't have a stepfordish type policy... are my phones bugged? Have you been drugging my water???




(lol, and I'm kidding about most of this, not dh's interest, but the whole insidious plot to convert stuff)

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Okay, who called my dh and put a bug in his ear?


I've read him a couple of things posted this past week (the husband/submit that Nakia posted as well as the links MamaDuck posted, for instance)... Now, he's craning his neck to learn more.......


I'm starting to wonder if you guys don't have a stepfordish type policy...




(lol, and I'm kidding about most of this, not dh's interest, but the whole insidious plot to convert stuff)


There's subtlety and beauty to the contemporary reformed Stepford Wife because she self-selects. Very empowering don't you think? Plus cardi's and shells look good on just about every woman.


As for the husband, reformed theology is a girl's best friend. :cheers2:

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There's subtlety and beauty to the contemporary reformed Stepford Wife because she self-selects. Very empowering don't you think? Plus cardi's and shells look good on just about every woman.


As for the husband, reformed theology is a girl's best friend. :cheers2:


This is my main beef. I don't do Stepford Wife...at. all.

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Again-warning to Alison-asking about it is the first step over the line!! That's what got me started on the journey! LOL!


And get OUT-are you telling me TOG leans toward Reformed Baptist :svengo:-no WONDER I'm in love with the look of it!




Funny, I always felt like being charismatic was a bit on the dark side...or maybe just on the outside

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Are there different "brands" of reformists? Just curious b/c I was in Boston last week and saw a lot of the Vision Forum Reformation celebrants and they were all the Duggar type--long skirts, long hair etc. Obviously not the drinking, cigar smoking types. I would tend to follow more along that line(dress modestly, but not quite to that extreme and we don't drink, smoke etc--though we don't judge those that do it in moderation).

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  • 3 weeks later...
This is my main beef. I don't do Stepford Wife...at. all.



You're better off. When it comes to Stepford style - ya gotta want it. There's nothing worse than a half-arsed Stepford Wife. It takes skill and focus to embody a satire of a mockery.


Plus, denim jumpers are pretty darn cute.

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