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Is anyone else looking forward to LOST starting up?

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It must be coming soon. We were at the theaters in December and saw a preview, but I haven't seen any on TV. When does Lost start back up? It has been SO long, I've lost most interest, but I know that once it gets going, I'm going to be hooked.:p

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But of course!


And just to whet your appetite for Lost, here are some things to occupy your time:


Some new "mobisodes": http://abc.go.com/primetime/lost/missingpieces/index?pn=index


Another website in which you find clues from another Lost storyline: http://www.find815.com/site/index.php#Scene_1


You can google find815 for other blogs in case you can't figure out the clues.


Have fun fellow Losties!

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Yes! But I'm gonna be a little disappointed if the first episode(s?) is a recap of everything. Would it be helpful? Somewhat. But I feel like it's a letdown when that's the way they start off the season.


To answer your question though, it starts next Thursday (new night), Jan.31.


Oh, and if I recall correctly, because of the writers strike, there aren't going to be as many episodes. Maybe 6 instead of the 12 I think? Maybe (hopefully) that's changed since I last read that, but it's my understanding thus far.

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It will be eight episodes instead of the expected 16. Those sixteen weren't "in the can", they were only planned for. Meaning there was a meeting between the producers and the network to decide exactly how many more episodes there would be before the end of the series. They decided on 16 episodes per season, three more seasons. Once that was decided, the producers were able to have a better feel for how quickly they needed to move certain aspects of the storyline along. But they were only able to produce the eight episodes before the strike. They claim that they were able to adjust the ending of that eighth episode with a cliffhanger.


I suspect quite a bit of new stuff in the first episode. It will be two hours, so even if they did a recap, there would still be an entirely new hour. I think they will be pretty quick in getting some of the cast off the island, since the post-island story has been brought into play with the flash-forward at the end of season 3.


I trust the producers completely. I think the whole storyline is going to go into overdrive now that they know exactly how many episodes they have left.




Nine days, 10 hours until LOST!! free-jumping-smileys-380.gif

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No doubt!!! AND...perhaps the WORST consequence is the delay of Joss Whedon's new series with Eliza Dushku (Faith from Buffy) called Dollhouse. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! He strongly supports the writer's strike. I suppose I do too, but I agree that the TPTB need to pay up and get on with it. Tim Minear (producer for several of Joss's shows) predicts that there won't be a resolution until some time in JUNE!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I can't wait, but I am a little worried about the new nights - it's on the same night as Chuck, and I haven't yet figured out the times! Chuck takes priority in our house, since all THREE people can watch it, and it's absolutely hilarious. *Grin* Seriously, though, I don't watch many shows - why do my two faves have to be on the same night? :)

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JUNE????? Oh, frell.


I wonder how the writers will manage for that long? Can we adopt a writer, to help? lol


I had been looking forward to Dollhouse, too. Thankfully we're just now watching Buffy, for the first time, and still have several seasons to go. At least there's that.


I believe I heard that the writer's strike is affecting BSG as well, which we also watch. Argh.

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We started LOST in the middle of the season last year, caught up the first two seasons on dvd, the first half of the third season online, and then the rest of the third season like normal viewers :D. We are anxiously awaiting the start of season 4!!!!


I, too, am so ready for the strike to be over. We have the lowest cable grouping just to have our dvr- but it hasn't had much use recently (besides American Idol and Biggest Loser). :(


Who all was completely flabbergasted by the "flash-foward"??? I sure was :eek:


I'm going to miss Charlie- I was just starting to like him when he went and got himself killed.


Sidenote: Anyone else watching the NEW American Gladiators??? I've caught it a couple times and the frequency Hulk Hogan says "brother" always makes me think of Desmond :) I miss his "brothas"

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We can't wait!! dd and I are *seriously* addicted. We watched Seasons 1 and 2 over the summer, pre-ordered Season 3 and devoured it when it came, and now we're suffering this agony of waiting until next Thursday ;)


We spend so much time talking about it, trying to figure out answers and asking more questions....it's our thing that we do together.


We both cried when Charlie died. It was so sad....And we're wracking our brains trying to figure out whose funeral Jack went to (we're guessing it's someone we haven't met yet?), and who is "he" that will be wondering where Kate is (Sawyer??), and why shouldn't they have left? And why didn't all of them get to come back? AAAAAAAACCCCCKKK!!! And if it's not Penny's boat, then whose is it? The REAL bad guys? And who's Jacob???....


I'm rambling. Sorry. I need a fix. QUICK! LOL

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I'm going to miss Charlie- I was just starting to like him when he went and got himself killed.



But remember, being dead on the island doesn't mean you're off the show! Some of the actors have been on the show more since their character died than when they were alive!:D

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My dh read an interview with Matthew Fox that said the actors for the most part have no idea what's going on with the storyline and the writers like to change things on them or just not tell them everything. But, he made them tell him who was in the coffin so he could act accordingly. Then, he clarified it with- "but, they could always change it"


How crazy would it be to sit in on a writer's meeting for this show???:eek:

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Ben was in the coffin. "Wakowski" (answered satellite phone on the ship) is a bad guy. They will be stuck there on the island to fight the NEW bad guys from the ship 80 miles offshore.


Instead of flashbacks from the island TO their past life at home -- It will be flashbacks TO their island life and the main story line will be set in the future.


Random ramblings. Thanks for indulging me. :)

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Do you all know about Humpy's web site?


It is a great place for recaps, Easter Eggs, theories, etc. Lots of Lost links, too!

I check out the Easter Eggs after every show.

The first season had numerous sightings of the "numbers" which were really fun to find.

Anyway, that one and the Locke one you can link to on the first page of Humpy's are my fav's.

Love Lost here!!!

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