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Father's Day....FILL IN THE BLANK

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My husband is an awesome father because.......


1. he wrestles and plays with the boys every day


2. he is devoted to them 100% and is actively involved in their care and education (including doing lessons with them)


3. he still thinks "passing gas" is funny and this is important to young boys :001_rolleyes:


4. he shares the housekeeping duties equally which is not only a good example for our boys but gives us both more time to spend with the boys


5. he teaches them things about fixing things around the house and cars


6. he likes to watch America's Funniest Home Videos with them (a show they love and I abhor).


7. he takes them fishing and hiking and other outdoorsy things that I am not good with


8. most importantly, he teaches them about God and how they are to live thier lives to the glory of HIM.




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Wolf is a great father because:

  • Genetics mean squat to him. Our kids are OUR kids, period.
  • When he comes home, there's a stampede to the door every night to see who gets 'first hug and kiss'.
  • He takes care of all of us, doesn't complain when I end up in bed for most of 2 days sick with a migraine or RSD flare up.
  • He just flat out adores being a Daddy.
  • He adores his kids
  • He loves playing with them, takes them to the park, encourages them to do things that I wouldn't dream of (Like climbing the monkey bars...:svengo:)
  • He's so proud of them homeschooling. He brags to EVERYONE about how well they're doing.
  • He's extremely protective of us

After years as a single mom, he's everything I hoped and longed for in a husband and father :D

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This is my boy friend's first father's day.

He changes and washes diapers.

In the beginning he told me that the baby's poop smelled like pumpkin bread. It did.

He washes the baby's poopy butt in the tub and has never gagged.

He never lets the baby cry. He can't take it.

He loves his son and step daughter deeply and enjoys their company.

He plays with them and reads to them as well.


He is the father that both of us wish we had as children ourselves.

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My dh is a good dad because he brings laughter into our home. He balances me and shows our boys how a good, honest, true man should behave. He works so hard so I can be where I am. He takes the boys fishing and exploring and loves every minute. He wholly supports homeschooling and beams with pride when we talk about our day. He makes up fun games to play with our boys. And he's shows how much he loves his boys' mother. I like to brag about my dh!

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My dh is a great dad because...




  • He always makes time for ds
  • He understands the importance of the presence of a father
  • they wrestle together
  • he takes ds to jobs and is teaching him about running a business
  • he practices unconditional love
  • he takes the time to learn how to be a better parent at each stage of ds' growth
  • he does laundry when needed
  • he cooks when needed
  • he respects me as a teacher
  • he treats me like a lady (even when I don't act like one) as a example of how to teach ds to treat the women in his life
  • he thinks ds is the greatest thing since sliced bread
  • he takes safety measures seriously (helmets, seat belts)
  • he's a more compassionate nurse than I am
  • he's not afraid to use our mistakes as a example to ds of how not to do things.
  • they stay up late and watch movies together



He's pretty cool. :D

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Brian is an excellent father because: ;)


*He has never put an expectation on me to work outside the home; being a mom is my job and he supports me 100% in that

*He has never put an expectation on me for how we keep our home; he appreciates what I do in my "workspace"

*His idea of free time is to load up all 8 dc and go hiking or on a trip; not once in 13 years of marriage has he put his personal time in front of family time

*His priorities are rock solid when it comes to finances, family and faith and he is passing on those priorities to his dc

*He views children as a gift to be desired; he has never told me "no" to having more babies and that, for me, is precious and beautiful

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My husband is a wonderful father because:


He works hard to provide so Mom can stay at home.


He is the "fun" parent and says yes a whole lot more than mom.


He sacrifices time, money, etc. to make sure they can do dance, gym, track, baseball.


He takes our family camping and makes sure that kids know how to fish, steer a canoe, etc.


He rides kids on the back of his motorcyle when mom is distracted.


He takes an interest in all the kids' activities, schoolwork, friends.


He is a friend and mentor to grown dss - they seek his advice.


He teaches them how to live a Godly life and models it in front of them.


He loves and respects their mother.

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1. His own father was an awesome father!


2. He loves his sons more than anything...and he is another dad where genetics mean squat. He introduces my son as well as our son as "his boys."


3. He does neat things that I would never dream of doing - like buying chickens for the boys to care for and love. It has been such a huge and great thing for our family to do together.


4. He teaches the boys how to do things with their hands - garden, fix things, work on cars, build things.


5. Because of #4, the boys think Daddy can do ANYTHING and everything. (He can)


6. He protects his family and shows the boys how to love and care for their wives one day. We are raising them to work and allow their wives to stay home if it so appeals to their wives and they are learning, by example, that dad has RESPECT for mom even though she doesn't bring in the money.

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1. Because he loves God, and shows that love to his family.

2. Because he works at a job he'd rather not to support us.

3. Because he takes the time to read to the girls every night.

4. Because even though they are girls, he teaches them all how to burp like a real man. :glare:

5. Because he hugs away tears and kisses boo-boos.

6. Because he makes them laugh....and laugh....and laugh....and laugh.

7. Because he's not afraid to play beauty shop (as long as there isn't a camera around)

8. Because he made me a mom. :D

9. Because he's not afraid to wear the pants in this family.

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