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We've been in our house just three years and I want to move...

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I love our house. My husband contracted it and put a lot of time and energy into building it. We have a perfectly level lot (which in Pittsburgh is a gem) and great neighbors. I have a great garden and a lovely creek that runs in the back of my half acre. We are situated within half mile to the soccer fields, where we live in the spring and fall. Our church is only 3 miles away and my husband's commute is just 9 miles.


But this house is too big for me. There's just so much to care for. Between the five bedrooms, hardwood floors, and large yard, I'm just exhausted trying to keep up.


Also, when we moved in 3 years ago, we built an inlaw suite in the basement for my inlaws to stay when they come to visit from their Florida residence. But they have hardly used it. I feel like it's just wasted space and yet I have to keep it clean too.


Lastly, with the economy turning, my healt issues, and another baby on the way, I wonder if maybe we bit off more than we could chew financially. We were in a very different place financially just three short years ago.


I still want to stay in the township. But I just think a smaller house might be more manageable. Of course with 7 kids, I'm not sure how small I can really go without losing my marbles and feeling we're on top of each other.


Any thoughts?

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I love our house. My husband contracted it and put a lot of time and energy into building it. We have a perfectly level lot (which in Pittsburgh is a gem) and great neighbors. I have a great garden and a lovely creek that runs in the back of my half acre. We are situated within half mile to the soccer fields, where we live in the spring and fall. Our church is only 3 miles away and my husband's commute is just 9 miles.


These are all huge pluses in my book.


But this house is too big for me. There's just so much to care for. Between the five bedrooms, hardwood floors, and large yard, I'm just exhausted trying to keep up.


Is there any way you could relax your standards for a couple of years? Your kids are young now, but in 2-3 years they will be able to contribute significantly in the cleaning department. I'd hate to give up the good things about your house that are going to stay because of a temporary labor shortage.


Also, when we moved in 3 years ago, we built an inlaw suite in the basement for my inlaws to stay when they come to visit from their Florida residence. But they have hardly used it. I feel like it's just wasted space and yet I have to keep it clean too.


Why do you have to keep it clean? Clean it once, thoroughly, and then seal it off with police tape.:lol: When you are expecting guests, do a quick dust/vacuum/wipe.


Lastly, with the economy turning, my healt issues, and another baby on the way, I wonder if maybe we bit off more than we could chew financially. We were in a very different place financially just three short years ago.


Financial issues are big with me. I don't know from your post how serious the financial concerns are. Remember, there are costs associated with moving too. If moving is still a significant financial advantage, then I would probably move. But I'd take a long, hard look at numbers first.


I still want to stay in the township. But I just think a smaller house might be more manageable. Of course with 7 kids, I'm not sure how small I can really go without losing my marbles and feeling we're on top of each other.


Any thoughts?


We're a family of 6 living in 950 sq feet, waiting desperately for the building permits to arrive so we can put our addition on. So my view might be skewed. But my older kids are older than yours, and I can tell you, the older kids get, the more space they need. What seems doable when they are young becomes really tough when they hit the teen years.


In short? :lol: I'd stay unless the finances are really compelling.

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Nope, wouldn't move. You will need the space more as your kids get older and can help out more. You will love what now is your bane in just a couple of years.


Unless you truly cannot afford it, keep plugging along.


Can you find a college student to stay in the suite for the summer in trade for some chores? Maybe that would take the burden off a little without adding in more expense.

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Can you find a college student to stay in the suite for the summer in trade for some chores? Maybe that would take the burden off a little without adding in more expense.


This was my first thought: rent the suite out to someone in exchange for a certain number of hours per week of cleaning help, and maybe some babysitting if you need it. Is there a university or community college nearby? I'm thinking that a college student would love to have free rent in exchange for maybe 10-15 hours or so of work a week. Or maybe a single woman at your church who could use some help with reducing her expenses?

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but I notice your children are still little and so you need to take into account that as they grow they will take up more space. A space that seems too large with 7 small children running around will quickly become cramped when you have 7 school age children lounging around in it and they will feel the need to have their own space more and more as they grow too. I am with the other posters who say relax your standards and close off parts of the house you aren't using and start teaching your little ones to clean. It will pay off later.



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I think Christina has good ideas. Clean and close-off the rooms that you don't need on a regular basis. If the in-law suite is clean when you shut it up, it'll just need to be opened up, vacuumed, and dusted once a day or two before they arrive for the next visit. If the kids aren't going in there, etc, there shouldn't be any cleaning to do.


If you have an extra bathroom (some of the 5br houses I've looked at have as many as five bathrooms! you don't say how many you have, but maybe it's more than you need), clean it, lock it, and forget about it. When you do decide to open it up again, it should be ready for use after a quick swipe with a damp cloth.


Also, are there ways the kids can be trained to help you more? The thing I love about hard wood floors is how *easy* they are to maintain and keep clean vs. carpet. So maybe you can assign each of the 3 oldest kids a day of the week or area to sweep each day? It might take a few weeks of training, but would save you time and stress in the long run. It would even be worth sawing off a broom handle or two to make them shorter and more manageable for smaller people... :)


I wouldn't sell a house you (otherwise) love, in a location you love, on a lot you love, in a time when houses are selling slowly and at low price unless you absolutely *have* to. ... But I *would* try to come up with creative solutions for maintaining the house and your sanity.


ETA: I totally agree about older children taking up more *space* than little ones...

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I agree with the others about boarding a young adult or single woman...also, how much do your kids help? My older kids (7 & 8) do a good chunk of the cleaning around here. If you're taking a summer vacation, that might be a great time to establish some cleaning routines.

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Moving is expensive and stressful so maybe you can consider how much it would cost to sell and move (along with downsizing your furniture and whatnot) and take that money and budget someone to come in and help clean your house every couple of weeks or months.


I also think that shutting off some rooms would make a difference, too.


Good luck deciding.

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A few ideas in addition to closing up a few rooms or renting out your in-law suite. Do you have a Roomba for your wood floors? I find a Roomba works much better on my tile than a broom or a regular vacumn. Plus I don't need to push it! :D If you have area rugs, take them up for the summer. You'll have less work and be more comfortable because the rugs hold humidity.


Have you thought about switching to a "no shoes" indoor policy, at least for the kids? Less dirt is tracked in. Or you could opt for house slippers if you prefer.


If you like to wipe down walls and baseboards frequently, do you have a mop dedicated for that job so you can do it quickly? If you don't, don't worry, I won't criticise! I rarely do this.


Then all but your youngest would start helping. It's a pain till they know what to do, but they can still help. Even the 3yo can help make salads, wash baseboards and help pick up.


Or is it the outside chores that are too much?. Would you prefer hiring a local teen for mowing? In a year or two, mowing could be a job for your eldest. Or you could plant a large area as a wild flower garden, keeping weeding and mowing to a minimum. Perennials have a larger initial outlay, but with groud cloth to hold down the weeds can be nearly as maintainance free.


But I wouldn't move unless I had to given the size of your family and your liking for the area. It's amazing how much room just ONE older kid takes, much less several.

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Just a thought. I know that sometimes getting your kids to help is more of a battle than just doing it yourself...but....


Over time and much consequences, you can get them to help out with the cleaning. :) Esp their areas of responsibility.


We're to: Don't keep up your areas? Then you don't get to (watch TV, do you computer games, draw and play, etc etc until the work is done.)


Just a thought. I'd also close off areas. You can make a large home into a smaller one easier than you can make a small one into a larger one. :)




I love our house. My husband contracted it and put a lot of time and energy into building it. We have a perfectly level lot (which in Pittsburgh is a gem) and great neighbors. I have a great garden and a lovely creek that runs in the back of my half acre. We are situated within half mile to the soccer fields, where we live in the spring and fall. Our church is only 3 miles away and my husband's commute is just 9 miles.


But this house is too big for me. There's just so much to care for. Between the five bedrooms, hardwood floors, and large yard, I'm just exhausted trying to keep up.


Also, when we moved in 3 years ago, we built an inlaw suite in the basement for my inlaws to stay when they come to visit from their Florida residence. But they have hardly used it. I feel like it's just wasted space and yet I have to keep it clean too.


Lastly, with the economy turning, my healt issues, and another baby on the way, I wonder if maybe we bit off more than we could chew financially. We were in a very different place financially just three short years ago.


I still want to stay in the township. But I just think a smaller house might be more manageable. Of course with 7 kids, I'm not sure how small I can really go without losing my marbles and feeling we're on top of each other.


Any thoughts?

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Nope, wouldn't move. You will need the space more as your kids get older and can help out more. You will love what now is your bane in just a couple of years.


Unless you truly cannot afford it, keep plugging along.


Can you find a college student to stay in the suite for the summer in trade for some chores? Maybe that would take the burden off a little without adding in more expense.


:iagree: Great idea about the college kid! I would also quit cleaning some rooms all together as some has suggested. I only vaccumed upstairs bedrooms about 1X month. Relax your standards! I also think that once your kids get older - you will LOVE having so much room. Be sure to assign a big job to each kid and give yourself a break. We always did Sat. Morning chores. The WHOLE famlily did chores on Sat AM till the house was clean. Nobody gets out of it and nobody quits till the job is done. In a couple of years with NINE people, that should be a snap! Then, when you are empty nesters - move to a smaller house.

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I agree with renting the inlaw suite! Plus lowering your cleaning standards and letting the older kids help would really help.


I have just the opposite problem! Our house is TOO small. I would LOVE one more bedroom and bathroom. As the kids grow, they definately take up a lot more space.


Best of Luck!

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I did not read the other posts, but can you rent the in laws suit and hire a cleaning person twice a week?


Now there is a thought! I was going to suggest trying a college student / high school student who needs a little spending money for rough cleaning or the kind of cleaning that you like least. It's amazing how big a load is off my shoulders (not to mention my back!) when someone does my floors.

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