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One those days

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Well, its not political and its not about the spouse.


I'm just dealing with hurt feelings, illness that is interferring with my ability to be the best mom I can be, and well, not knowing how to get the help I need. But I've isolated myself, and now I have nearly no one to talk about it with...

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Well, its not political and its not about the spouse.


I'm just dealing with hurt feelings, illness that is interferring with my ability to be the best mom I can be, and well, not knowing how to get the help I need. But I've isolated myself, and now I have nearly no one to talk about it with...

Sometimes you just have to purge. Even if it has nothing to do with politics or the spouse ;)

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I have these days sometimes too.:grouphug:


Sometimes these are the days when you should throw out routine and do something...anything different. Sometimes I take the girls out for ice cream, or we go to the park if its a nice day, or if I have to stay home then I indulge with a movie, take-out instead of cooking, etc. Sometimes it is enough just to sit and hug and cuddle the girls for awhile.


Hope your day gets better!:001_smile:


Chris, I like your song!

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clean out your coffee pot. It's easy and effective, you can see a difference... either that or dust the top of the refrigerator. Either way, you get something that needed to be done, done, quickly, with immediate results.


Oh, or you could wash the car.


Those kinds of things. They make me feel moderately better when the dumps have lasted beyond a week.

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This is way TMI, and I don't want to make this about me... but just in case it helps...


Hon, it sounds like you have depression and/ or hormones that need to be dealt with. And if you have CFS/ FM or anything remotely similar (Ulcerative Colitis with related RA) I know exactly what you are going through. No one understands... yep. Isolated? yep.


Magazines and support groups make it sound as though the whole world is against you. And sometimes your family members really don't get how hard things can be, I know. You could be surprised how many people actually do understand, however.


Once I wrote a letter to several judgemental friends really laying it all out for them. (I was so weak I could barely push down the gas pedal and I felt that they were judging me b/c my house was cluttered and I often missed religious meetings.) It really helped.

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Ever have one of those days, where you just can't stop crying???


And I have no friends to call. Oh this is going to be a challenging day to get though.


I'm sad and I need some friends.


I'll be your friend.

I will try to be a nice one.....coming out of a year long funk myself.

Maybe you need to just cry. Sometimes I will watch Little House on the Prarie or a sad movie just so I can get it all out.


Sometimes a glass of red wine takes the edge off!

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This is way TMI, and I don't want to make this about me... but just in case it helps...


Hon, it sounds like you have depression and/ or hormones that need to be dealt with. And if you have CFS/ FM or anything remotely similar (Ulcerative Colitis with related RA) I know exactly what you are going through. No one understands... yep. Isolated? yep.


Magazines and support groups make it sound as though the whole world is against you. And sometimes your family members really don't get how hard things can be, I know. You could be surprised how many people actually do understand, however.



Yes, I do have mental health issues that need to be dealt with, but finding the right doctors, etc has been nearly impossible. And why on earth would I want to take meds from some doctor who hasn't read my medical record?!

I have CFS. maybe. they don't know.

Hormones? Well, I think there is something wrong with them, but so far neg.

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I'll be your friend.

I will try to be a nice one.....coming out of a year long funk myself.

Maybe you need to just cry. Sometimes I will watch Little House on the Prarie or a sad movie just so I can get it all out.


Sometimes a glass of red wine takes the edge off!




Thanks for the offer of friendship.



I know I need to cry, but I want to know that the crying will stop, you know?

and that isolation won't last forever. And my child will in fact still be better off at home, even with all the craziness, but oh there is that my dd won't ever learn math guilt. I know she's only a K'er, but the pressure is on..with all those people that know I have mental issues looking on.

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I didn't mean to upset you.


Yes. Most MDs are pretty darn well useless. You have to mostly figure it out yourself and find one that won't fight you.:grouphug:


Oh no, you didn't upset me. I'm just frustrated at the system. In fact I was waiting for a call back all day that never happened!

And why does my husband have an easier time getting me help than I do?


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I know that feeling!


"From Fatigued to Fantastic" is a book that really got me on the right track. There is a website endfatigue.com and a list of doctors on that site as well.


Dr. Rind at drrind.com has worked with me too. And just recently, I have treated my own depression with natural meds (because several medications would not work for me).

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:grouphug: I am sorry you are having a hard time. I am totally there too. I have IBS (or do I?? Still waiting to find out, they keep changing their minds) add in PMS and BAM. And it is so hard. When I am not feeling good, I really have nobody to talk to. If your leg hurts or you have...I don't know...allergies or something, it is easy to talk about and get sympathy for. But with IBS, (or mental/emotional issues) you cannot really talk about it. "hey, I am really having a hard time. I will go days where I have to almost teach school through the bathroom door because I have diarrea so bad." Suddenly, they find something really interesting on the other side of the room. :tongue_smilie::glare:


Even my husband tries to be supportive and listen, but how sexy is it to talk about the fact that you have gas worse than a trucker that ate a gallon of chili and deviled eggs?? :confused:


Then you read all you can about IBS/Crohn's/UC, and discover that you DON'T have the ONE symptom that would be a benefit (weight loss).:glare: I cannot win!


Oh, sister, let me cry with you. Not to mention, health care is getting so expensive. I had to have a scoping and the "prep" stuff cost $50!!. The sad thing is we have insurance and they paid $9! That is it!


And we have been eating healthier than we EVER have.


I know it is just as bad for mental/emotional issues. Many doctors just pooh-pooh you. You have to FIGHT for help. Do some research yourself and go in armed with knowledge. Keep trying. Don't give up! We are here for you.:)

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