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How many conventions/seminars do you attend in 1 yr?

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Just curious to see...I know local homeschoolers who have never been to any type of convention/confernce ever, and I know others that go to everything.


So..Since June of '08 I attended

our SC homeschool convention last June

Charlotte Mason Day Long Confernce/Workshop September

NCHE Confernce in May

Planning on attending the SC conference next weekend

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I try to attend a local conference every other year, and and the Midwest Home school Conference in Ohio every other year. That way, I can keep my finger on the pulse of what is happening locally, and I get to hear SWB once every other year in Ohio :001_smile:

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I went to one when I first started homeschooling. That was 6 years ago. I haven't been to one since.


I am planning to go to a local one day thing here this summer though. This is the first since the one 6 years ago.



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I go once or twice per year for the vendor exhibits. Am not interested in the speakers. Books/magazines are a better mode for my learning about education.

I agree! I did get a lot out of the workshops last year since it was out first year homeschooling, and the one I attended in May I went to 1 GOOD workshop, the rest were blah... the vendor hall was great.

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As few as possible.


In the summer, I run sound and lights for conference events that are held in the concert hall where I work, and, frankly, that's enough to scare anyone away from conferences / seminars for a lifetime.


Though, I attended a homeschool conference last year and got to hear SWB. That was cool; but I'd rather not have to wrestle through crowds and vendors next time to hear her! I don't plan to go back.

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I've only been to one so far in 3 years of homeschooling. That was last year's Circe Institute Conference in Houston. If I can manage it, I plan to try and make that my annual "teacher training" expense (and fun weekend away with great friends!), this year I have a 6 month old and am moving the weekend before the conference. But next year, I'm there if at all possible! I would have been interested in going to the Texas State Convention this year in Houston, but again, we're moving right before it and I have a 6 month old who is becoming very verbal and active!

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Through 7 years of hs'ing I have never been to more than a used book sale - but I go to lots of those :D


This weekend I am going to my very first curriculum fair. I probably won't do any of the workshops, just want to see what it's like :001_smile:



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Every year, I attend our state's homeschool convention (which is tomorrow, btw!! Yippee!!!).


I sometimes attend the seminars, but not very often. It has to really pertain to a specific issue for me to go. I usually just buy a shopping pass.


And I don't buy everything at the convention. I've usually bought 80% of my materials prior to the convention. That way, I'm looking for only a few items at the convention, so it's not overwhelming. Usually, it's a matter of having narrowed my list down to 3 or 4 options and then making the final selection there, when I can view everything first hand. (For instance, tomorrow I'm looking for a chemistry curriculum for my 15 year old. I have 2 or 3 choices in mind but I want to see them first before making a decision).


For the past 4 years or so, I've attended a local used curriculum sale, which is great!!! I can pick up something, spur of the moment, and not spend a great deal of money on it. And, now that my children are growing older, I have curriculum of my own to sell.

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You guys are lucky. They don't happen often here.

I went to one in 2007 with John Taylor Gatto as speaker, the rest of the conference was so-so but it was worth going just to hear him speak.

There is another one this year with Diana Waring, but I'm not sure I'll go.

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I don't really see a need for them....they are very time consuming....and the conventions would make me buy things I didn't need. As for seminars.....I have no patience for things like that. I can read books (at my leisure) and get all the info I can process, LOL. When I started homeschooling (about 13 years ago) there wasn't much out there in terms of seminars/conventions and by the time there was.....well I had already turned into a 'know it all', LOL.

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