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If you dislike the condition of your hair or have gray, wirey (no poo)

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I'm posting this for anyone who is unhappy with the condition of her hair and to pass on something that I originally learned here. About a year ago, someone posted about going no poo (no shampoo). I couldn't believe what I was reading, but I gave it a try and my hair was softer and cleaner looking than ever. A few months ago I shampooed for some reason that I don't remember now. Immediately my gray hair was wirey again. I tried conditioner without success, so I decided to go back to no poo. It's tokk three weeks, but my hair is soft and glossy looking again. No gray wires poking out. Twice a week in the shower I rinse and massage my scalp with very warm water, with a final cold water rinse. Every other week I use a weak vinegar water rinse and use just a little baking soda on the scalp. My hair has never looked better.


I have shoulder length, curley hair. Here is an experiment by someone with long hair


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I'm posting this for anyone who is unhappy with the condition of her hair and to pass on something that I originally learned here. About a year ago, someone posted about going no poo (no shampoo). I couldn't believe what I was reading, but I gave it a try and my hair was softer and cleaner looking than ever. A few months ago I shampooed for some reason that I don't remember now. Immediately my gray hair was wirey again. I tried conditioner without success, so I decided to go back to no poo. It's tokk three weeks, but my hair is soft and glossy looking again. No gray wires poking out. Twice a week in the shower I rinse and massage my scalp with very warm water, with a final cold water rinse. Every other week I use a weak vinegar water rinse and use just a little baking soda on the scalp. My hair has never looked better.


I have shoulder length, curley hair. Here is an experiment by someone with long hair



So how do you get your hair clean? I've done this by accident--forgotten the shampoo --and my hair remained dirty. So how do you get your hair clean if you don't use shampoo?

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So how do you get your hair clean? I've done this by accident--forgotten the shampoo --and my hair remained dirty. So how do you get your hair clean if you don't use shampoo?


I rarely use shampoo and have been using it that way for at least 2 years. I scrub my scalp using a lighter conditioner to remove build up, condition again and make sure you rinse well using the coldest water you can stand.


I use apple cider vinegar on my hair at least once a week. I leave it in a spray bottle in the shower. Just make sure you don't get it in your eyes.


I have very curly, long, coarse, thick hair and it's in the best condition of my life and live in a very humid environment. I use a smoothing cream after the shower and air dry.

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So how do you get your hair clean? I've done this by accident--forgotten the shampoo --and my hair remained dirty. So how do you get your hair clean if you don't use shampoo?


I use a baking soda/water rinse to clean and a vinegar/water rinse to condition. It takes a few weeks for your hair to normalize (meaning stop overproducing oil). After your hair normalizes, you can start lengthening the time between baking soda/water rinses. My hair use to NEED daily shampoo as it looked like I had poured a bottle of oil on my head by the next day. I can now go 3/4 days without "washing" my hair.

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Personally my hair does not smell at all. Since my hair is curly, I still condition it, lightly, every day. I only wash my scalp with conditioner about once every 2 weeks or sooner if it starts feeling a little bit itchy. I do not have any advice for those with straight hair though.

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Has anyone with psoriasis or dandruff tried this method? I would love to know as I suffer from psoriasis and so need to use tar shampoo at least once a week. I would love to have less straggly looking hair with the gray that is beginning to crop up.:D

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Has anyone with psoriasis or dandruff tried this method? I would love to know as I suffer from psoriasis and so need to use tar shampoo at least once a week. I would love to have less straggly looking hair with the gray that is beginning to crop up.:D


I would say try apple cider vinegar. I read somewhere about it being used to treat dandruff and I get the occasional flake. It works for me.

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I've been no-poo for a couple of years now. There is a patch of something (eczema, psoriasis?) on the back of my head that I can't see, that has been greatly reduced by the no-poo. I use the baking soda / apple cider vinegar method, and use a final rinse of cooled herbal tea, usually with chamomile, lavender flowers, rose petals... Sleepytime works well in a pinch. The final rinse makes my hair really shiny.


I smooth some coconut oil through while it's still damp, to cut down on the frizzies. My hair is bout knee length and curly. It has never curled more, with any product.


If anyone is about to attempt the no-poo, it's important to remember that there can be an adjustment period while your scalp normalizes after compensating for being stripped with shampoo for a long while. There's also some trial and error in finding the method / amounts that work for you, much like finding a shampoo that you like. I've found it to be well worth the change.

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I think others have answered the questions asked, but I thought I would reply in case they were directed to me-

-read the links as they explain everything including how this does not just apply to short or curly hair

-I don't wear a shower cap. I let my hair get wet, I just don't scrub it every time I shower.

-No, the scalp doesn't smell. The dirt and the majority of the oil comes off with very warm water. Your hair is clean, but it will feel heavier than it does after all of the oils are stripped by shampoo.


If nothing else, reduce the amount of shampoo you use to just a dab. Don't worry about lathering. You will start to see a difference.

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I am giving this concept a try. I run so I get very sweaty so far 1/2cup baking soda to 3 cups water rubbed around my scalp really works. I go 3-4 days, depending how much running I do, without washing my hair. So far so very good. Now I still use my biosilk silkens but about half the amout I use to. Giving up shampoo is a scarey thought but it is quite amazing that you really don't need it. I am trying to convince my sister that it's the products she uses on her hair that causes her to think she has to wash it every day.

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So, this is pretty much a curly hair only thing?

No, not at all. The idea is that commercial shampoos strip the scalp of its natural oils, which causes it to overcompensate and produce way more oil... Which, of course, leads the shampooer to shampoo more frequently, further stripping the scalp, etc., not to mention exposing yourself to more questionable chemicals, especially if there is then a need to condition, apply product and so forth.


There are some things that are probably not best for straight, limp hair, though. I wouldn't recommend somebody with that type of hair run coconut oil through it. My hair needs to be weighted down, though, or it's just everywhere.


Apple cider vinegar can make your hair feel very heavy, so you would probably want to use it in a more diluted form, and rinse it thoroughly. Honey is a great conditioner, too, and some people add a bit (a few drops) to the baking soda they use to scrub their scalp, but it makes my hair incredibly - think morning after a wedding hairdo - heavy and dirty feeling. If I use it, I dab it just on the ends of my hair.


The conditioner-only method is intended to keep curly hair manageable and healthy, but I don't think it's detrimental to non-curly hair. I know people with straight hair who swim a lot find it helpful because their hair is exposed to a lot of alkaline chemicals in the pool.


As mentioned before, it's largely trial and error, and there is an adjustment period which may be more pronounced if your hair tends to be oily.

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I have cut down on shampooing my hair from everyday to every other day or 3rd day. At first it was greasy but now it's not on the 2nd day. Also taking a shower everyday dries out my skin so cutting down showering has helped my skin.


Just think about the money & the planet's resources saved by chosing to cut down on water, shampoo and soap!! :D


I've also switched to washing my face with oil!!

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when we lived in the US, I always shampooed every day, without fail or my hair would look dirty....since moving to Central Asia we have dirty water, so I don't shampoo near as much, or bathe near as much either....I have noticed my hair is much less oily, and my skin, which used to get eczema in winter, doesn't anymore....maybe this must be why!! I won't tell how often I bathe..:glare:

but if you have eczema or other skin problems, I wonder if it would help to greatly cut back on bathing too

very interesting thread..........i clicked on it because of the (no poo) in the header:lol:



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After a lot of experimentation I found the easiest way to do the baking soda scrub was to put about 1/2 cup of baking soda in a spray bottle, filling the rest with water. I shake the bottle and spritz the top of my head and then rub. As long as there is enough water for it to disolve completely, it works fine.


Also, when no pooing you do want to brush your hair 100 times at night to distribute the oil. That sounds familiar, eh?

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