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Jealousy of Insult?

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My 9 you ds plays baseball, he is a very respectful kid and he LOVES his momma (me):D

He is one of the pitchers for his team and he pitched 3 innings and only gave up 3 runs and struck out everyone. When he finished his last inning he came up to me and said," Mom did you watch." "Of course I did, honey you did an AWESOME job." I replied. He gave me a big hug and kissed me and went back to the dugout. My husband is one of the coaches for the team, and he sweetly smiled at me when he saw this.


The other team is up and my ds goes up to bat, he cracks it and gets a home run. The only one from anyone in the AAA league so far this season. They are 9 and 10 year olds and its hard to get it out of the park. He slides into home and his team goes wild, slapping him on the helmet, he was beaming. He runs over to me and said, "Mom I got a home run!", I replied, "That was so great, you should be really proud of yourself, great job." He again hugs me and gives me a quick kiss.


This woman watching the game who has a ds on the same team, is sitting with a few of the other "hens" and mouths to them, "He is home schooled." Mind you, her son is one of the 3 very disrespectful and mouthy kids on the team. The other woman replied, "I don't think I could do it." another lady said " I bet you could." while pointing to another. Meanwhile, I am sitting there steaming:mad:


I felt like saying BECAUSE he is not in school no one had told him that hugging and kissing his mom is not cool!!! I could not believe that his whole team watched him both times and not ONE KID said anything. But this woman felt the need to let her fellow hens know that apparently if your home schooled you don't care what people think when you hug your mom.

Edited by Pongo
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Try very hard to let this go. Otherwise the other person's actions will drive you crazy. Try to focus on the loving son you have and how happy you are to have him in your family. It sounds like he's a gem.


Every time my little girls do something that isn't "cool" (aka acting their age), like perhaps wearing their "Thomas the Train tees, I REALLY DO NOT CARE what others say or do! I would rather have them be known for being innocent and "out of the loop" and HOMESCHOOLED than brash, disrespectful and up to speed on all the latest junk out there.


Try to focus on the good today :001_smile:. I hope you have a wonderful day!

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Was it the tone of voice? Did you see her experssion? I can see how this could go either way: Just a comment or sounding rude.


:iagree: It could be that his playing so well and being so close to you just brought him to her attention, and because of this she commented to the person next to her what she knew about him. Not out of jealousy or to insult, but just out of conversation. Some people just like to share info that they have.


Either way, so great how close you are with your son. They don't know what they are missing, do they?


I agress with this too. My ds was like very close to me until about 6 months ago. He just turned 13. :sniff:



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and only hugs me occasionally at home. He's been home schooled his whole life and used to be more huggy until this last year. I don't do public displays of affection very often either, so perhaps I am to blame. My youngest (11) hangs on me in private, but not so much in public.


I just don't think it's a "home school thing" ---


FWIW, I would give them the benefit of a doubt and just take the comments as neutral or positive. When you referred to these women as "hens" you kind of showed your bias and perhaps what you heard was skewed by it. It's going to be a long season if you choose to perceive these parents as jealous "hens".





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But this woman felt the need to let her fellow hens know that apparently if your home schooled you don't care what people think when you hug your mom.


Many people are so obsessed with conformity they speak cruelly when they are uncomfortable with us oddballs.


I also think so people jab at an outsider to let the people in their group know they have fangs and claws and no one better try going against them. It is how Queen Bees stay queen.


As my wise mother used to say: consider the source.

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and only hugs me occasionally at home. He's been home schooled his whole life and used to be more huggy until this last year. I don't do public displays of affection very often either' date=' so perhaps I am to blame. My youngest (11) hangs on me in private, but not so much in public.


I just don't think it's a "home school thing" ---


FWIW, I would give them the benefit of a doubt and just take the comments as neutral or positive. When you referred to these women as "hens" you kind of showed your bias and perhaps what you heard was skewed by it. It's going to be a long season if you choose to perceive these parents as jealous "hens".






I gotta agree. Just based on what you posted, it certainly does not sound insulting, just conversation - maybe even admiration. You may be a little more sensitive to others opinions? They could probably learn alot from you:)

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I agree, I was fired up. Mainly because I have, since the season started felt the cold-shoulder from this particular lady. I would say Hi and she would just nod back at me, so I guess I had already decided that she was "up to no good"...lol


Her tone was kinda icky but again my bias toward her, could of felt that.


He is a REALLY good kid, and he is affectionate and sweet. But, then again ALL my kids are very affectionate. It's been so long since someone made a comment like that, or at least one I heard. It made me feel like I was doing my ds a dis-service and I went on the attack. 3


My husband felt that maybe she had a stigma about home schoolers and she, herself was surprised to see an athletic, sweet well rounded boy. Because you know most home schoolers keep their kids away from th public eye, and lock them in the house and they never see sunlight....:D

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I also think so people jab at an outsider to let the people in their group know they have fangs and claws and no one better try going against them. It is how Queen Bees stay queen.




I need some fangs and claws, do you think I can get them at the dollar store:lol:

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Try very hard to let this go. Otherwise the other person's actions will drive you crazy. Try to focus on the loving son you have and how happy you are to have him in your family. It sounds like he's a gem.




Thanks, your right. I normally don't let things get to me so:glare:

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My 9 you ds plays baseball, he is a very respectful kid and he LOVES his momma (me):D

He is one of the pitchers for his team and he pitched 3 innings and only gave up 3 runs and struck out everyone. When he finished his last inning he came up to me and said," Mom did you watch." "Of course I did, honey you did an AWESOME job." I replied. He gave me a big hug and kissed me and went back to the dugout. My husband is one of the coaches for the team, and he sweetly smiled at me when he saw this.


The other team is up and my ds goes up to bat, he cracks it and gets a home run. The only one from anyone in the AAA league so far this season. They are 9 and 10 year olds and its hard to get it out of the park. He slides into home and his team goes wild, slapping him on the helmet, he was beaming. He runs over to me and said, "Mom I got a home run!", I replied, "That was so great, you should be really proud of yourself, great job." He again hugs me and gives me a quick kiss.


This woman watching the game who has a ds on the same team, is sitting with a few of the other "hens" and mouths to them, "He is home schooled." Mind you, her son is one of the 3 very disrespectful and mouthy kids on the team. The other woman replied, "I don't think I could do it." another lady said " I bet you could." while pointing to another. Meanwhile, I am sitting there steaming:mad:


I felt like saying BECAUSE he is not in school no one had told him that hugging and kissing his mom is not cool!!! I could not believe that his whole team watched him both times and not ONE KID said anything. But this woman felt the need to let her fellow hens know that apparently if your home schooled you don't care what people think when you hug your mom.



I'm with the other posters who ask if there was something in the tone of voice. My 13 yr old is constantly kissing/higging but not in a clingly way. He'll walk up and say "hug attack" and hug or pretend to "leech" onto me or his siblings. He is a calm, kinda rockerish boy w/ longish hair & in his group is one of the mature ones. He just likes being a goon. I constantly hear moms say, " I wish my 13 yr old would just get close enough to me so I could hug him"... Maybe they were just commenting on the relationship?

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I agree, I was fired up. Mainly because I have, since the season started felt the cold-shoulder from this particular lady. I would say Hi and she would just nod back at me, so I guess I had already decided that she was "up to no good"...lol


Coming from an introvert, this is how I would greet someone I don't know. I wouldn't be trying to give you the cold shoulder, it just that I am rarely comfortable talking to strangers. I am more comfortable talking to people I already know. Of course, it takes a really long time to get to know someone enough to talk to them if you never talk to them. :) When I was growing up, people frequently though I was snobby and stuck up when really I was just introverted and reserved. Anyhow, if I had made that comment it would have been more of an isn't this interesting. Much like I say the author of Eragon is homeschooled you know. Of course, I am coming from this side of the fence but still a possibily different way to interpret her actions.

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