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Prayer thread for hurricane season...

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Hey all. :) I've been here dreading the start of hurricane season this coming Monday and hoping that we have another easy year. I was praying this when a lightbulb went off in my head and I thought, "why don't I start a prayer thread on WTM forum and get a big corporate prayer going?"


Hurricane season starts June 1st and ends November 30th. I was just watching a report on my local news tonight that said that Florida isn't ready to deal with another big hurricane and if we aren't then I'm positive New Orleans or Galveston aren't.


So I'm asking, for those who are inclined, will you pray for the next 5 months for God's protection and that we have an uneventful hurricane season? If you are willing would you mind just letting me know in this thread? I ask for a couple of reasons. 1) Most practically, because it will keep the thread bumped and more people will see it. ;) hehe 2) Because 5 months is a long time and I think it will help with the commitment if one feels a sense of accountability to others. 3) and lastly, I think it will be a great source of comfort to those here who live in hurricane prone areas to see how many people are praying for them.


So will you join me? I think it will be an exciting thing to see how God will work in the midst of so much corporate prayer. :) My most heartfelt thanks to all who choose to participate. I pray God's blessing on you all and that He will keep us safe and protected this hurricane season. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:



Jennifer :)

Edited by Ibbygirl
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I too am on the Gulf Coast and fully prepared to join this thread. In fact, last weekend, we had our first "system". It was a sub-tropical low, until just before it came on shore. My friend the meteorologist said it would have been a depression if it was out over the Gulf another 6 hours. Oh joy!!!

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I too am on the Gulf Coast and fully prepared to join this thread. In fact, last weekend, we had our first "system". It was a sub-tropical low, until just before it came on shore. My friend the meteorologist said it would have been a depression if it was out over the Gulf another 6 hours. Oh joy!!!



Ay, I know!! It seems the season starts earlier and earlier all the time. I'm down here on the Atlantic side between Ft. Lauderdale and Miami and we're still getting soaked from that system.


I cannot thank you ladies enough for committing to pray with me. May God richly bless you all for your sacrifice and faithfulness. May he keep all of us safe this season. :grouphug:



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Ay, I was hoping we would be able to get more ladies praying. Hopefully there are some who will pray but do not want to draw attention to themselves. At any rate, Christ says that where two or more are gathered in His name, He is there in the midst and we have that. :) I thank you ladies, from the bottom of my heart for your commitment to pray with me these next months. :grouphug: God bless you all. :)

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Add me to the list. We're in SE Louisiana. I seriously do NOT want to go through another Katrina. Every year since, I lose a little weight with worrying about weather. We've got our plan and so forth. Let's pray we don't have to implement it.

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I'll join you as well.




Hey all. :) I've been here dreading the start of hurricane season this coming Monday and hoping that we have another easy year. I was praying this when a lightbulb went off in my head and I thought, "why don't I start a prayer thread on WTM forum and get a big corporate prayer going?"


Hurricane season starts June 1st and ends November 30th. I was just watching a report on my local news tonight that said that Florida isn't ready to deal with another big hurricane and if we aren't then I'm positive New Orleans or Galveston aren't.


So I'm asking, for those who are inclined, will you pray for the next 5 months for God's protection and that we have an uneventful hurricane season? If you are willing would you mind just letting me know in this thread? I ask for a couple of reasons. 1) Most practically, because it will keep the thread bumped and more people will see it. ;) hehe 2) Because 5 months is a long time and I think it will help with the commitment if one feels a sense of accountability to others. 3) and lastly, I think it will be a great source of comfort to those here who live in hurricane prone areas to see how many people are praying for them.


So will you join me? I think it will be an exciting thing to see how God will work in the midst of so much corporate prayer. :) My most heartfelt thanks to all who choose to participate. I pray God's blessing on you all and that He will keep us safe and protected this hurricane season. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:



Jennifer :)

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Most definitely will be praying here. Ike went right over our house last year. There is still much rebuilding going on. I cannot imagine what it would do to the Texas Gulf Coast if another hurricane came this way. Hopefully, all the US coasts will be really quiet this year. :)

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I'm in the Keys, so prayers are welcome too. Statistically speaking, just because we haven't had anything in a long time, we're at risk. Thank goodness it's been raining a lot this last week or so, which cuts through the awful drought we've been having.

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Although I am no longer living in coastal Fl, I still am a permanent resident there and don't want anything to happen. I will be praying. My prayers will be for a very uneventful season everywhere since I don't want Haiti to suffer or Mexico or Texas or anywhere populated.

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I am in Missouri, but I will be praying for a very uneventful hurricane season. We just returned a couple of weeks ago from going to Florida for the first time and I can only imagine what it would look like after a hurricane.


It can be pretty bad depending on the strength of the storm. I've lived in South Florida my whole life and have been through quite a few harrowing ones. Hence the reason for this thread. This is what hurricane Charley did to the island of Captiva on Florida's Gulf coast in 2004.


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Although I am no longer living in coastal Fl, I still am a permanent resident there and don't want anything to happen. I will be praying. My prayers will be for a very uneventful season everywhere since I don't want Haiti to suffer or Mexico or Texas or anywhere populated.



Yes, that is what I was meaning. That the entire season be miraculously uneventful for everyone. Thank you for bringing up Haiti and Mexico. Mexico has suffered a great deal in the last few seasons. I'll never forget how Hurricane Wilma stalled over them as a category 4!! :eek: When we got Wilma here, she actually strengthened while over us (unheard of) to use my brother's words "she gave us quite a shellacking". I cannot even imagine what she did in Mexico. Poor people.


I'm praying that all land will be safe and that no one will suffer this season. Even the tropical storms can be devastating in certain places as we learned with Haiti. :(


Thank you all so much for all of your prayers. :grouphug: I"m looking forward to seeing how God will move this season. :)

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  • 5 weeks later...

Well, we have one month behind us and 4 more to go! :) God is good! :) Let's keep praying that the next 4 are as uneventful. :grouphug: Thank you all for your faithfulness and commitment to pray. You gals rock! :grouphug: :)

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