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What's your favorite salmon marinade?

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I really like Good Seasons Italian dressing. It is the type you get in a packet and mix with water, oil and vinegar. When I am using it to season salmon, I simply mix it with water and vinegar and omit the oil.


My other favorite marinade/seasoning is Paul Newman's Asian salad dressing. It is a bit more oily than I prefer, but it has a good flavor.


Finally, lemon juice, garlic, chopped onion and parsley are all good things to put on salmon. I put them on and let it sit for up to a day.


Yum! Enjoy.

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I put some butter in a frying pan.....brown the salmon really good. Remove from pan....and start making a cream sauce. I use parsley or cilantro....cut up....with peppers (I put peppers in everything, LOL)....I add in some white wine.....then some heavy cream.....and add back in the salmon....and let it thicken.....


It is YUMMY!


As you can see.....it isn't a fat free sauce, LOL.



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For those of us inlanders who rely on frozen salmon, a marinade (or cooking sauce) is kindof necessary to deal with that little bit of fishiness.


My favorite way to prepare salmon (not a marinade but a sauce) is an adaptation from the South Beach Diet book:


This is usually meant to go over orange roughy, but we like it on salmon.


1/3 cup rice wine vinegar (or sherry or vermouth)

3 tablespoons low sodium soy sauce (we use tamari)

2 teaspoons sesame oil

1/4 cup finely chopped green onion

1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger (this is the best part - fresh is essential)

1 teaspoon chopped or crushed garlic

about 1 lb of salmon fillets


preheat oven to 400. mix the vinegar, soy sauce, sesame oil, green onion, ginger and garlic in a small bowl.. Place fillets in an ovenproof casserole dish. drizzle the marinade over the fish and bake for 12 minutes or until fish flakes easily.


Yum. My kids love this recipe - even my picky, sensory kid.

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I like it coated with a little mayo before baking. A friend of ours uses the Montreal Steak seasoning from McCormick. That is really good! You mix it with some oil and vinegar. (And he is from the Northwest! :001_smile:) I've tasted some made with soy sauce and ginger. That was good too.

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If it's good salmon (thick cut, strong flavor, coho), then I agree, plain cooked in a hot oven with the skin up is el-yum-mo, the only way to go. But for the abominable, thin, flavorless junk in our local stores that parades itself as salmon, well it needs some serious help. Never thought to marinade it, so I'll have to try that! We've been baking it, flaking, and mixing it with spices, veges, and mayo to eat as lettuce wraps. My newest thing is making salmon burgers. You grind up the raw meat (1/2 fine, the other half add and just pulse) along with your spices, veges, and a binder like cornmeal or oatmeal or flour. Fry like a burger. Crazy fast and fun to eat.


You can get good fish inland, but you pay through the nose, at least $13-16 a pound at a place like Whole Foods, unless it's the peak, then maybe $10 a pound.

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You can get good fish inland, but you pay through the nose, at least $13-16 a pound at a place like Whole Foods, unless it's the peak, then maybe $10 a pound.

Oh, I don't know about that. The fish department at Whole foods smells pretty fishy to me. I have complained. The only places I have seen good, fresh salmon is on the coasts - caught that day:).


Oh, but to have fresh caught salmon pan seared with a little butter and a fresh fruit relish on top - oh, yum!

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Well see that's the bummer. Our Whole Foods used to be Wild Oats, and Wild Oats DID have great fish. I have sort of a bug in my craw about Whole Foods anyway (Whole Paycheck, tons of conventional and not enough organic, not as good a bulk section, etc.), and it's an hour drive, so we don't tend to go there as often anymore. When it was Wild Oats, we went every week. Now it's just on occasion. Our Kroger finally has a decent (if sometimes old) organic section. We've been getting fish at Trader Joe's, and it's only tolerable. After years of Wild Oats fish, I got really spoiled! When I was at WF last week, their department did smell fishy, yes. The halibut I got looked ok, haven't tried it yet (froze it). Come to think of it, I don't even remember seeing any wild salmon, only that farmed stuff. I'm such a sucker for really good wild salmon, thick and strong, oh my. The Aldi's stuff just kills me, sorry. The TJ salmon is palatable but not great, as long as you do something to it. But I think they do the sockeye, not the coho.

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