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Would you share your cleaning schedule?

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I'm trying to breakdown my cleaning into 5 days a week and I'm not having any inspiration. :) I've done MM and that doesn't seem to fit me very well, I've done Flylady and I like a lot about it, but I can't seem to quick clean in one day like she recommends. So, how do you break everything up?

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I think FlyLady has what appears to be a pretty decent schedule as well - but I have not implemented it yet...the whole spirit is willing but flesh is weak thing haha.


I will say that the weekends are our biggest laundry day for three of our girls that go to public school. Usually on Friday night and Saturday the two oldest do their laundry, since they usually go to their mother's house Saturday night. I try to get the 7 year old's laundry all done on Sunday, and, well the 18 year old fends for himself, and I do mine and the 11 year old's (home schooler) as needed through out the week. I don't often do my husband's laundry, except to occasionally put it away.


We have been very bad about keeping on schedule. I have a chore chart (in color no less) posted on the fridge so the kids can refer to it (usually after I remind them 10 times), and that has made life a LITTLE easier.


This is the number one thing I really need to work on, so I am interested in seeing how others reply as well.

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Hang on while I get my control journal....


Monday: vacuum centers, dust with feather duster.


Tues: Mop kitchen, go thru magazines and library books, clean fridge (because I do my library run and shopping on Wed.)


Wed: empty the trash (trash nite around here)


Thurs: Polish mirrors and doors


Fri: (Sheets are done only 1ce a month during the bedroom zone.)

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Hang on while I get my control journal....


Monday: vacuum centers, dust with feather duster.


Tues: Mop kitchen, go thru magazines and library books, clean fridge (because I do my library run and shopping on Wed.)


Wed: empty the trash (trash nite around here)


Thurs: Polish mirrors and doors


Fri: (Sheets are done only 1ce a month during the bedroom zone.)



Do you do daily swish and swipe in the bathrooms or when are they cleaned? When do you do your zone cleaning?

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Here is my cleaning schedule: Do whatever is the most desperately needed as soon as possible! ;) Whatever little bit of time I have in the morning before we start schoolwork, I'll use to dust a room, clean bathroom counters or whatever. I have a Roomba (love that thing!) that I set up somewhere almost every day for staying on top of vacuuming. And the kids have jobs they are assigned each day. (I do the assigning by the month.) So, they are keeping on top of the main dusting, two bathrooms, a floor or two, vacuum/cleaning out the cars and trash. Toy pick-up is most often the 4yo's job, with help. Everyone is responsible for their own beds and bedroom upkeep.


The other main stuff happens on the weekend, in between sports or church or whatever else needs doing.

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Oh, yeah. There's the zone stuff, too. Here's a general breakdown:


In addition to what I already wrote in my last post:


Each day:

keep up with dishes after each meal, but at the least after Lunch and Dinner.

One load of laundry.

swish and swipe, when I remember to do it (about 3x a week.)

5 minute room rescue in the toyroom, twice a day.


Each week:

Mon, Wed, Fri: clean the litterboxes.

Tues, Thurs, Sat: bathe the boys

Wed: clean out the car

Thurs: go thru the paper pile

Fri: clean out my purse and water all the plants



I pretty much just printed out what Flylady has in her zones, removed the few things that aren't in my house, added a couple of things that were, and then split each zone into 5 days. I won't list them all here, but will give an example:


Kitchen Zone;

M-clean ceiling with broom, wipe fingerprints off walls, wash windows.

T-Clean outside of fridge (inside is done each week.), wipe down cupboards (not all every month--just a few each month)

W-Straighten drawer and cupboard.

Th-Clean stove, including hood.

F-Microwave, dust baseboards


If it doesn't get done this month, oh well. It'll roll around next month. It was better than I used to be, which means I only cleaned this stuff out every 6 mos or so. I figure if I do this stuff in the zones at least once every 3 months, I'm doing great.

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I clean by floors. We have a two story house (I never go into the basement - husbands territory).


Monday's - laundry, vacuum and dust the first floor, clean the kitchen (well), clean the powder room

Tuesday's - upstairs bathroom and vacuum and dust the upstairs

Wednesday's - wipe down the counters in kitchen and any touch ups that need to be done on the first floor and clean up the entry way

Thursday's - this is our Co-op day, wipe powder room down

Friday - sheets, any other laundry, clean laundry room and iron anything that needs to be ironed

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Guest Dulcimeramy

I have to keep it simple or I don't get it done.


I have a smallish house, so I just thoroughly clean one room a day (including dusting, vacuuming, washing windows, emptying wastebaskets, etc).


Monday: Kitchen

Tuesday: Schoolroom

Wednesday: Living Room and Hallway

Thursday: Bathrooms

Friday: Bedrooms (including washing sheets and making beds)


The children do the general tidying up every day.


#1 Son washes dishes once a day; cleans tables, counters, floor after each meal, puts away leftovers, takes out the trash. Usually cooks 1 meal per day. He tidies the living room at the end of the day.


#2 Son makes all the beds every morning, and opens all the curtains. He washes, dries, folds and puts away 1-2 loads of laundry each day. He tidies the schoolroom at the end of the day.


#3 Son unloads the dishwasher every morning, and makes breakfast for #4 son and himself. He sets the table for lunch and supper. He tidies his room that he shares with #4 son at the end of the day.


DH and I split our tidying jobs: Cleaning out fridge, cooking supper, washing dishes after supper, wiping down bathrooms, keeping the computer desk tidy. Whoever has more time and energy does the work. On a full homeschool day he often does it; if he works late or works outdoors in bad weather all day then I do it.


And with all this our house still looks very smudgy, shabby, and lived in. (groan) But at least I know that everything is thoroughly cleaned at least once a week, and every room is tidied daily.


In a nutshell, my method is

1. Train your household to work reliably and well

2. Clean a room or a zone every day.

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but the file is too big to send as an attachment. Does anybody have ideas on how to share this word document with this thread? Caution: speak S-L-O-W-L-Y as I'm not well versed in computer lingo. LOL!


I spent a lot of time creating it and it's actually keeping my kiddos and me caught up with the chaos. Maybe it can help others as well.

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I have to keep it simple or I don't get it done.


I have a smallish house, so I just thoroughly clean one room a day (including dusting, vacuuming, washing windows, emptying wastebaskets, etc).


Monday: Kitchen

Tuesday: Schoolroom

Wednesday: Living Room and Hallway

Thursday: Bathrooms

Friday: Bedrooms (including washing sheets and making beds)


The children do the general tidying up every day.


#1 Son washes dishes once a day; cleans tables, counters, floor after each meal, puts away leftovers, takes out the trash. Usually cooks 1 meal per day. He tidies the living room at the end of the day.


#2 Son makes all the beds every morning, and opens all the curtains. He washes, dries, folds and puts away 1-2 loads of laundry each day. He tidies the schoolroom at the end of the day.


#3 Son unloads the dishwasher every morning, and makes breakfast for #4 son and himself. He sets the table for lunch and supper. He tidies his room that he shares with #4 son at the end of the day.


DH and I split our tidying jobs: Cleaning out fridge, cooking supper, washing dishes after supper, wiping down bathrooms, keeping the computer desk tidy. Whoever has more time and energy does the work. On a full homeschool day he often does it; if he works late or works outdoors in bad weather all day then I do it.


And with all this our house still looks very smudgy, shabby, and lived in. (groan) But at least I know that everything is thoroughly cleaned at least once a week, and every room is tidied daily.


In a nutshell, my method is

1. Train your household to work reliably and well

2. Clean a room or a zone every day.


How old are these sons and can I borrow them?:tongue_smilie:They will make great husbands someday! Good job!


And I like just cleaning one room or zone a day. My house is on the larger side (we'd love to downsize) but if I could just get the kids better trained to keep up with their clutter and put it all away I swear it's half the battle!

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Ok, this is my schedule:


Monday--fold and put away laundry

Tuesday--clean bathroom, litterbox and take out trash

Wednesday--clean kitchen

Thursday--clean main areas


Saturday--change sheets, everyone cleans their own room.


I've been doing this basic schedule for about 4 years now and it works for me. Things like the porch, basement and decluttering get done when we have a good rainy afternoon and the other chores are done.:001_smile:

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I am trying to declutter a room ever few days - a SERIOUS declutter. I am shooting for 40% of the room gone. Then I am trying to get back on track with my Motivated Moms schedule. I would recommend decluttering - it's so much easier and motivating to clean when you can see the progress.

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I have wicker baskets near the stair case in our 2 story home. Things get placed in the "going up baskets" when I catch things that needs to go up, and opposite for coming down. I feel it has helped a lot in putting "little things" back where they belong and declutters the floor and countertops. Visually, it looks more easier to clean/vacuum when I'm ready to clean the surfaces.


I put rolls of paper towels in every bathroom for instant emergency clean ups (i have 2 preK boys), and it's been much easier and quicker clean up than having to bring out mops etc.


I hang dry all my laundry straight from the washer onto a long rod we had set up in our laundry room. The clothes goes straight from the laundry room to the closet rod. This eliminates folding clothes, and hanging the clothes makes them look less wrinkly. It's also much easier to sort clothing on hangers, you can even color code the hangers, and I don't have to pay electricity bill for the dryer. An added bonus is the humidifying effect for our first floor in the winter :)

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Does anyone else do what I do and have no plan at all?

When the laundry stack of a certain item (lights/darks/towels/sheets) is getting high I wash them. When the floor is looking dusty I sweep or vaccum, when the floor is looking smudgy I mop. When the bathroom is looking grotty I clean it. When the toilet has marks I scrub it. When the kitchen is messy I tidy it.


The only thing I DO schedulee is that we tidy (not clean... just tidy) the living rooms every day before DH comes home and the children tidy their rooms every Sunday morning (no screen until it's done mwahahahaha)

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Guest Dulcimeramy


sorry, couldn't help myself. Pre-coffee hysteria to the question.




I didn't expect all the nice comments about the boys! They are 4, 8, 10, and 12. We all will really be put to the test tomorrow: I'm starting a 25 hr/wk WAHM job.


I am hoping and praying this household will not just fall apart at the seams! I haven't worked in 14 years. I hope the boys will be able to hold up their end without feeling stressed, and I hope that DH really, truly will take over my chores as he promises (he's laid off right now).


If anybody feels led to pray, I'd be thankful.

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Roughly like this:


Monday: clean kitchen/utility room before weekly shop on Monday night

Tuesday: bathroom 1

Wednesday: bathroom 2

Thursday: dust house

Friday: vacuum house


I sometimes do some catch up on Saturday. Sometimes dusting gets done one week and vacuuming the next if I run out of time. Towels get changed and washed when I do the bathrooms. Sheets when I remember. Clothes washing every day.



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