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I love my Desk Apprentice.


We use the kitchen table and at dinner times it was a pain to put all the school stuff away, so we ended up just leaving it on the table, and having dinner in front of the TV.


Now with the Desk Apprentice, I can store all my school stuff in it and when it is dinner time, just move that off of the table. It's so nice to have dinner at the table again.


Yes it can seem a bit bulky at times, but it is worth it for the neatness my table now has.

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I think it's great - same reasons Pooh Bear cited. We use our dining room table for school (or the kitchen island, it depends on the state of clutter in the kitchen) and I can stick everything in there and move it to the buffet when we're ready to eat, rather than stacking random pieces of schoolwork all over available flat surfaces.


It's not small, though. It would be a huge pain if it was sitting on our computer desk, for instance.

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So far your replies sound promising. Our school table is next to my desk (so they together make an L shape), and this would sit on the school table if I get one.


I got some money from my parents for my birthday and was thinking about one of these.


Thanks for replying, and I would like to hear more thoughts from anyone else who has one! :001_smile:

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I have one but rarely use it. Why? Because we have a learning room and each dc has an individual desk. Since they keep their things in their own desk, I just don't use mine.


It is big and very handy. I think you just have to look at what you want it for. If you have a multi-purpose table, it is perfect. If not, it's rather big to sit on a desk.

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I keep mine on the top of a black, two-drawer metal filing cabinet next to my desk. It is at the perfect height for easy access. The Desk Apprentice is a tad wider than my filing cabinet, so to enable it to spin freely I moved the filing cabinet a few inches away from my desk.


I have my daughter's work space on the other side of the Desk Apprentice from my desk. She no longer works at her desk, but when she did, she would put her completed papers in a side slot that I specifically marked for her work, spin the Desk Apprentice around to my desk so I could correct her papers!

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I've been using one for several years. My two kids and I school at the dining room table, which seats six people. When the kids were younger, I liked that the DA was so big because I could put it between my kids, and they couldn't see each other. It helped them focus.


These days, we don't need that function so much, but it still sits on top of the table. I love having all their workbooks, my planning books, our files, and all our tools at our fingertips. Sometimes I put it on the floor under the table if we need more room, but it always finds its way back to center stage.


I love it.

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Being an easily distracted type person, I keep the "extras" in mine to keep them handy. I am referring to the map books, logic books, etcetera, that might not get done if they were on a bookshelf in the other room. I also keep in it some teacher materials that are used daily.



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