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Everything posted by almondbutterandjelly

  1. What about doing a math sequence like this? Is this a bad idea? Algebra Geometry Algebra 2 College Algebra (at home, using a College Algebra textbook) Thoughts?
  2. I would stop pestering. Just cook like you normally would. Have food you normally have. If they want something else, they are adults. They can get it. I know you mean well. But it's not on your son's radar. Don't make it a thing.
  3. Have you tried a store like Academy? They have sports bras in girls and womens sizes. You could just get a bunch and have her try them all on (in the fitting room I mean).
  4. Justice has 40% off coupons a lot. Sign up on their website. We also liked buying clothes from Academy at the tween age. (Actually, we still like buying clothes from Academy.) Shorts, t-shirts, and tank tops. Track pants.
  5. Honestly, I would specify colors of shirts and colors of pants or knee-length skirts/shorts and be done. The rest is not your business.
  6. Usborne Beginner books? Like this: Egyptians: https://www.amazon.com/Egyptians-Usborne-Beginners-Stephanie-Turnbull/dp/079450681X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1469477544&sr=8-1&keywords=usborne+egyptians Ancient Greeks: https://www.amazon.com/Ancient-Greeks-Beginners-Stephanie-Turnbull/dp/0746074859/ref=pd_sim_14_2?ie=UTF8&dpID=61rgWAEQ68L&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL320_SR236%2C320_&psc=1&refRID=N0HA94AW5DYCJJP7NAPW Usborne First Encyclopedia of History? https://www.amazon.com/First-Encyclopedia-History-Usborne/dp/1409522431/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1469477635&sr=1-1&keywords=first+encyclopedia+of+history Graphic Novels by Capstone Press? Like this: Mystery of Roanoke Colony: https://www.amazon.com/Mystery-Roanoke-Colony-Graphic-History/dp/0736864946/ref=sr_1_4?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1469477666&sr=1-4&keywords=graphic+capstone+press Or Chester Comix? Like this: The Civil War https://www.amazon.com/Civil-Vol-Chester-Comix-Content/dp/1933122056/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1469477717&sr=1-3&keywords=chester+comix
  7. Never did something like that. Don't particularly like it. If I were teaching Government this year (actually, I am but at home), I would do stuff on the election. Like pick some issues that are important to you and research what each candidate's stance is on them. Discuss the electoral college with a big map. Mark it the day after the election and discuss. HTH!
  8. White board. And if you want a really huge one that doesn't cost much, get white tile board from Lowe's or Home Depot. I think they are less than $15 for 4x8 feet. I have two.
  9. I'm just going to throw this out there... if I have more than one cup of coffee, I start worrying about silly things like that, too. One time I was worried about my husband getting mad about something stupid. It was the silliest thing, I can't even remember, and my husband almost never gets mad. It was so ridiculous. I even remember thinking it was ridiculous and worrying anyway. So my vote is... maybe too much caffeine?
  10. Separate math programs. Maybe CLE for one and Saxon for the other? Although, personally, I'm a Mathusee fan and a Singapore Math fan, so I'd pick one of those for your ADHD child. The other kid can do Saxon or CLE.
  11. The Proposal Two Weeks Notice You've Got Mail Desk Set
  12. It will be interesting to hear your dd's perspective on all this. I do have to wonder what the adults aren't saying. Because it does sound so ridiculous. Is this a passive aggressive thing where they tell you stuff but what they really mean is something else? Or are they really just nuts? Inquiring minds want to know. And ((hugs)) what a pain in the neck.
  13. Welcome to Texas! I am in Corpus Christi. I'm guessing you're not coming here since you say the market is HOT (although admittedly I have not been house shopping lately). Take heart, that 9th grade Texas thing varies widely by district. You'll probably be fine. Texans are a friendly group. I think you'll like us. Best of luck with everything!
  14. No. My neighborhood is riddled with sex offenders. Our part of town also has a high homeless population who tend to not respect boundaries, be mentally ill, and often drug addicts of some sort. We drive our dd, and soon she will drive herself. Plus we are more of a suburb, which is not set up much for walking. And we live right by the highway. Heck, our mall bathroom isn't safe. There are human drug trafficking rings around. Even our Target bathroom has had child molesters around it. You all must live in much nicer places than me. And I live in a nice place, actually. With its fair share of scum.
  15. Please keep her home. It sounds like she is still sick, and it would be nice to not contaminate others. Plus, no one at VBS wants anyone vomiting there. While VBS is fun, it's a hard day for even healthy kids. It's long and tiring and frequently hot. It's go go go, and not easy for someone under the weather.
  16. Corn on the cob, except that you are having cornbread. I don't have a texas bbq beans recipe, I don't think. I kind of did a baked beans-ish recipe this year. I soaked some great northern beans overnight. Next day, dumped the water and add fresh water and cooked them in the crockpot with a couple green onions and one chopped up slice of ham lunchmeat. Took about 6 hours. Dumped the water. Stirred in a bunch of Grandma's Molasses, ketchup, and brown sugar. Popped in fridge overnight. Baked the next day at 350 for half an hour ish. I got compliments. It wasn't Bush's, but it was good. Cole slaw is vegetable-y. Watermelon would be yummy.
  17. I'm not super-techy so I'm not positive, but I believe Ting uses somebody's network, like Sprint or Verizon, for phone calls and texts. We don't need to be around wifi to make phone calls or send texts.
  18. I agree that addressing the bullying needs to take priority. It is NOT OKAY to treat your family worse than you would treat a stranger. That said, your history-lover 14 year old might like the Pacworks sciences. (In high school, science is not optional. Check likely colleges, but he'll probably need 3 to 4 sciences with labs.) They take more of a story approach. Here is a sample of Biology: http://www.timberdoodle.com/Principles_Theories_Precepts_of_Biology_p/570-biology.htm The timberdoodle website also pairs that with a Biology 101 DVD. That might work for you. (For out of the box stuff, I like to check what Timberdoodle offers. They have some neat stuff.) Your history lover might also like the science offerings at Guesthollow: http://www.guesthollow.com/homeschool/curriculum.html#science
  19. Ting works fine for us. We pay about $40 a month for three iphones. (We bought our iphones off of ebay.) My hubby can get internet all the time, my dd and I have to turn on data, I believe, if there's no free wifi. Talking and texting is no problem. We switched to Ting when ptel went away.
  20. Yes, it's worth it. My 15 year old daughter is a better person than I am. Better character, kinder, knows more history, responds to nastiness with silence or kindness. I did that. And she's a nontraditional learner, so regular school doesn't so much agree with her personality and learning style. I give her nontraditional learning style the worth and value it deserves. It's absolutely worth it.
  21. Ignore it. Give her nothing. Return the gift you had bought for the shower you weren't invited to.
  22. Wait... I thought Expo was the good brand. There's a better brand? Do tell!
  23. Cute composition notebooks (we are lefties) with coordinating folders and binders. Sadly, I think that is it. We still have plenty of highlighters and dry erase markers and pencils.
  24. 9th grade: Algebra: Horizons Algebra 1st semester. Mathusee Algebra 2nd semester. English 9: Seton High School Grammar. Seton Composition. Memoria Press Greek Myths and Trojan War. Ancient World History (HoAW 1st semester. Human Odyssey 2nd semester.) Biology (Hoagland textbook) French 1 (So You Really Want to Learn French 1) Health (Abeka Health from a Christian Perspective) Drama 9 (based on puppeteer hours) Driver's Ed 10th grade: Algebra: Keep working on Mathusee Algebra Geometry: Lifepac English 10: Abeka Grammar & Composition, Abeka Vocab, Abeka English Lit Vol. 1, misc. medieval and early ren. lit World History 500-1500 using Human Odyssey Paleontology American Government French 2 (So You Really Want to Learn French 2) Art History
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