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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. I would read the Narnia books aloud to ds9 and then we would do the activities together. With dd11, if she does SL Core F, I would read aloud the history and read-aloud books and she would do the rest on her own, but I would be available to help her with research and projects.
  2. Thank you. That is what I'm thinking, too. I am leaning toward using Core F with dd11 and FUFI with ds9.
  3. My dd11 wants to go ahead with Sonlight Core F. My question is whether or not ds9 should do Core F with her or do the Further Up and Further In unit study (found here: http://www.cadroncreek.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Category_Code=Narnia). I have the materials to do both (thanks to some great deals on used items), so the cost is not an issue. I had originally planned to do Further Up and Further In with both dc this year because I wanted to wait until ds9 was older before doing Core F, but my dd11 has her heart set on doing Core F this year. My ds9 will be happy either way--he says he "can't choose.";) So, what would you do?
  4. Well, I just finished reading all the books in the Twilight series...;)yep, I finally caved. Currently I'm reading http://www.amazon.com/The-Connected-Family-smorgasbord-practical/dp/1582294321. I'm still in search of another good "fluff" series. Any suggestions?
  5. I almost always wear makeup when I leave the house. If I don't, people think I'm sick b/c I'm really pale without it.
  6. Could attachment disorders suddenly be an issue after a child has been home for two years? Especially when the child showed no problems in this area previously? Also posted in Special Needs b/c this question is about my youngest, who is special needs.
  7. Could attachment disorders suddenly be an issue after a child has been home for two years? Especially when the child showed no problems in this area previously? Asking here, too, because said child also has special needs.
  8. I use good old Noxzema. I've used it since I was a teenager. I also have oily, sensitive skin, and it works great for me.
  9. This thread has some great ideas. We are taking the next two weeks and doing interest-led learning. It started as a necessity b/c my oldest is home from his deployment (praise God) and is getting married the first weekend in June. Also, my youngest (special needs) is going through a rough patch right now. What's surprised me, though, is how peaceful our days have been and how much my children have learned in a non-formal way! To help get things started, I had my children list several topics they were interested in studying, and then I got books, websites, and materials together to help them in their pursuits. It's amazing what I discovered at Goodwill and at the library, and of course online as well. I have a few blog posts about it: http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2012/05/homeschooling-week-of-april-30.html http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2012/05/learning-as-special-needs-family.html http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2012/05/great-week.html http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2012/05/books-books-and-more-books-plus.html My children are so enthused, and they are coming up with their own projects and telling me and dh about all the things they're learning. If I wasn't such a Type A, I'd probably be a radical unschooler!:lol: Also, another thing I did was order some fun math books from Paperback Swap. When I receive them, I'll blog about what we do...one involves food, so I know it'll be a hit with ds9.:D ETA: I am currently reading The Connected Family. I discussed it one of the blog posts I linked. I am really enjoying it. It contains some great advice and practical strategies to use in strengthening and building up your family. Next I'm going to read Siblings without Rivalry. Both books are Goodwill finds!
  10. :lol: Nice try! Sounds like my kids when they can't find a sharpened pencil.
  11. We add on cooking projects, art & crafts, and drama (acting out historical events.)
  12. We do not have a definite autism diagnosis yet, but we are fairly certain that our dd4 is on the spectrum. She is also visually impaired and has other developmental delays as well.
  13. Anyone done this? The weeklong event in Massachusetts? Talk to me. http://www.autismtreatmentcenter.org/
  14. I'm an odd one, but I really like Lydia Siobhan. I think it's a beautiful name. Of course I am part Irish!:)
  15. I haven't used these, but I think they look wonderful: http://www.queenhomeschool.com/productpages/Discovering%20Nature%20Series/discoveringnatureseries2.html
  16. Sonlight. And they will.:) We did Core D+E this year and we'll do Core F next year. We also use Sonlight science, which they love as well.
  17. :) Thank you for sharing! Tell your son "great job."
  18. I voted for "Who eats sauerkraut anyway." Yuck!!! Seriously, when I was a little kid, I actually thought it was called "sour cr@p.":tongue_smilie:
  19. I am unschooling my youngest (special needs.) I am currently reading quite a lot about it, and I am intrigued by the thought of unschooling my older children--but have NOT made that leap yet. I highly recommend this book: http://www.amazon.com/The-Unschooling-Handbook-Childs-Classroom/dp/0761512764 I've also been reading a lot on Sandra Dodd's website. Here are a few other helpful sites: http://joyfullyrejoycing.com/ http://www.naturalchild.org/articles/learning.html
  20. I am currently using Core D+E with a (just turned) nine-year-old and an eleven-year old. While we are enjoying it, I would have preferred to use Core D one year & then Core E the next. I feel that it would have been better to move through things more slowly instead of jamming it all into one year. I'll be using Core F this upcoming school year, but we're stretching it into a two-year program & I'm adding in/substituting books for my younger child.
  21. I've used these ideas with my dd4: http://www.sensory-processing-disorder.com/fine-motor-skills-activities-for-children.html
  22. :grouphug: It sounds like you're doing a great job. I recently made the decision to unschool my youngest child (special needs.) Since I backed off & let her lead the way, I am already seeing her blossom! Also, she does have an iPad & she really enjoys it. I just sit down & turn it on & when she hears a favorite app, she comes running!:)
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