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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. I use blogspot and I like it. My blog address is in my signature.:)
  2. :iagree: These are my thoughts as well. Truly it sounds like the ramblings of a madman. What is the big focus on laughter all about? And why in the world does he mention cackling chickens? A child is dead, and this man shows neither pity nor remorse for his hand in it. I'm a Christian, and I don't see how Mr. Pearl can justify his methods biblically. It's sad and sickening.
  3. Those of you who tried and disliked WP Children Around the World....could you go into more details about why? I've already got it on my bookshelf and will be using it this fall. It looks wonderful, but now I'm worried. Thanks for any input you can give.
  4. Weaver-too much planning and research on my part Sonlight-too much reading for my dc, plus no hands-on activities You guys are making me nervous about WP Children Around the World. I've already got it sitting on my bookshelf and we're going to start it this fall.:001_huh:
  5. I tweak everything. I just can't follow anyone else's schedule exactly. I'm too rebellious, I guess.:tongue_smilie:
  6. :001_huh:Why do I keep getting kicked off the internet when I try to upload pictures from my computer to Facebook or to my blog? I've never had this problem before. Thanks!
  7. We're leaving for China in just a few days to get our baby girl!!!! We know that she has institutional delays and we're looking for some great books and websites with some specific games/activities/etc. for us to do with her. I know some of you ladies can help me. Thanks!
  8. Praise God!!! We'll be headed to China in about 2 weeks. We're going to be with our daughter for Christmas...what a wonderful gift!:hurray:
  9. Happy Birthday!:D I hope you continue to have a great day.
  10. We wear our pajamas.:) It's so nice to cuddle on the couch and read and be comfy. IMO it's one of the perks of homeschooling.;) Our pajamas are really cute ones, so that helps!:D We do get dressed before leaving the house, though......absolutely NO grocery shopping or library trips until we're all dressed in "real" clothes.
  11. That is heartbreaking. I don't have a PayPal account. Is there another way to make a donation?
  12. I cry over books ALL THE TIME!:lol: My dc think it's so funny..."oh, mama is crying again." I've cried on Charlotte's Web, All Those Secrets of the World, Who Owns the Sun?, and sometimes during our Bible reading, too. That's just to name a few! I am a very emotional person anyway, so it's common for me to cry--when I'm sad, when I'm happy, when I'm thanking God for the incredible love He has for me and for the blessings that He' so overwhelmingly poured on me.:) So, as you can see, I'm just naturally a crier.
  13. I'm a cryer & I highly recommend Almay Waterproof Mascara.:)
  14. Thank you, everyone. It's so nice to share happy news.:)
  15. It looks like we'll be traveling to China some time b/w Thanksgiving and Christmas to get our baby girl.:D My church is giving us a "family" baby shower in a couple of weeks-they're such a blessing to us. They want to include my dh and our dc, since we've all been involved in this process together.:) So it looks like we'll have a very merry Christmas around here!
  16. :DThat's great! I'm using PP with my ds6 & we're seeing some nice results as well.
  17. Thanks, ladies. I think we'll go with BF.:D I appreciate all of the responses. It's nice to hear that it's an enjoyable program. And the price is definitely nice!
  18. I'm planning ahead here, so please bear with me. Currently we're using and LOVING Five in a Row. We'll be using this for one more year, and then we'll use Winter Promise Children Around the World. I already purchased it, and we're really excited about using it, too.:) I was able to get most of the package used for a very good price. Now, on to the years after that....WP is very pricey, and I know I can't afford it unless I find a really great bargain again. So...I've been looking at Beautiful Feet. I already own several of the necessary books listed in their packages, and they will deduct that price. Yay!!!:D I like the looks of Beautiful Feet, but I'd really like to hear from those of you who have used it-both pros and cons. Thanks!
  19. My dd will be 9 in Dec. and we are using 5/4. I do plan to stretch this out for more than one school year. I don't want to push her too quickly, so I've come to the decision to move a little slower this year.
  20. Check this site: http://www.homeschoolshare.com/
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