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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. :iagree: Also, isn't this thread supposed to be about Pres. Obama's speech to students? Just wondering, because there seems to be a lot of Bush bashing. It's not really on topic..................
  2. Yep, but were these broadcast directly to and/or targeted towards elementary-age children?
  3. :iagree: I think this is unusual, to say the least. Honestly, I don't like it.:glare:
  4. :D Thanks for sharing. I love all the new stuff. I'll bet it made the first day extra fun!
  5. I'm in AL, and I've been wanting a mastiff for a while. Of course, we already have one dog-a lab/border collie mix, and dh said no more dogs....so I guess I have to pass.
  6. We just started our 4th year of homeschooling here, and we love it. Yep, we have bad days, but actually most are great! Just remember that it's okay to have the not-so-great days, and I'm sure you'll keep loving homeschooling!:D
  7. I saw their updated website yesterday. I really like the looks of it.:D
  8. :hurray: That's a great way of handling things. I know what to do from now on when this happens. Love it!:D
  9. Fresh Peach Pie (my dh's favorite dessert) ~8 peaches 1 pkg. peach Jell-o 1 pkg. Cook & Serve Vanilla Pudding (NOT instant) 1 c. water 1 graham cracker pie crust Redi Whip-optional Combine water and pkgs. of Jell-O & pudding and heat on medium on stove top until sauce thickens. Set aside and let cool slightly. Peel and slice peaches and add them to the sauce. Pour into pie crust. Put in fridge and cool. Serve with Redi Whip.
  10. I believe that a true Christian believes in a literal interpretation of the Bible. Jesus is The Word made flesh, so I don't see how someone who claims to be a believer in Christ could pick and choose what they believe from Scripture and what they don't believe. I believe in a literal 6-day creation, in a literal great flood, and that a big fish swallowed Jonah and spit him out 3 days later.
  11. We're using Five in a Row and loving it!:D Also, I'm using a modified workbox system, which has really helped me to organize activities for each day.
  12. :grouphug: Well, your MIL sounds very much like mine, and I have to say that I applaud your dh for taking a stand.
  13. Check out this link: http://www.homebasics.ca/viewarticle.asp?articleid=1386 We've done this before, and it's really cool. The kiddos loved it!:D
  14. I'm currently using FIAR with my dd8 and ds6. All I add to it right now is Saxon Math, Phonics Pathways, Primary Language Lessons, Draw Write Now, and a couple of the Trip Around the World books for extra culture and geography activities. After Christmas I'll add Cheerful Cursive and Prima Latina for dd8.:) Also, I pick and choose ideas from this site: http://www.homeschoolshare.com/ It has lots of go-alongs for FIAR. Hope that helps!;)
  15. We had Hawaiin Bacon Pizza last night, and it was a hit!:D Some other favorites are Taco Cornbread Bake, Apple Baked French Toast, Tator Casserole, and Tortilla Casserole-just to name a few.;)
  16. I use the low fat Wal Mart plan, and I have one picky eater. My picky eater likes almost all of the meals-so far. :001_smile:
  17. :iagree: I use the Low Fat Wal Mart plan, and it's great. I love never having to worry about what's for dinner....one less thing in the busy day of a homeschooling mom.;)
  18. I disagree. It doesn't matter when her MIL grew up. This is today & these are Jujsky's children. I wouldn't let anyone who didn't respect my parental authority watch my children. BTW, a child can drown in less than one minute.
  19. Wow, tough situation. You might remember that I've mentioned before on HSR that our MIL's are very similar. In your situation, I would not want my MIL watching my children, either. IMO, she not only undermined your parental authority, but she endangered your children. I know your dh doesn't want to rock the boat, but I believe it's warranted in this situation. I wish I had some really profound advice for you, but this is all I've got now.:grouphug:
  20. :DAmen! Thanks for sharing the joys of your homeschooling.:D
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