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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. :grouphug: I feel your pain. I take Imitrex, which works beautifully for me; however, the problem is I'm allowed only 9 per month. So, when I'm running low, it's bad!
  2. Thank you for the update. I've been praying for these families.
  3. Here are a couple of links (the first few are my blog) http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2009/09/and-more-of-how-to-make-apple-pie.html http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2009/09/how-to-make-apple-pie-and-see-world.html http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2009/09/more-of-how-to-make-apple-pie.html http://www.teachingheart.net/appleunit.html ETA: We read this book: How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World
  4. I'm on Day 5 of Phase 1 now. I was cranky for the first 3 days, but I felt good yesterday, and today I feel GREAT. I have so much more energy now than I did when I was eating those bad carbs.;) It's not that hard, REALLY-I PROMISE:D, and this strict phase only lasts two weeks. Then you can add in good fruits and grains. Even in Phase 1, you get three meals, plus two snacks, and a dessert. Here's what I ate today: bkfst.-cranberry flavored water (no calories), hard-boiled egg, two slices of turkey bacon, coffee; morning snack-two pieces of light string cheese; lunch-water, salad (lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, light cheddar cheese, & hard-boiled egg with balsamic vinagrette dressing); afternoon snack-celery with natural peanut butter, coffee; dinner-water, baked & seasoned fish, broccoli and cauliflower; dessert-ricotta cheese with pkt. of sugar subst. and vanilla extract. Of course I drink lots of water all day, too. I've always been pretty good about drinking my water. After 5 days, my stomach is visibly smaller.:D I do exercise regularly, too, so I know that helps as well. I'm really liking South Beach so far.
  5. I LOVED The Cosby Show as a child. I still watch it on satellite-I forgot which channel airs the old shows. My dc love it, too. I really miss shows like this.
  6. Agreeing with Impish and Dayle. When one of my children is treating another in the ways that you described, then the "offender" must be the servant of the one he/she's been tormenting for a day.
  7. I don't regulate it. It's not an issue for my dc. They'll pick cookies and cake some days, and then other days they prefer fruits or veggies and ranch. As long as it's balanced, I don't worry about it.:)
  8. We stayed at Port Orleans Riverside a couple of years ago. It was really nice.:001_smile:
  9. It's A World of Adventure. Here's a link: http://www.learning-adventures.org/ I've never used it personally, but I've looked at it a couple of times.
  10. Yes, I'm so grateful for digital! The CPS should be as vigilant about taking children away from places where there is REAL danger. I used to teach ps, and there were several times I had to report suspected abuse. I can tell you that the abuse was very OBVIOUS, but nothing was ever done about it. :confused: Apparently taking a picture of children in a bathtub (which I hope most children get in at least a few times a week) is worse than beating a child with extension cords or burning them with cigarettes.
  11. :D So glad you found something you love. That's a great feeling!
  12. I love winter here in southern Alabama. It's finally comfortable outside, plus CHRISTMAS!!!:D
  13. Magic Kingdom!!! It's what Disney always meant to me as a child, even though I was 31 years old before I ever actually got to go. It's got Cinderella's castle, the fireworks shows, the Spectro Magic Parade, and all of the wonderful "old" rides. It's absolutely breathtaking, & I cried every time we watched the parades and the fireworks. Magic Kingdom rocks!:D
  14. Thanks, everyone. And thanks for the link, MIch elle. Quick question...I MUST have two cups of coffee a day. I use Splenda or Equal to sweeten, but I also use and love flavored coffee mate. Is coffee okay? How about artificial sweeteners? I'm sure the flavored coffee mate is a no-no, so what can I use as creamer? Thanks!
  15. Thanks. I'm just so tired of not seeing results. I believe I can stick with SB, especially since it appears to give results pretty quickly. I ordered the book from PBS, so I'm hoping to actually start on Monday of next week.
  16. First of all, I'm a Weight Watchers girl, but it's not working for me this time. I exercise regularly (40 min. of cardio + 20 min. of strength training 4 days a week.) Still, no movement on the scales or in inches.:001_huh: I need to lose 30 lbs. I'm 34 years old, and I've been trying to get this weight off for 6 months. I've now realized that I need to try something different, so I'm looking into South Beach. Who here has done it with success? Is it something you can live with forever? How long do you estimate it would take me to lose the 30 lbs.? TIA.
  17. We school year-round & have a 4-day week: M-TH. It works really well for us.
  18. Of all those, I've only seen Pearl Harbor. I can tell you that it's a very moving and sombering experience.
  19. My ds6 just started saying, "Now for the big provence!!!" when he gets ready to show me something he's made, drawn, created, etc. I have no idea what he's trying to say, but it just cracks me up every time. I don't want him to stop saying it, so I haven't asked him what he means.;) He used to say "timbering" for pretending...not sure why.:lol: Also, he used to say, "Here comes the 'phonics' guy" when the Fed Ex deliveryman came to the door. As you can see, he's my most comical child.
  20. :grouphug: I'd feel badly, too. Why not go ahead and plan to do something with another friend some time this week or next? Let your dh know what night you're going & he can plan accordingly.:)
  21. Haven't read all the replies, but I think "December" is actually a lovely name.:001_smile: It's unique & original.
  22. Lots of people in my area have had H1N1. My sister, BIL, and neice had it, and my cousin had it as well. All took Tamiflu and recovered in 2-3 days. It really wasn't bad-praise the Lord! Hope your little one is well soon.
  23. Wow, that is strange. :001_huh: But, hey, I'm a girl with only pierced ears-one hole in each, so what do I know? LOL
  24. :lol: Great videos! Of course my dd8 is sitting here with me, looking like a deer caught in headlights. LOL:tongue_smilie:
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