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Everything posted by Cecropia

  1. I was meaning to reply to this a few days ago, sorry. From the artists you mentioned, maybe see if you like the Bosnian Rainbows. My other suggestion would be a good book light (they make them for Kindles, too).
  2. It's not a free pattern, but I just love this. https://www.lovecrochet.com/us/snow-globe-christmas-ornament-crochet-pattern-by-amy-gaines
  3. Mix it up with a black drawing paper pad and a pack of white lead pencils.
  4. A DeLorme atlas & gazetteer for the state in which you all reside
  5. Now, Michael and Sarah were great lovers of tacos. Sometimes Mom would let them choose any dinner they liked, and you could probably hear the raucous calls for either “Pizza!” or “Tacos!” a block away. In fact, Mom had learnt to keep all their favorite taco fixings well stocked and fresh at all times, because on one occasion she had gotten in big trouble for running out of jalapenos and only the next week the sour cream had gone more sour than it should. What terrible days for Mom! She would do nearly anything to avoid repeating that experience. Just the thought of tacos, walking or stationary, instantly started their mouths salivating. Flying pigs could not compete! Almost with one mind, the siblings grabbed at the small green bag. The cat lurched a step forward from the force of their efforts and made an odd little growling sound, but it did not look back at them. When Sarah successfully held the bag free and aloft, the cat dropped on all fours and scampered away. The oddest thing was that the harness with its remaining bag appeared to no longer be on the cat at all, as if it had disappeared into thin air. “Did you see…?” started Sarah, squinting her eyes at the path the cat had just taken. “I dunno. A magic cat can do anything, right? We have the bag, so we know we’re not dreaming.” They peered down at the little sack in Sarah’s hand. There wasn’t any glitter or shine, only a dingy green cotton fabric pulled shut with a similarly green drawstring. The carabiner and the tag were hanging from the drawstring. Sarah held the tag up for closer examination. “Is that handwriting? It looks weird,” she said softly. The letters swam a little bit before her. Suddenly, she wasn’t sure that she wanted to be the one holding the bag. “I think it looks fine. I can read it, can’t you? C’mon, let’s open it and get the bracelets out.” Michael impatiently fidgeted next to her. “You do it.” Sarah offered him the pouch, hoping he’d take it. Internally she sighed with relief as it left her hands. With a quick maneuver the drawstring was loosened and the gathers outspread. Sarah felt the blackness of the sack’s mysterious interior gaping at them, eerily enormous like a starless night. Michael must not have had the same experience, because he unceremoniously plunged his fingers into the recesses of the fabric and pulled out two simple green braids which had been crudely knotted into circles. With an irresistible compulsion, the children quickly slipped their bracelets over their right wrists. The siblings lifted their eyes to their surroundings, expecting to be in a different world, but instead there was only the familiar front door opening out to the same old front yard. “I guess it wasn’t magic after all,” Sarah offered, hesitantly. She turned to her brother, yet she could not turn, though her body was making the effort to do so. Suddenly, she sensed that she was somewhat lodged in place; her frame was wider, much wider. At that moment, Sarah became aware of the crushing, familiar odor of cumin, paprika, chili powder… “Aagh! Sarah!” Close behind and to the left, she could hear Michael’s voice. “It’s us! WE’RE THE WALKING TACOS!” Okay…. okay. Sarah was almost breathless with shock, but she managed to compose herself somewhat. I have my legs and… Yes, I have my arms; they move sort of normally… that’s good! “Michael, can you move back a little, so I can turn around?” She heard her brother shuffle his feet. With small careful steps, Sarah rotated to face Michael. Now she could grasp the enormity of the situation. The children still had their heads and limbs, but their bodies had been transformed into hard shell tacos at least as wide as she could have stretched her arms before. Not a topping had been forgotten. Honestly, her brother would have looked delicious if she had had a different frame of mind! However, Sarah had a feeling that she would lose her appetite for tacos forever after this fiasco. I'll bet Michael wishes we were soft shelled tacos, because those are his favorite, she thought absurdly. The sound of a car pulling into the driveway caused the children to freeze and stare at each other silently with wide eyes. Mom was home! What were they going to do? They could try to run and escape out the back door (or hide), or they could stay and find out how she would react!
  6. I'd buy the snowman or possibly the map magnets. You can use any paper you want for the magnets. Maybe tailor them more to your customers/community? The pine cones look very labor and time intensive... If your ds likes to draw, how about shrink plastic ornaments? https://whatthecraft.com/how-to-make-christmas-ornament-charms-with-sharpies-and-shrink-plastic/ Another idea: http://thebroodinghen.blogspot.com/2010/06/tiny-bow-arrow.html My kids sell giant rice krispie treats on a stick that have been half-dipped in candy melts with sprinkles at our neighborhood garage sale every year. They make other treats, too, but the rice krispies are most popular and always sell out early.
  7. Ugh, that's not the answer I wanted! If he keeps this up for the next three years, I feel certain that I will experience early hearing loss (if it hasn't started already). Plus it just wears me down and some days I end up a really cranky mom/wife to everyone. It's probably affecting my mental health...!
  8. My 2 year old is a screamer. He screams when he's mad, when he's happy, when we're eating together as a family, you name it. It's been going on for a long time. Perhaps my ears are getting more sensitive or he's pumping up the pitch/volume/duration as he gets older. It is becoming physically painful for my ears, even when I am all the way across the house. These days, I wear heavy ear protection when he starts one of his screamathons. My other kids were not screamers. It's not a behavior I feel I can really control/discourage. I am praying that he will grow out of this soon!
  9. It reminds me of that I Love Lucy episode where Lucy thinks Ricky is trying to kill her. https://www.cbs.com/shows/i_love_lucy/video/1811406564/i-love-lucy-lucy-thinks-ricky-is-trying-to-murder-her/
  10. Limited to flats or a tiny heel, I'd wear a shoe that somewhat matches my skin tone, to make my legs look as long as possible. I'd be wary of horizontal ankle straps, because they visually cut me off at the ankle and appear to shorten my legs. That may just be me, though! I like these because they keep with the floral theme of the dress. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01D5OTEFE/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_U_x_UJXRBbXCZG4VP
  11. We have started week 4. I'm really amazed at how my 9th grader is handling the long days/heavy workload. He is being such a trooper; I just want to squeeze him all of the time! Some of his test grades are coming out lower than we expected, but he is getting an A for effort for sure. My 6th grader is much more on task now that he's working in a separate room from his brother. I'm feeling optimistic that this year will be better than the last one.
  12. Finally, the mystery of "What leaves scattered droppings under our back porch?" has been solved. I had always thought they were from rodents. In spraying up the exterior of the house for insect pests, the exterminator flushed out 8-10 bats which have been roosting in the porch roof (it's a second story porch). They must have been here since we moved into this house. It's not a great surprise, as my son discovered a dead bat in the yard in late spring. I've been reading about the headaches of bat exclusion (work intensive and easy to screw up), professional removal ($$$)... Maybe the best option is to leave them alone. I feel bad that the exterminator sprayed into the roost. Taking care of the guano into the future concerns me. However, it's just a scattering, and we've been living with it for years. We may have to build a catchment for the droppings and/or keep the children away from that part of the yard. My husband, who works in construction, assures me that they can't get into the house from where they are. Twice in my life, I've experienced a bat loose in the living space of the house (not this house) -- I have a net, and I know how to use it! The possibility of it happening again isn't terrifying, but I worry a little about exposing the kids. We'll have to reinforce any holes in the porch screens soon. Do you coexist with bats living in your structure? Would you be able to?
  13. I think warm, fresh applesauce would go really well (and is kind of like a dessert). Agree with bread that has some crust/crunch and a simple green salad.
  14. A set I designed and beaded (hope it's ok that I didn't take this pic today)
  15. Yes, I often don't know how much I've hurt myself until the next morning, and then it takes a number of days to get back to baseline... but I am so grateful that it bounces back every time I do something stupid! I have weakness, too, but I attribute a lot of that to deliberately resting this arm all the time. Best wishes that you have full recovery!
  16. No, I haven't seen any coloration or change in hair growth. The only physical change is that the affected hand is slightly swollen compared to my other hand, but my dr. (a specialist in these injuries) said that's not outside the realm of normal with nerve injury. I don't suffer from pain nearly as much as a few months ago, it's just all these other sensations driving me batty (especially the burning).
  17. I found myself in a similar situation last year, and I was even more limited in dress choices because it had to be nursing-friendly. My dress was nice, but it wasn't anything beyond what a regular wedding attendee would wear. It had a paisley pattern with some honey-colored sections here and there, so I decided to add blingy gold pumps and a similar clutch, gold earrings, an antique gold brooch, and get my hair curled and put into a nice updo. I felt that the accessorizing added a little extra touch to signify being a "special guest." https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01HE9BOXQ/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01I21XLAO/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  18. To play devil's advocate re: the bathroom... in looking up the address on Zillow, the home is a 4 bedroom 4 bath residence. I only see one picture being plastered everywhere of the really awful bathroom. Anyone see other bathrooms? I'd like to think that the remaining three were usable. If they were as shocking as first one, they probably would have made the news photos, considering that the cluttered/messy room pictures were included.
  19. I second a letter or a drawing of appreciation set in a frame.
  20. A whole pork butt roasted in a slow oven for several hours is very soft. Super easy, delicious on its own or with a little (low sodium) BBQ sauce. One of our family staples is ground beef cooked in a pot with a chopped onion and a chopped head of cabbage. This dish also becomes very soft after about an hour. You can use cauliflower that has been "riced" in a food processor instead of cabbage. He might not even figure out that the white stuff is cauliflower and not rice or fine potato hash. Will he eat creamed corn?
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