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Everything posted by Scarlett

  1. Young adults are the worst! I feel the need to call my mom and apologize.
  2. I am listening. I want to have a good relationship with all future DIL, but even girlfriends seem tricky to me.
  3. Yes, exactly. My ds19 can spend a lot of money eating out and going to movies. And he spends a lot of time with his friends. None of them are doing drugs. My dss18 does too, and he is currently not doing his high school course work. He doesn’t want too. I honestly don’t think he would care if he failed completely.
  4. That is what I was thinking. After a couple hours of feeling icky, which was probably mostly in my mind, I felt fine. We had a wonderful evening.
  5. It would be interesting to hear more from the older ones who did see things change. It might offer some insight into the progression of mental illness.. Hopefully some professional somewhere is gathering that info.
  6. Well, kids or anyone really can get themselves in trouble with drugs. It happens. Hopefully, that isn't the case. If this young man were in the beginning of his senior year I would offer different advice. September might be the time to exercise tough love and take away the car and the job until he gets his grades up. But the truth is at this point, 6 weeks away from graduation all that would do is cause a major bad blood between them. Now is the time to point out his options, offer help and then set their own boundaries.
  7. Well it has been 3 hours since I ate the bad food and I think I am going to be ok. I had my son bring me an unsweet tea and that has really helped to settle my stomach. I wouldn't say I feel 100% but I don't feel like I am going to be really sick.
  8. They didn't charge us for anything. I do normally have a strong stomach....but my mind is weak. Ha ha. Meaning I think I am over thinking it.
  9. I am so annoyed. Met my dh for lunch and I ordered a Rueben. I took two bites...and I thought it smelled off. Third bite I spit completely out into a napkin. I had dh smell the sandwich and he agreed it was bad. So they took it away and apologized and asked if I wanted anything else. I asked for a bowl of chili....but I only took about 3 bites of that which was fine, but my stomach was just not feeling like it wanted food by that point. Now I am back at work all worried that I am going to be sick with food poisoning later. Ugh. I have a very important engagement this evening and I can. not. be sick. I wonder how long it will take to show up if it is going to make me sick?
  10. This story is so horrific. I keep hoping to read some explanation as to why they did it.
  11. This is a great idea. If he doesn't do the Khan Academy and master it then it might not even be a good idea to try it again in the fall. What is his major? Maybe another math might be better for him.
  12. I feel your pain. Ds19 had pre-cal (A & B for 5 credits) and Cal this semester for 4 credits. He has had to work his butt off and I've been super proud that he has finally learned to study. And yes parenting young adults is so difficult. My least favorite so far. 😉
  13. How well I remember my mom saying, 'you are not the sun and the world doesn't revolve around you.'
  14. This is not our practice at all. Not saying we would refuse to pray for some one if asked, but not random strangers that we haven't established a relationship with.
  15. ITA and I don't know how long this young man has had his own car and the job, but it just changes everything for teens when they get that taste of freedom and independence. Also, there is a chance he will fail and also not want to do summer school. So then he might go to the trade school (I think I read up thread there is a path to GED with that trade school) Or he may decide he doesn't even want to do that. In which case the next step is full time work and a plan to become independent with that full time job. I think it is really hard for parents to face that things they always thought would just naturally happen indeed will not be happening. That doesn't mean his life is doomed. There are many paths to happy lives.
  16. Ha. See this is how I wanted to answer but everyone else was so understanding about her I thought I might be way off base. I do know ds19 hates to give up his room, and he is cranky about it to me but not really unkind. I do try to thank him for giving up his room and do what I can to make it easier on him. (I wash all the bedding for him after they leave and make sure nothing gross was left behind in his room)
  17. I have had it happen once and I was so shocked I was speechless. After that I rehearsed a polite 'no thank you' in case it ever happens again. I find it so so creepy and intrusive.
  18. With those ages you will get a lot of use out of it. I love, love love our pool. When we moved here the boys were 11 and 12 and they loved it too. Now at 18 and 19 they never get in it unless maybe a friend is over. Dh and I (especially I) still get a lot of use out of it.
  19. My dss18 is not doing his high school course work either. He has been working a lot the last week, but I knew his work would pick up this spring...he had months in the late fall and winter where he often only worked 1 day a week. I begged him to get his course work done then. Now he is leaving for work at 4:30 p.m. and getting home at 12:30 or 1:00 a.m. and having to get up the next morning and leave for Vo-tech at 7:30. He did that 4 nights this week. He is just over high school. Dh had a talk with him this morning and repeated how important it is to get the work done ---he said dss18 was high annoyed.
  20. The other day I answered a call and as I was answering I saw ‘probable scam ‘ scroll on the caller ID. I could hear my boss and a co worker laughing out loud in the next room. It was a scam btw.
  21. I get this at work about 5 times a day
  22. Funny so many are thinking drug use and I am just thinking he is done and ready to move on. I would have to know more though...like does he have a real plan or does he think he is just going to work 20 hours a week and live at home.
  23. A lot of times the only thing that gets some seniors through is wanting to graduate with their friends and/or not embarrass themselves. Does he care anything about that?
  24. Exactly. My ds18 is exactly like this. He knows what he wants to do...British Literature is a huge waste of his time at this point.
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