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Everything posted by krisperry

  1. http://donnayoung.org/forms/planners/unitstudy.htm
  2. I've not used it but NCLearn has an online Mandarin Chinese textbook: http://www.learnnc.org/lp/pages/6427
  3. Paths of Exploration MEP2 & Miquon Pentime 2 Apples & Pears Spelling Dancing Bears Reading Sonlight Readers 2 Atelier Art Level 1 Music Ace
  4. there is no theft. You are basically purchasing the ability to have unlimited popcorn and drink during your movie. What you do with it is up to you. I disagree that is theft. If there is a NO share policy then I would agree. If there is a limit to refills and you are sending different people out to disguise the fact that it is the same bag - it is theft. I would definitely agree that it is frugal. As would my husband who is both a lawyer and whom I met working concessions at a movie theater! When I read him the posts, he considered himself an expert in this area lol! :lol:
  5. I'm so there too.... Sometimes, I want to run straight out my front door and down the street, screaming like a lunatic. :D
  6. #1 - Birth Control Pill baby (taken as you are supposed to) #2 - planned #3 - planned #4 - Natural Family Planning + Birth Control #5 - Tandem nursing, never had a period + monitoring my temps #6 - Copper IUD Baby (iud still in place properly....) So if it were me, heck yeah I would test. Odds don't mean a whole lot to me at this point :lol: FTR, I got my tubes tied after this last one. If that fails, I give up :tongue_smilie:
  7. I would back up and go slower. Take 1 week and only do the morning chores and that is it for the day. Then add the afternoon, and then the evening. I would only put on the chores that you really DO care about. So maybe drop the bed being made one. She will remember to check the board if you tie it to what activities she most enjoys. For us, it is screen time. TV, computer.... If my kids enjoyed me reading aloud though, I'd probably pick that. Because a work ethic is more important imo. After you slowly introduce the chores and tie it to her most loved activities, I think you will see a difference. Also, a HUGE incentive is the next step where they get paid for the "extra" chores. Cause my kids are all about making a buck or two! They will fly through their chores for the day to get to the "extra" ones (no payment if you don't get ALL your regular chores done). Lastly, I made our first date card by hand so that it didn't take so long to earn. Once they got an individual date with me, they were much more willing to work longer and harder for the next. My kids love our individual dates :001_smile: Good luck!
  8. Health Current Events Music Physics Algebra Computer Programming Logic Art Writing (Novel) Spelling Grammar History Literature Geography Greek Co-op Enrichment Classes
  9. I'm an avid Croc fan and have been looking at them for myself. I haven't decided for sure yet but I'll probably go with the Blitzen Corduroy. My reasoning is that I think they would be easier to spot clean. An additional bonus - they look "sleeker" than the others.
  10. My boys (2nd and 4th) were studying the remora (a fish known as the suckerfish, it is the one you see on sharks). The boys were to draw a picture and then my 4th grader was to write a short paragraph. My 2nd grader was assigned one sentence. Guess what my 2nd grader wrote: Remora *pic* It sucks. :lol::mad: The boys were hysterical. My 2nd grader fancied himself the king of wit. Of course, I made him write a "real" sentence and he came up with this: The remora can be used as a tool to catch other fish or turtles. Still, the first sentence... well, it was funny! :lol:
  11. Finger Paints Use Finger Paint paper. For paint, use chocolate pudding. Make Chocolate Scented Play Dough http://www.theideabox.com/Chocolate_Scented_Playdough.html Candy Bar Cake http://www.norfolkflorist.com/candy-bar-cake/ Scroll down and check out the cupcakes - chocolate w/ Hersey Bar's on Top: http://cupcakestakethecake.blogspot.com/2009/07/cookie-monster-rocky-road-and-tennis.html Other Chocolate Party Ideas http://www.birthdaypartyideas.com/html/chocolate_parties_8.html - Love the apron idea in this one Also, what about chocolate ice-cream? You could do an ice-cream bar with all the topping and syrups and let the kids make their own sundaes.
  12. Thanks! I did find this link: http://grahamscience.googlepages.com/writingscientificlabreports Particularly on the sidebar, I found some good resources. Thank you for taking the time to post links and upload the picture. It was helpful to see.
  13. My daughter has not written a formal lab report yet. She is in 7th grade this year and I would like her to take her lab notes and turn them into a formal report. I'm looking for a good resource to teach this. Most of what I've seen is way more complicated than she needs (high school and college level reports). It has been awhile since I've done them myself. I have found a couple of good general guides. I would love to find a good sample report though written on a middle school level so she knows what it should look like. Thanks!
  14. How about 6 inches of rain? Not me, but my mom did and she is only a couple of hours away. Crazy!
  15. My son was in speech for a year and could never produce an r sound, even in isolation. Much less at the beginning, middle, or end. He spontaneously began saying the r a few weeks ago. He will be 8 soon. So younger than your son but our speech person thought he might never get it at all given he made very, very minimal progress after weekly visits + homework. The curriculum that I've seen for the home use is this one: Super Star R & L
  16. Flops: Easy Grammar FLL Sonlight LA 4 Ok: WWE Meaningful Composition Sonlight LA K HWOT Good: Rod & Staff (prefer CLE) CLE (will use this again, full grammar every other year) Wordsmith Apprentice (will likely use again) Igniting Your Writing (will use again) Caesar's English (will use again) Hits: Sonlight Readers - all levels MCT Town Series Grammar with a Giggle Over the Moon - Sonlight Readers - 6 MCT Poetry One Year Adventure Novel
  17. My daughter would love to :001_smile: She is also 12 and in the 7th grade.
  18. They are our only option too. We have a rough time getting things going - does anyone know what to do? Seems like each person only knew 1 thing.... Anyhow, been here for almost a year now and once we had the initial kinks ironed out, the service has been ok. Much more $$$ than we were paying before though for roughly the same stuff :glare:
  19. I skip the first book - which is review Here is how I filed CLE http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=196972
  20. For Phonetic Zoo, I'd make a sheet with this at the top: List# _______________________ Try#_______________________ Then provide spaces for the words. At the bottom, I'd put: Missed Some - (check box) then beside it No. Missed _______ All Correct - First Try (check box) All Correct - Second Try (check box) I would put one of these sheets in for each day.
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