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Everything posted by krisperry

  1. To the original poster... be thankful that it is only $700. $800/month was what I was quoted last month to cover JUST ME! And that is with a 2 year rider. So basically I pay $800 a month for two years before they start covering anything.... Yes, I have some health issues. Do I think it is irresponsible not to have health insurance? Yes. Can I afford what has been quoted to me? Not a chance. I am applying for the High Risk State Plan. That will still cost me $450/month. My husband and children are all insured.
  2. You were absolutely right. She placed into Book B Level 41. Thank you :)
  3. Oh wow! I totally missed that PDF file. Thank you.
  4. I would like to try Apples & Pears next year for spelling. Could you please help me with my daughter's placement. She is 12. Spelling is by far and away her most difficult subject. Level B Placement Level Results: misspelled 3 words 1. shoot - shot 2. crossed - crossted 3. wrongly - wrongely Correctly spelled: glasses, playing, sweeper, quiz, deserve, cleaner, reported, fearless, father, quickly, boxes, please, would, flying, better, mislead, done Level C Placement Level Results: misspelled 3 words 1. uncle - uncel 2. argued - aruged 3. stretcher - streacher Correctly spelled: changing, spare, kettle, hiding, around, ruler, pencils, world, hundred, watch, does, money, people, switched, loading, destroyer, whole She was dubious about whether or not these are hard enough programs. So, I dictated a couple of the sentences from the back of Level D's book. After that she was convinced that the program was not too easy :glare: Here is what the results were. 1. You must be highly motivated if you want to be successful. You must be highly motivative if you want to be suese? 2. The planning officials consistently refused to approve the scheme. The planing officels constinly refused to aprove the sceam. What level would you place her in? Thanks!
  5. I thought the same thing. I hope this is not the case as well.
  6. Check out Diaper Pin for reviews of various cloth diapers: http://www.diaperpin.com/diapers/diaperpages.asp
  7. http://www.pandiapress.com/history_odyssey.htm You can try before you buy I prefer to use Sonlight secularly - there is a Yahoo group for that.
  8. Bit of a variation on traditional Biology but you could do this which is a cross between physics and environmental science: http://www.winterpromise.com/sizzle_solve_survive.html
  9. This is coming out in August: http://classicaleducationresources.com/product.sc?productId=33&categoryId=6
  10. I used Sonlight Science 1 this year. Easy-peasy to make secular. Just the dinosaur book had to go. Since we had covered dinosaurs already, I basically skipped that week (maybe two weeks) and let them do more nature studies. There is a secular sonlight yahoo group ;)
  11. Audible has 6 of the read-alouds for core 6. That would leave you with 6 to read - much easier than 12!
  12. Anyone ever used this? http://www.the-simple-homeschool.com/simple-schooling-physics.html Opinions?
  13. http://classicaleducationresources.com/main.sc I can't wait to see sample of this. Anyone else waiting impatiently?
  14. My daughter completed CLE 6 this year for Grammar. She did not do the spelling portion. The MCT threads got the best of me earlier this year and I ordered the Paragraph set. My daughter has enjoyed them immensely even though most of it was review. She has requested (begged is more like it) that we continue with MCT next year. I want to eliminate redundancy. CLE has worked so well for grammar but if it isn't necessary for her to do it, then by all means, I don't want to. I am thinking that this will be sufficient for grammar for 7th: MCT - Voyage Practice - 4 part sentence analysis Giggles in the Middle Any reason why these two together wouldn't be enough? Our spelling, writing, and penmanship are separate. Thoughts? My tentative plan was 1 sentence from MCT + 1 caught-ya per day. That seems TONS lighter than CLE's 4ish pages per day so I'm second guessing myself.
  15. I did order it from the website. It is more expensive for just 1 child but I found it worth it. The TE will come with it. :)
  16. This will work - Current Health 1 (4th-7th grade) http://www.weeklyreader.com/pubstore/pc-12-3-current-healthreg-1.aspx My daughter received this for 6th grade Health. There was no sex ed in it. I'm ordering Current Health 2 (7th-12th grades) for her for 7th grade. There is an optional Human Sexuality Newsletter for this one so I'm guessing that the regular magazine is devoid of sexuality as well but I'm not positive since we have not ordered it yet. She really enjoyed getting the magazine. I was pleased with the different subjects that it covered. Health was easy-peasy. I just glanced through the magazine when I got it and put it with her schoolwork. She would pick it up and read it without prompting generally. Then I'd ask her some questions and we would discuss. Simple simple.
  17. http://www.jason.org/public/whatis/start.aspx Middle School
  18. I'm planning on using the OYAN next year for my 7th grader (also doing CLE): http://www.oneyearnovel.com/about.html CLE has their research paper books sold separately: http://www.clp.org/product/research_paper_i_1635 (same as 507 so your 5th grader might already be doing this this year) http://www.clp.org/product/research_paper_ii_1636 (I plan on my daughter doing this one as well this coming year)
  19. Movies I've seen a gazillion but not necessarily b/c I like them. Wedding Crashers Shawshank Redemption - do love this one Karate Kid Die Hard series
  20. THANK YOU! I having been losing my mind tonight trying to find this link. Thank you thank you thank you :)
  21. It has been awhile so bear with me.... I'm looking for a series of books that was recommended here. They were quirky books. I believe one of them worked on listening skills and the kids drew monsters as you described them. There were other books that did similar unique things. I'll KNOW it when I see em but I just can't recall the name of the series (I think that was unique too) and can't find it anywhere in my bookmarks. Any ideas? :confused: Sorry that I"m so vague but I'm have difficulty with recalling specifics - lot of help I am... :tongue_smilie: Can't yall just read my vague mind? :lol:
  22. I use the Start software. My kids have learned with HWOT - the oldest can now read all types of cursive but the cursive newbies have trouble. Therefore, they have trouble translating copywork that is written in a different style. In their CLE books, I re-type all the copywork and make it HWOT style. We practice reading the more traditional. Once they have the reading down, I stop making the separate pages for them. I also re-typed all the copywork for the Draw, Write, Now books and make it cursive. It is a fun way to use the books for olders. I do lots of sheets for the preschool crowd too. The software has been a valuable tool for us.
  23. Wow, I so didn't realize that it teaches paragraphs. Probably not the best fit then. Thanks for the "heads up" She does not have much experience writing essays. This is a big concern to me b/c I feel like she needs to prepare for that as well. I'm glad to hear that OYAN is a thumbs up for 7th grade. That is a huge relief. I just need to figure out how to schedule in another program so that she does at least a few essays during the year. I don't want overkill though - I'd be extremely upset with myself if I smothered her love for writing. Off to look for "lost tools" that was suggested above. Any thoughts on OYAN and LL?
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