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Everything posted by kamom

  1. I came from a very large family and this is how it's done there. (I don't have to now.) The bathrooms each have two or three hampers. One for lights and one for darks and maybe one for jeans. Monday wash the clothes in the light hamper. Tuesday wash the darks. Wednesday the towels and sheets. Thursday the light hamper. Friday the darks again. Saturday can be a free day or towels again. This system really ran very smoothly and trouble free.
  2. Us too. One day I was out grocery shopping with the oldest. He was hungry, as usual, and we stopped at the prepared fast foods, he wanted fried chicken. He was about eight and we spent some time there comparing prices and discussing if we should buy it. We had no idea that someone was clearly listening to us. This man found us on the other end of the grocery store, came over, shook our hands and complimented us, me on my parenting and ds on his behavior. I felt like a failure because I HAD caved in and gotten the chicken he wanted. To this day have no idea what he overheard that seemed so great to him.
  3. My all time favorites are cinnamon/ apple/cranberry/ spicey scents. Harvest moon is one. I am not for florals either. I also like a sea shore one that reminds me of our honeymoon. I don't care for vanilla. I'd love to smell Wood Wicks Fireside. Is it spicey?
  4. Mine were both trained about that age and we are a cloth wearing family. It might be cute in a 2 yr old, but dh worked for a guy, construction at their house, who had a app. 6 yr old who didn't want to wear clothes. NOT funny then.:001_huh::glare: We all wear clothes around here, including the 13 month old.:001_smile:
  5. Did you leave out the frozen or fresh fruit in the smoothies? I add about two cups of frozen fruit, like a tropical blend, or peaches and strawberries. Yummy. Then about a cup of plain or flavored yogurt and a several cups of milk or fruit juice. What kind of salad dressings to you prefer?
  6. :iagree: I save newspaper for that and then get free compost at a place in the nearest town, maybe the dump? Where the 'town' dump the lawn and tree clippings. I have to do very little weeding when I do this. Sometimes I just cover them with grass clippings.
  7. Both my older dc did much better on there on then at lessons. I took them for I think two yrs and they didn't learn how to swim. DS learned on his own, once we got a pool and dd is still working on it. But the lessons just scared her even more. She has a real problem with not wanting her face wet.
  8. back to finish... I am horrible at listening:confused: that makes problems in my marriage, with my dear kiddos and friends. where is the tears face? We don't often eat together as a family. This used to really bother me but I've given up. Dh is often dieting or not around. I do sit down with the kiddos but feel like we're missing out. I grew up in a very strange enviroment/ setting. I won't go into details and most people don't know. I fit in more with much older people then with those my age. weird. One of my very best friends in this area is about my mothers age. :tongue_smilie:
  9. I keep chocolate in the house at all times. I think I can't function well without. I don't iron clothes. We have very few pieces that need it. I just don't buy clothes that need ironing. My storage area looks like a tornado went through. I'm waiting until garage sale time to tackle it. I rarely clean the fridge, it's my worst job and my dh hates a dirty fridge but he won't clean it either. So I try to take something out whenever I put new stuff in. My dd10 saw me clean it last year and very seriously declared 'this is a rare occation!" I hate how much time I waste on here. gotta run....
  10. Same amount as you as you and figured at least 6 ....well, I might get surprise yet :001_smile:
  11. Yes, sexual assault does happen to all types, BUT what we wear DOES have an effect on the opposite sex. As was mentioned before it has an effect that we might not want in some men, this has been proven in surveys. Especially men who have problems in this area.
  12. Well, I think a good place to start studying would be the verses on the fruits of the Spirit. The fruits of the Spirit are love, joy,peace, gentleness.... If you look up all of these 'fruits' seperate you would have a rich, deep study. If these are not flowing from our lives then why and what's hindering them? Have fun!
  13. We like it smothered on waffles instead of butter, in smoothies.
  14. This was our experience with Saxon also and we switshed (back too!) CLE and love it. I have not noticed any Catholic bashing though, are you sure someone wasn't over reacting? We are in 4th and 5th grade by now.
  15. Beth, :grouphug: My Mom had thyroid cancer and her thyroid removed when I was in my teens. I remember the hormonal upheavel, lack of energy and awful chills while they tried to balance her hormones. Is there anyone who could help you? One thing that concerns me in reading your post is the muscle cramps you describe. I don't remember the details but I know that her Dr had her take a balanced calcium/magnisium/potasium/ vit D supplement for it. She took a lot of it. The dr said to take as much as she had to relieve the cramps. I don't know why she needed that after her surgery, but hse still takes up to this day. Another thing that she has told me is that she self medicates. She said if she would take as little of the hormones as the lab results indicate that she needs, she could not even function as a person. She would feel like wanting to lay on the couch all day. So she takes more then they subscribe to feel " normal". She has no functioning thyroid. I will pray for you also!
  16. Have her read this thread. Maybe then the understanding will come.
  17. My mom has a LG Wavefront and it's very hard on clothes. I made the mistake of putting one of my sweathers in it and it came out looking like it had been washed 50 times. That's a top loader without an agitator.
  18. We love Bonnie Jean dresses! We sweet, feminine, and decent prices!
  19. This is very interesting. Their are enough people on here that if someone put up a poll you might solve this one and for all. Since I never have had these holes, I will offer these facts: We don't have pet cats. I don't bleach my countertops. I don't have a granite countertop. I never tuck my shirt into my skirt. (some have front zippers) We do have a front loader. I do wash my bras without a bag, in with the light shirts. I do wear a seatbelt all the time. I wash the jeans with zippers in a seperate load. This leads me to conclude that the holes come from either the combo of harsh chemicals and countertop wear or they snag on the zipper when tucked into the jeans or being washed with the jeans.
  20. I know an older couple who have one right inside at the back door. Kind of like a sun/plant room with a hot tub between the garage and the house.
  21. These are the measurements for my almost 10 yr old dd. I guess it would really depend on your dd's size.
  22. We've built a lot and are working at an addition again. Since dh has been doing it for most his life, I just let him decide on stuff unless I have an opinion. Like I would really like a large window in this certain room etc. I mainly choose the wall colors and we both usually decide on stuff like counter color or floor color.
  23. We're in a 1500 sq ft home. It would work great, very open layout, except for the kids bedrooms are very crowded, have no closets and we have only one bathroom. We are adding on because of that. It sounds like it should work great for you.
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