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Kat w

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Everything posted by Kat w

  1. Honestly, I think there is an element in play here....that my daughter in her mind is thinking. Moms got it. She knows what to do and will do it. She is missing the point of professional early intervention tho she saw it with her brother and how it helped and how essential it was to his development. My daughter is conflicted within herself. I see it and she as much as admits it.
  2. Thanks for that maize. Thst was kind of what I was hoping for too....perspectives from parents who have been there. I have gently talked with her about what GRD has done while with me ( all classic symptoms and my DD knows it) She ignores it. She as well tells me of things she does there, when she does, I recommend intervention . I have thought about checking into their district for services . I'm just so afraid my daughter would get mad. Lime really mad and jerk the GRD from me and put her in reg. Day care. Which she does go to sometimes. Thwy have observed things too. A d told my daughter. I went to pick up GRD from day care one day and the owner came out and gently probed me. I knew where she was going. She said she has told my daughter these things. Ive offered to put my GRD in gymnastics . pay for it and vet her there. I'm going to start my boys in this new gym in Jan. They work with and have alot of SN kids there . My daughter refuses and says. I'm going g to put her in tumbling with her friend. She hasn't done it yet and I've been asking for months. It doesn't help that my GRD asks her mom to live with me. My daughter is ocd and has these...lines in the sand....so against the grain for ASD kids and I don't do thst. I don't battle her or the boys over....watching vidoes on their tablet, w/e small stuff lime that may be. Her mom works alot. I think my GRD just loves the structure and family cohesiveness here. She has boundaries . but. We choose not to fall on our sword over a mess she made etc. Ugh. Jus such a delicate situation.
  3. My granddaughter has classic ASD signs. And my daughter knows it. She even came to me about a year ago and said mom. I think she's aspergers. Which was a huge leap for my perfectionist daughter. O said I agree honey. Let's get her tested. The dialogue died right there. My GRD has since been escalating. I keep her 3-5 days a week. Daughter is a paramedic and Sil a cop, both in school and they have insane schedules. My daughter is sticking her head in the sand ( I've don't it too, did it with her, know the feeling well.) I've tried to give her time to process and start to make the appts. She hasn't. She did HAVE to take her to the eye doc and pediatrician. GRD darts eyes off and checks out while doing it. I personally believe these are seizure. They eue doc just put her in glasses. I've offered to pay for MRI. The right kind of eye doc. ( forget what they are called . we haven't used one but is on the list to get checked after new year) My daughter because she is a paramedic and taking classes to go premed....thinks she knows all things medical and has totally shoved all of this out of her mind. My grandbaby in utero , they told my daughter her head was too small for body and gestational period. My GRD is very bright. But didn't utter a word til she was 3. Shows all the classic ASD signs and honestly in retrospect , I'm not sure my daughter isn't ASD. some of the same exact behavior my daughter had. I think if she admits to hefelf this is the case with her daughter . she must come to grips with her own issues. Daughter was mild cp. And I didn't know the signs of ASD 22 years ago. I do now and so does my daughter . ( she helped with my son when she lived at home). I don't know how else to have the convo with her. I have tried and tried and tried. She refuses. I work with my GRD when I have her from the things we've learned over the years with the boys. We all know tho. That is not the same as early intervention. She needs to be in the p.s. program whe she can. She was 4 in sept. Anyone have advise on how to handle this?it pains me to see her like this. And my hands tied. Would appreciate any and all suggestions. Thanks
  4. Op. I know this is an older thread. But. Have you talked with someone yet? My son did similar things, they finally caught a seizer on a scan. He's on intunive. It treats a variety of things. Seizures being one of them. It's been a LIFESAVER for son and mom. I highly recommend talking with your doc about it. It also helps the nighttime anxiety. We had it huge. Well. Still deal with it but its alot better on the intuniv. I swear by this med. And I'm not a med fan . but it made life after 4 pm doable here. Hugs. That's hard. Hole you and he got some releif
  5. I know that's frustrating OhE. We've had that here too. Everyone at the school: he's a really good and sweet boy. We don't have any problems with him. Our pediatrician who knows him and us well: what ??? The paperwork portrays him as a saint? As ' the perfect' child. Me: yes. He doesn't do any of this for them. The pub sch. We're with him 8 hours a day and still thought he was an angel. BTW. I never told the p.s. about all he does. I was not going there with them. I did with our private professional s tho. None of them saw it either. It's quite like pushing a huge boulder uphill when noone ' sees it' I started videoing him to have for the specialist . that helped. Sorry OhE. That can be maddening. Hugs
  6. Ha-ha....fdeinca. Hubby tells my son...its a big thing in our house. My 20 yo even says it....to us sometimes too! Lol He says ' help must be helpful :) Unhelpful help= work :)
  7. I'm so glad you ladies were willing to talk about these things. I really learn so much from all of you. Sharp cookies here :)
  8. I have alot of first hand experience with RAD. Have gone through the classes so we could be house parents ( relief volunteers for the f/t house parents) Of a HOUSE FULL OF RAD BOYS. I do not see this as RAD. We adopted a foster teen at 13 who bolted back to the birth family at age 18. ( he's not the one in my signature , thsts my bio son) The foster child was suspected RAD and all of his 6 bio siblings had RAD. we visited them often and were in the trenches with their adoptive families. So. I feel I can speak to this. NOT RAD IMO. Rad is rad. Granted there are varying levels...this does not even strike me in the slightest with even the most MILD form of RAD.
  9. Wow. I didn't know this subforum existed. Alot of good info in this thread . I wonder. ....what have some of you done or how have you handled the questions and comments from people...random people. This affects esp. My 11 yo very much. He is shying away from going anywhere more and more. Getting really carsick doesn't help but.... How do you all respond to the ' grocery store clerk'? Is there a boom you could recommend ? Seriously , I'm really starting to get angry with ignorance. We get alot of...and right in front of them. What's wrong with them? Or Are they adopted???? Like. Is thst any of your business ? I don't even know you ppl! Like, this mama is getting REALLY tired of it . and so are they. I can't help but think it is adding to his wanting to stay home more and more. As he's getting older he is already noticing more and more of a difference in him and other ppl/children.
  10. Have you gotten the manipulatives? That's fun :) My boys love them
  11. Me personally. I am a huge Singapore fan. You can get the practice booms to go back and spiral. Thats what we do plus. The visible thinkin for Singapore is even more practice and takes them deeper and more of an overall number sense going thru the grades and big picture. I have all the Singapore practice books. Practice Word problems Visual thinking
  12. IMO. At this age...they need to be filmed with facts. In the middle school age they start to be able to comprehend and question naturally. I personally would not do this. Elementary they get the facts. Middle and h.s. they can start to discern those facts and form their own opinions. I let mine firm their own...after having all the facts. Just my opinion. Have you read the well trained mind? Just a suggestion
  13. I do both of them in Singapore a. There's alot of fou dations there. I went back and did 1a and b with my guys. Yours will probably go quicker Singpore teaches so much more and deeper. You would think it would be holding him back but its a different way of doin math that will serve him well for college. Jus my 2 cents
  14. Ohhhh definitely WWE . when wtm was written, she hadn't put out WWE . it's relatively new. My older ones used writing strands. I'd I had WWE then I would have done that. As they get older you could combine them. WWE gives such a good foundation . image in the mind....then do some writing strands if you want. My older ones hated writing strands BUT they have great college GPA's. So it worked.
  15. FLL1 doesn't have a workbook. I did you Easy grammar books along with the FLL. love FLL. combines Charlotte Mason and classical so well. I'm still using FLL . love all the levels.
  16. That's so awesome. So happy for you :) Really good thing you have 2 boys going. That should help your one guy a lil, his brother goi g too. My older one won't do A THING without his younger brother. He has alot of social anxiety . he does good once he gets there tho, wherever thst is lol. I so want to find what you have. When they are a little older and more caught up I'm gonna look. Mine would do great there too. So happy for you! :)
  17. Merry gardens , we had some of that too. My older on has some pretty significant health// respitory problems and the kids at school passing around bugs compliled it big-time. He was on way more steriods than I would have liked the first 7 years of his life. For me, I just weighed the options/ opportunity and benefit. For us, the benefit was greater to keep in in school , til it wasn't anymore, if thst makes sense. I brought both my guys home too but only after the benefit was not longer outweighing the bad stuff. Only thing that seems to stay the same with kids lime ours is...change! Lol Seems like its always reevaluating everything in our minds trying to keep the big picture in mind. If I could find a stem school for when my guy was older I'd jump on it. If there came a point where it no longer make sense. ...id pull him out. Constant..... Evaluation lol :)
  18. Me personally, I can imagine it would be emotional. Big change and the uncertainty that goes along with. Alot of times the anticipation of the event is worse than the event itself. Like worrying will it all work. Amazing opportunity :) big leap and change. I'd say it's normal to feel this way. Glad you got in. :)
  19. I read something from the author of ELTL . she said people ask homeschool moms further along....what is your favorite or best grammar curriculum. She says....the 3rd!!! Lol So true. As they get older you can move them into Bob Jones or anything else more independent you want. Most h.s. I know will change curriculums as the kids get older and more independent .
  20. Here's what I've always done with grammar and do now. Cuddle up on the couch with even all of the kids if they want. The lil ones will pick up Sooo much to make down the road easier with them. On the couch with FLL do the picture studies ( very good for early 'teaching' writing. Details .) Do the picture studies. The daily scripted learning parts of speech. Then: give each child their grade level Easy grammar books and explain at ones. Find the pages you worked on in FLL , say nouns. Do those pages in easy grammar. I explain both to each different grade level child. Each year for grammar only becomes a little bit increasingly harder. Look at online samples of both gr. Levels for your guys. You'll see what I mean. I don't do the preposition cross out til I feel they are ready. If I have to. I will cross those out myself in their books then let them do the work. We also make 'noun posters' . a nice craft to cement the parts of speech and ...fun :)
  21. Ya know as I think , didnt that 'play itsel' sometimes? Lol Maybe DD can do another lil horn thingy ma Bob ( I don't know horns or blowing things , clearly lol) :)
  22. Baha! Santa 'claws' ...k. I'm gonna use thst one. :) Dat was funny :)
  23. Aww honey, sounds like you've done what you could have been doing through the years. Play therapist etc. Most pediatricians from what I understand through my own experience and my friends experiences.... Don't catch ADHD. asperfers, the more subtle ' diagnosis' if you will. I agree with Maize, get her evaluated by a nuerophsych . could be ADHD. there are better medicines our now for that , that help the children stay on task, modify behavior etc. I was right there with you. I did not want it to be aspergers. I knew something was wrong, didn't know what and for what it's worth. Even if you had been shouting from the rooftops at school or where ever, I think my child had aspergers or ADHD, they would not been rushing to a diagnosis. She's only 8 and my friends with girls, those little girls can be master diguisers of their systems often times over compensating in other areas or 'find a way around'their symptoms being obvious. I don't think this is uncommon a lil one your daughters age or even older, just starting to seek a diagnosis. It really could be ADHD. the professionals my lil guy worked with said....I don't know...but were going to treat the symptoms . and it doesn't sound like your daughter has alot of symptoms. I've seen ADHD kids or children with senory issues do the same thing. My son had alot more symptoms and was seeing a plethora of therapist, was in spec. Needs preschool for 3 yr. And nokne wanted to discuss any form of aspergers until he was around 7 ish. Don't remember exactly but about that time frame. Just get her evaluated. Ask the woman you saw yesterday for a referral. I don't have experience with a developmental pediatrician, I do with a nuerophsych . that's where I would go especially since her symptoms seem to not be glaringly obvious. It really could be ADHD, SENORY, so, don't let your mind rush to aspergers and just start a notebook of how she's acted through the years. My notebook has been invaluable to me. Big hugs. :) Even if she does have aspergers, there are so many therapies to help now and...she's still young. Lots you can do :)
  24. Hahaha...claws be out. Thst was cute :) Hopefully... She will be in the....Christmas spirit :)
  25. Ohhhh, I forgot Picard played. Love next generation. :)
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