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Kat w

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Everything posted by Kat w

  1. Ohhhh i see (Tarzan) l *tiptoes away ignorant with fingers in ears singling....LA LA LA LA al ha-ha ;) And thank you for welcome. That was cute :)
  2. Oh yea. Buerocrats bureo? Lol. I turn on the news or read a local article and unfortunately I see it. Monsoto? I see hyperbole. May be that different people perceive in different ways. Idk
  3. I was going to say.... Big pharma not hyperbole? I would say it is. (Dh works for big pharma :/ . hey..it pays the bills lol) I can't seem to scroll up right now. But others in there I would describe as at least occasional hyperbole
  4. Chicago would be a good example Ok, I decided to edit. I wasn't going to say it cuz I don't wanna be lynched lol...but a good example of gun free zones making is safer. Unfortunately, the public schools. Included college campuses. One of the most collected/united gun fre zone example I can think of. And sadly.... We have what we have in America . :( I think retired police or military should be posted at every public school. They need a way to combat/disarm or at least quarenteen them until police can show up. Usually these gunmen want a sensational way to ' go out' . they are in control. They see an gunmen and thst wasn't part of their plan and they usually have to think about . oh crap. What's next . Just.... My opinion. Please don't lunch me lol :)
  5. Baha! Start a math fight! Laughing! I always find it funny how a delete those thread or nm ir don't reply etc....are the longest threads on the board lol Love it. Good stuff winds up being talked about there usually. At least...amusing :) I need amusing! Lol
  6. And... A small comment on the ' the Constitution is old or dated type of thinking.... IMO, that is a VERY slippery slope to start throwing out aspects of the Constitution that we don't like. The founding Fathers were living in a time when they saw what resolve was needed to form and build a new nation. They were very wise men. The later generations don't and didn't see what it was like to live and ensure what they did. A different mind set. One that is relevant today IMO.
  7. Amen. And just one thought to ponder ( some have their minds made up) But.....where and who would you want to be around or behind when say....another terrorist attack happens. I chose to be with and behind my husband with our concela carry permits and responsible gun ownswershi...in hand. So much can be said, but rarely is, to the account s of these such citizens on movie theaters and the like , who....wait...ready? Actually fend off / disarm the known shooting at innocent people gunmen. Resulting in zero injuries or at least mittigated, and no deaths?
  8. I homeschool and these are huge pet peeves for me too. I've had my kids in PS for a bit too. Bu a homeschooler at heart. Some parents, should just sit certain activities out IMO. Don't make it miserable for those who want to attend and participate. I have to say over 18 yrs of homeschooling , I have grown quite tired of this from other homeschool families but, I think there is some of this in the PS system too say...with gifted programs/kids and their families Jus my 2 cents
  9. Lecka, I saw where you said that about the Lego club. That very thing has happened to me. I didn't even know Lego clubs exisisted ! Lol. She says....are you living under a rock? Or just have girls! Baha. I had to laugh at her. Of course , I did not join their co-op or...their Lego club lol
  10. I haven't read the replies. But IMO.... Is to not in fact educate their kids but then...I personally don't consider them homeschoolers. Unfortunately , the rest of the world does.
  11. With my big kids we started latin in 3rd grade. So much of the English language is based on Latin and Greek roots/words. My big kids have found it useful as adults as they can figure out the meaning to most words even if they aren't in a position to look it up. But. None of the colleges around here counted latin as foreign language . even tho we did it in hs too. That may be different where you are. If check. We did Spanish with them in 9&10 grades. Lagtin helped them immensely with that too. UF accepts no homeschool foreign lange so, ya really have to check the colleges. My lil guys have extra needs. Doulingo my husband set up online for them. They pick at it and we do some stuff that they find fun . and we use it at home some...basic words so they will remember some of it. My husband has another one loaded to their laptop with lots of pictures. My guys are visual. I'd have to ask him what thst one is. My dh speaks Spanish and talks to them in it to help them understand how it's used. Thst helps lol I'd keep it fun at this age. Because colleges do require ( or most) 2 hears of foreign language ...they can get burned out by the time they hit hs I agree with pp, sign language . we learned it for my lil guy. Colleges ( most) do accept thst as a foreign language. They do around here anyway. Learning sign was fun for us. :)
  12. I didn't read the other responses. But I think it depends on your student. If he's visual and needs more repetition like my guys do....then it should be great. If he's not needing extra to cement the idea...I'd say no. We use : Mus and sm. great combo for my guys. I introduce the sm lesson with mus video and sheet. Then move onto sm. Sometimes the mus is an intro...sometimes its spiral review and sometimes it's just flat working on thst concept more. We use more math but those are my 2 main ones.
  13. I struggle with the line on that with her. She doesn't always get it. My mom is intended over it. I tell her. Be quiet. She makes my DD mad. So far that haant been my experience. Maybe I should be more blunt. What others see as blunt, she usually sees as just talking. Maybe you're right, maybe she's not making all the connections in her head. Could very well be the case. I'm going to feel it out in Tues. Go the question route..see if I really think I just need to come out and say it . tho, I have when she first asked me about it. She said mom, I think she might be aspergers. I said I do too honey. How bout calling to schedule and eval. She was so worried in her eyes. How that ever died in the water...I don't know. I want to let her love her life and make her decision s. But. She comes to me with stuff to help reason out. Sometimes ....it's just work man! :) I'm pushing 50, have 2 lil SN guys. I am tired. I am more tired when she's here. The waking in the night for me. Sometimes grd does. Sometimes she doesn't. She is always waking up with her parents or other grandparents but again....I run em. Play tag...kick ball. ( that's really cute :)) Keep them engaged and structured. Grd thrives on that structure . and my house if full of things for the SN child. Paints markers playdoh math manipulative ,blocks legos on and on. So....she's getting her sensory stuff to the hilt, learning things, plauys, runs alot, rides the horses w grandpa. She sleeps good for me. Usually lol. But when ya let em run all circles around the house with the open doors and they do that for 2 hours....they're gonna get tired lol I'll never forget when I was first starting homeschooling I read a Mary pride book. They had taken in foster kids. Boys had a blast. Did the same thing. Ran around the house...played with things etc. In 2 weeks when the social worker visited she asked...how are the boys doing on their meds? Mary said meds...noone told me about that. We don't have em. She said...oh. And the boys were doing good. Then she asked about spec ed classes. She said...i forget what and alot of you may know the story better than I...its been almost 20 yes since I read it. Point being: When you keep any child but esp those with more energy and...well. Fiestiness lol....keep them busy and engaged. It's a while another world. My 11 yo takes meds. But he runs a bunch, has creative outlets. Lots of things around thst he likes to do. It helps a ton. It would be way worse without it. My daughter just can't go there. She doesn't mind when I'm over and thwy do it cuz she knows me and all 3 kids are gonna have it all back together before we leave BUT....she foes retreat to her workout room and exercise. Lol
  14. Lecka, my sweet daughter so does not get any subtle hint. I'm sure thsts why the owner of the daycare talked to me about it. I told her talk to my daughter . thsts when they were more blunt. She only gets bluntness. I've so almost wanted her to do superflex w my boys! Lol I doubt she'd get it then. Idk.
  15. And remember....they have documents from the military docs. They wanted to investigate further too. No fruit.
  16. The daycare has flat out suggested further investigation . ...to my daughter , not sure what if anything they've said to sil. He's never said
  17. High functioning I should add. She was asked about it when she went to the facility my boys went to. She was a teen and ran across a few blips so we went back. The first either of us had heard about it. She wasn't a fan of it lol
  18. And the job thing. They don't IMO need second jobs. My daughter is saving money and frugal. She didn't want the house. He bought it anyway. She jjs wanted a no maintenance apt somewhere . He bought a new car for first time in his life. Hence his second job. Her s is to save money . When he didn't work he wanted his parents to babysit just for fen purposes. They didn't much. And we loved visits but for babysitting. Well. Get a job and maybe ...til then. Ur in ur own boat buddy lol But yes. I do see aspergers in both my daughter and her daughter . I'm gonna suggest gifted route. Hope it helps
  19. Oh but yes. She has doagnow literal ocd. She refuses meds. Always has for anything. I wish she would. She is an adult . I can't make her .
  20. PS. Momhwtm, That wasn't the case here with my daughter I assure you. If anything, the sil got mad we didn't do enough to *support * them. My daughter is independent . she's always worked and paid her own way. He wasn't a...real big worker if ya catch my drift. His previous career ended abruptly after a stint where he came back with well, the usual issues you would expect there. Then the cop job. Thsts new. He started about 9 mo ago . they've been married goin on 7 years. And that's almost 2 years of employment. So....my daughter has been sole provider for years. Lots goin on. Of course, I can't go I to it all and I realize and appreciate you and everyone trying to be helpful on a Sunday when you could be doing anything else. This ,however, not the case here. I do empathize with your plight. That was ME! ME as the emergin adult with my parents. I have worked hard over the years to not be my mother. Now, my mom lol. Thsts what irrites my DD :/
  21. Theres a number my daughter was given by her old boss. For her....she hasn't called it. And do you know of a good book? I'm sure there is one . I don't know what tho. I'm tryin to do damage control with the lil one lol And this is why we have recommended when she comes to me about things...I mention counseling. My husband has tried to spend more time with him and share our own personal stories and how counseling helped. ( we never had this particular issue but bad others. Raising kids is hard! Lol)
  22. No apologies needed Lecka :) Thanks k you for reading and commenting. I'm not sure I'm following what your saying g about what hk said. Can you break it down. For me? Sorry and thanks
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