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Kat w

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Everything posted by Kat w

  1. I didn't read all of the comments but I agree 100% about doing them all 3 at once. I have 2 boys and did them both at once. I had to ir I woulda been pulling my hair out even more lol. A suggestion to you tho, something I wish I had done this time around. Audio record the convos about the evals stating which child it is you're talking about. Not all of that will be in the reports and will be valuable for later. Now I can't remember, which one did that pertain to? Ouy. So, me? I jus don't remember some things and I hate that. Get them done at the same time and record record record :) When you're in the office having the discussion s, it's alot to take in . if I had it recorded I could go back and help decipher some of it but I don't have it. I will never not record it again :/
  2. And I don't believe this was "derailing "Op post. It's the good bad and the ugly of ADHD drugs and pertinent . yes. She asked about vyvanse , bit what if she had decided against vyvanse and went into the doc office and gotten addreral or one of its friends . (humore)? I believe that *could* be a big mistake so...no. Not detailed imo
  3. U could ask a diff pshyc. If u genuinely want to know. Pshycs are people too. They have their own slants/viewpoints on it. My oldest daughter doc had them in the opposite direction and so did my pediatrician 6 yrs ago. My 23 yo could be a classic case in point for the very thing youentiined. But, many have the opposite opinions and documentation to back thst uo too. One can find studeis to "prove" anything they wish just about today . both sides of the camps so to speak. I have friends who we raised our big kids with that did medicate and have found their way to drugs . Incidentally , the first one to give my adult daughter adderal was a child who grew up on, I believe h was on Ritalin, bit it was one of those drugs and it was before vyvanse was out ( vyvanse only on open marker in us since around 2014 or so) . but, when my daughter's friends doc took her off the drug...ahe sought it out in other ways...her choice was cocaine. And she isn't the only one who was raised on it and wound up doin cocaine . So....first hand exp? For me? Nd my friends kids...yea. It in fact HAS happened. And again. These are good kids , raised in church and in college currently. So.
  4. Geobob, YES. We do speed reading here BC it was stressed in ps spec ed. Now, we are on the 1-2 grade level and still struggle and do a preview read so I can help them with the words , but wow what a help that has been. Also has been tremendous help in fluency . huge fan of speed reading and gives them a goal to work towards.
  5. Heathermomster so glad you provided that link. I love everything McGraw hill. Did not know that one existed. Gonna order on Monday.
  6. Hahaha. OhE. The pistachios struck me as very funny. Laughed out loud bout it. I needed a laugh :) thanks. That's too cute. I'm gonna try it too. DS gets so hyperfocuses when reading, idk if he will go for it but, never hurts to try .
  7. Mermaidsmom, I am very sure my son will be very happy I read n took to heart your words :)
  8. And before someone jumps on me about calling the cops...of course I did. Many kids scrammed hen cops showed up. One died in police custody BC of what he had already taken, another went n robbed a convenient store and got shot in the process, one was found in a ditch in his car dead from an overdose, the other one noones seen since. Presumed dead. I knew 2 of the families including the one who he has never been found . These were...kids who grew up in church. Not latchkey kids. Please ladies, do not think it can't happen to our kids cuz, it does.
  9. Oh. Tha weekend. 4 kids died in that house. My daughter would have been one of them. She goes hardcore. This is a very REAL issue and not on to be flippant about
  10. My youngest daughter ( now 23) had LC. My husband was very addimate we not pursue it BC he thought I was making a mountain out of a molehill. Aside from LC,I know she has add, probably other things too. She was never tested and never any intervention. She was cramming for finals in college. Alot of the college kids use adderal to stay awake n focus ( abused not prescribed ) , she did it with them and...very soon was addicted. It has been a long horrible road for her and us. The pshyciatrist we finally got her to agree to go to ( only after she was violent with all family members and attacked me physically when I was in bed with 2 broken ribs and a bad inner chat wall contusion ). The doc explained to my husband with her present that adderal has almost the same exact chemical make up as cocaine. Come to find out? She was using cocaine too. When she couldn't find adderal. She tested positive for it in his office. And he won't treat as long as she is testing positive for any drug. It was years of anguish for all of us. I literally pulled, drug her out if a coke house. They were mixing heroin and cocaine and MDMA. That weekend I went n literally drug her out when the big guy at the door said I wasn't takin her the ahe beat the heck outta me the whole car ride home. So. Yea. Thwre are both sides. Those seeking what their bodies know they need and the kids who grew up on rritalin n adderal that wind up w some nasty cocaine habits. Oh. I jia remembered, the pshyciatrist cited some studies of kids who went seeking drugs to fulfill the inner addiction they developed from adderal and yes. Ritalin too. This is a very sad epidemic in America today. My sweet homeschooled lil girl wound up ...in cramming for finals....developing a coke habit. Whoda thunk. Everyine was surprised . and most never even knew she was on it. So. Studies are out there. Jus gotta find em ir ask a professional of them.
  11. Ritalin and vyvanse as my pediatrician explained to me are in 2 different " classes" if you will.
  12. PS. They weren't non stimulant vs stimulant. They were only stimulant to the beat of my recollection .
  13. I knew that would be a sensitive issue to some. It's been years since I've read them. I gathered them from different sources . some on my own, some the pediatrician gave me, some out spec ed teacher gave links to. Listen. Here's the issue, and I realize this is a very sensitive subject to some and I'm not looking for controversy, but the harsh reality is? It does happen. I have friends who it has happened to. If you want recourses, the internet and an open mind is full of them. I'm not here to argue. And again, been several years since I read it all. My son is 12 so, go find it yourself. I don't mean to sound harsh but we have jus spent months of a battery of evals, tests, ( medical including her another brain scan) , in addition to tje deprression ans range of emotions and how it can be very taxing on a marriage and family. so, I'm really not in the mood for anything looking to pick a fight. :) have a great day
  14. Mermaids mom, your so right . I go back n forth on the skipping words issue. Gosh. Never thought of it that way. That sure is something we here can eliminate. I bet that is one reason my DS 12 almost wants to cry when it comes to reading. Boy , this isn't my post, but I sure did need to hear that. Thanks :) And youre right. I've noticed at times when moms simply too exhausted to correct that point , it's either minor enough they can still understand the text or, they realize it didn't make sense and go back and find their own mistake. ...needed...to ...hear this :)
  15. My DS 12/does this exact thing. I have done what OhE mentioned, bribery, I mean rewards lol. If he doesn't do those things ir at least tempera it, he gets more break time . I also do EVERYDAY even if it's only an hour of school, a reward at the end of the day for doing school good,and lots of praise. This has worked very well with him. Also, again what OhE mentioned, have them "do" something. Every child is diff bu the movement in anyway seems to be helpful. For my guy it's being able to tap his pencil on the table ( drives mom nuts! Lol) then, during the break, he gets to dig holes and pound things on the ground like a board or pound a nail and hammer into a board outside . We have a "OT" sections set up outside. Of course they don't see it as OT, they see it as play. We have the flat swing hung from a large oak tree outside and thwy push each other on it like they are flying. Loads of fun for them and they are....self OT'ING LOL WIN WIN! :)
  16. LOVE vyvanse. Has been an absolute life saver over here. Our pediatrician isn't a fan of these meds buts LOVES vyvanse too. It doesn't have the I'll side affects of the Ritalin type meds and doesn't have the propesnity to set them up for illegal drug use later . ( lots of studies have shown a direct correlation between the Ritalin road and drug use later in life ) We can't live without it. We were very hesitant to do meds and waited awhile. Lov it. The appetite side affects we work around by having him eat breakfast before giving vyvanse , and eat dinner before we give his nightime med. Intuniv. Intuniv is also great to combat the crash from the vyvanse and relieves ticks etc. I cannot say enough good about it. It doesn't make him a zombie either. Jus regulates him and helps him regulate himself.
  17. I agree heathermomster on the work done with an OT. As I look back at the therapy my dd12 got starting at age 18 mo...they used this technique, I just didn't know at the time what it was ( oh back to the days of ignorant bliss lol) anyway, it was used into PS too. I talked to my boys spec ed teacher thwy had for 4 yrs ( we did 4 yrs of early intervention , they were held back a yr in that program) . she reminded me of all the work I saw him do with the headphones. They had him doing computer programs at the same time, other things too. It was also used with our private OT. I get what you're saying and OhE talks about too with the professionals. Frankly, we are at our limit financially. We have great ins. And it's still expensive . I know I'm not telling you ladies anything new lol. But, we have SO many issues and ddiagnoses here, times 2 boys, we are rapped out. They have used all the services available through the PS system. When they hit 3rd and 4th grade, it became less and less. More in the classroom help, some they had separate classes to go to, and my boys qualified for EVERY spec ed class. They integrate them into the classroom at 3rd and 4th grade. That was no good. Imagine, background noise, fluorescent lights ,not being able to read directions and not all teachers at that grade level are too interested in additional help. This, all with a GREAT PS system here and our districted school was the title 1 school. They got all the extra funds and kids came from all over the county to go there. I say all this to say, we parents have to find other ways, creative ways if you will, to supplement at home . we have cut out all extra things from our budget except activities for kids and really, we've had to cut some of those. It's just discouraging to constantly be shelling out money esp when, let's face it, not all therapist are the greatest in the world. So......we look for ways to weave in anyway we can at home to supplement. This is what is great about this board. We can glean from other moms who have experience with other programs and techniques to implement at home. I have been homeschooling for 18 urs. I think with the help of you kind ladies here, I can help the boys at home where I can. I guess I'm jus very discouraged to always be reading...therapist therapist therapist . I have wasted hundreds and hundreds of dollars on therapists who hadn't seen cases like my boys and wasted my time and money " going to ask the more experienced therapist " what she should do. End of slight rant lol :)
  18. I went back and read some of the other comments. So glad it's going better for you :) We are on vyvanse and LOVE it. My doc is anti alot of those meds but swears by vyvanse and so do I. We take intuniv at the wear off stage of the vyvanse. It's an anti seziure med that works for so many other things. Anti anxiety . it's been a life saver for us. I would discuss this with your doc. The crash from alot of these daytime meds are hard. Hard on the child, hard in the parent, plain ole hard on the entire family. Won't hurt to try and it is phenomenal for easing anxiety and gives us the opportunity to work on self regulation .
  19. Nature girl, we always have an adjustment period on increases to the meds. Takes awhile for them to well...adjust lol. Up to several weeks on the last increase , but it was definitely needed and has now evened out. Honestly I do not know how everyone affords all the evaluations, therapies , many curriculums. My husband makes a decent living and we could go broke if we did everything that's recommended . I want more social thinking products. So...expensive. But they work and we are paying for the research and development that went into it. Is be curious to know if it has evened out for you yet?
  20. Hi there, My boys have these things too, and more. We had evals get started at the new year . its very tough for me to talk about, haven't processed and sent entire family on meltdown ( sounds redic I know bit...is what it is). Anyway, I have ALOT I could say recommend and give you our successes and failures but, cannot talk about it yet. But, please don't use Saxon math. Ti use it with all 3 of my big kids and they were on grade level, they still had problems. Why? They dont teach to mastery. Your going to need a mastery based program and add in your own review. Your going to find, you have to tailor your curriculum to meet the needs of you DS. Singapore math is an amazing mastery based program. I add in my review with their practice books and visual thinking books. Highly recommend this .
  21. I know it sounds crazy to some, my boys have these issues too. Shockingly enough, I thought I'd give Singapore math a whirl. Oh my. The leaps we made. Found Sooo many holes and they learned to visualize the numbers, "got" number sense , the list goes on and on. They still can't remember math facts but we work everyday on them. I let them use a cheat sheet for math facts so they can move into more complex problems. They break down word problems with bar models or graphs . it helps them visualize and figure out the word problems . they could no so word problems before Singapore. Every child is different, it won't hurt to try tho. Esp since you will be moving and will have some gap time to try it. Standards edition OS what we use I DO NOT recommend the math in focus version of Singapore. The standards Ed. Is very straight forward and the kids love the text .
  22. Something I might try...you mentioned it's a little more simple that you were looking for...there are aspects of the preview options thst I like..I also NEED to add things like imagine more mentioned...things unique to your child. I may copy the pages I like from this inexpensive planner you provided the link to, then add my own things , then...take to Staples n have them bind it for me. That way I could have the boys make their own covers for them too. If they have a part of making it and do " arts n crafts" for it (the cover ) they will definitely be excited to use it. Wow ladies, great ideas! :)
  23. That is the best and cheapest I've seen. I'm going to buy 2 also. I like how they can put in their " book report deadlines" or " projects due" section. I think having my sons write in what they will do each day will help with their own accountability and prompt them to do more work and get the work done. Good find dancingmama :)
  24. A few months ago heathermomster gave me some things to do with IM. It was radically life changing over here. I bought boomwhackers that dmmetler recommended and some rythm sticks and some hand bells. We do this every morning to the metronome. Doing cross midline etc. For us? Life changing . At bedtime? My DS 12 cannot go to sleep without the listening to the beats. It has received his nightime ticks ( which were extensive and very destructive ) Just dawned in me as I write this. He hasn't been sleeping good and has been back at some of the bedtime ticks....we are redoing the floors in their room and everything is packed up...no metronome. Duh! Why did I not think of that. Wow. Go figure. Even our limited work with this ( nothing formal and at home only) I cannot believe the overall improvement for both boys , particularly the one with more challenges.
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