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Kat w

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Everything posted by Kat w

  1. Oh...I jus read the comment OhE made about the state funded advocate. Gee, forgot about him cuz...uh...she's right...they clearly work FOR the school system...not us. They are in fact, useless imo
  2. BTW tho, we did not drop our private therapists. We still went to and paid for all the private therapies AR the same time. May sound redundant to some but, we had some sever delays.
  3. I struggled hard with the , I have a great school he could go to va the PS el program, (at 3 getting IEP). Those were my thoughts exactly " won't being around kida who speak well help him" all the professionals said no. He needs the SN preschool. They were right . my boys for services there the other school could never have provided them. 6 hours of small classes of working on socialization, things you wouldn't even think of. I am very glad we went the SN preschool as opposed to the awesome school w reg Ed kids. I didn't know what to ask either. But once you get to a meeting, you will feel it out and see. Also, at this young age, it's too early to tell really what ALL is going on . things are cleared as they age. Once he gets in the program and womed with the spec ed teacher much more can be sifted through . As for an advocate, I never had one. I may have misread or missed something in your original post as to why you are considering one. Maybe the PS system ianr offering a certain service? We had this come and go with ours. They ALWAYS filled the position . therapist are in high demand here and change jobs frequently. Our school always got on the ball with providing q/e service we asked for ( hiring that therapist if one quit). If they don't? I would say something like. ...boy, I really don't wanna have to get an advocate/attny involved. Lol. That will usually do the trick and save you time frustration and money. We did push our PA to do what WE The paren felt was needed , or at least tested for. They complied, after we held our ground.
  4. Scouting mom, set it to allow 6 sec.? Is that something on the app the pertains to that program?
  5. Sorry for typos. On a slow old phone and now it won't let me edit it :/ rrrr
  6. Geodob, very well said. I agree 100%. My little guy still goes back to the early days of his notebook of sign signals and will do them for fun. He remembers that time dondly. It gave him the confidence and received the frustration to be able to communicate . Dmmelter hit the nail on the head with the phsycoligist aspect of things. When you feel beat down...how can one tackle anything ? Esp. If it's hard like, learning sounds. Lecka, I get what youre saying about refering to grunta, but...it is in fact the exact and only sound my son made except to cry. Was a straight up...grunt . I haven't looked at the studies, I do know, the picture route was no for my son at all. I agree heartily about asl being a language. Just a little side note: I love studies. I research and reach them...alot. But, just NC a study comes out of a mainstream university does not make it correct. The same mainstream colleges also came up with common core :) ( Columbia university ) My husband works for one of the largest companies in the world, He used to have a job there ( he's had many different positions ) but one he did the studies. And guess what? .....they "let him know" what the studies should prove or disprove. He didn't hold that job long. He bid on a different job and got it and away from "studies". You can make a study say whatever the entity finding the study...wants it to say. For every point you can find a half a dozen studies to back up differing aide if the fence so, at times, thwy really do need to be taken with a grain of salt . it is fallable people doing these studies .
  7. Yea....pictures did absolutely nothing for. My son. Nothin. He did however respond very well to sign. Our whole family learned it. Good thing too. It was his only firm of communication for about 2 years. OhE. I found a PROMPT therapist here. We start next month. I have great hope in it. OP might be something to check into. We haven't started yet but I hear great things about it.
  8. 100% start sign language . yes, asl freed up some of my sons frustration so he could learn to start forming sounds. He was completely non verbal til 3, was like 3 yrs and a few months. We started signing with the SLP at 18 mo. But other issues for in the way of really learning aifn well until well into his 2's . oh my if for nothing else to take away the frustration. It allowed him to focus on forming his mouth to make sounds. All he did was cry or ...it was like a loud grunt to her out of crib etc. My experience , definitely learn sign. I bet he will start to be able to focus more on forming sounds. It's hard for the little guys to speak and learn sounds. Imagine Bing so frustrated , how could u learn anything ? Not an environment conducive to learning.
  9. OhE, I've heard alot of people talk about finding here on the boards. How do you get funding? We are in Florida . and my husband's salary rules out anything that is based on financial need. It's all break-in the bank over here. People think because they are adopted we are rolling in subsidies but they were private adoptions. We paid money to adopt . wasn't through the state. So, how would one go about checking into funding?
  10. We adopted a teen out of foster care, a whole host of LC. Honestly it probably varies by state some but, there aren't really services for HS kids outside what they would offer reg es kids anyway. Here's what I did: Called each teacher and spoke of concerns and asked for them to lost assignment on board, and not at end of class , etc etc. W/e the issues were. I setthem uo with a color coded notebook for every class. Each class had a diff color . Every Friday I called teachers or they called me ( I asked them to call me but sometimes they'd dirget) to talk about what was going on, what was assigned and what was due when. I had the teachers email me with what paper, project etc was die when. This was highly effective . It was particularly helpful with teachers like the new one, to see, I am working with them and active in his life and want to help him develop and keep food habits. Those same hardcore teachers would then make some allowances knowing w were on it. This changed an F student into a solid high C student. ( he had MANY LC that had never been tested ) This also make the child feel successful which you know, is so important . Good luck
  11. I LOVE everything LMB, well everything I've used so far. We have the entire gammit of iasues over here. So far, it has been the only thing to help my boys with a boat of issues. We use: Visualizing verbalizing Seeing stars I have but have only recently started to implement it cuz we were going to be tested and wanted a true picture. Lips, same with lips tho. Have only used it very recently for same reason. I can't tell you how v/v tho helped my boys accross curriculum. We talked about and practiced visualizing everything. Number ( I'm going to buy cloud 9 their math manual too). Their products IMO are one of a kind and extremely effective . I would go to the NP tho and get testing started. It's always good to have. Helps dicipher issues , know what needs to be focused on ,WTC. Either way tho, with nt kids I believe LMB products a hugely beneficial . For us, had breakthrough s we probably would have never had . They are that unique and good IMO. Good luck
  12. Hahaha. Ghostbusters song. :) Dats cute. And awww, she has freckles? All my bio kids have em too. My cousin tells my girls...that's how many times you've been kissed by angels :) ( they don't like their frieckles) You guys have made me laugh :) Laughing's good
  13. Hahaha. Yes :) seeing is good. Glad you got em tweaked. I wear glasses/contacts too. No seeing....no fun. Unless? It hides the mess my boys have made on the floor lol :)
  14. Thanks OhE. Wasn't easy. I appreciate that.
  15. Yup. Tanx :) you ma'am, definitely have the gift of encouragement . Ok. Found something I'm looking forward to! Lol I read an ol post where OhE had a link to super duper, forgot all about them. Gonna order some things Monday . Yea yea. That now I'd what I'm looking forward to :)
  16. I haven't heard of xtramath. I will Google it. I wonder, when, not if lol, they get it wrong if that would be discouraging to him or spark something competitive in him. His wm is extremely low. And that was with sifting through the apd stuff. I will try anything and I lik low cost . Thanks a bunch
  17. Incidentally, the vyvanse has helped him enough to allow him to manage his own behavior .
  18. Vyvanse is a different class of med. We love it. I would recommend talking with your doc about it. It doesn't have those types of aide affects Ritalin n adderal do. We take intuniv at night. He was prescribed the intuniv for seizures but helps with the "come down" from the vyvanse , which BTW...wasn't bad. Vyvanse has been a life saver for ua. I highly recommend talking with your doc about it . I'm sure others have said too, but we started zones of regulation. Color coded for different behavior and lends the child to manage his own behavior. That has been a huge help. And the good ole bribery/reward system . Good luck
  19. You are 2,000% right ma'am :) Yea, I'm tryin to clear brain fog and the rest that goes along with the end of evals and results. After I read this post and the one you made about the social group, as well as some things others have said. For first time in 5 months I have felt...even a little better. Thanks :) Very encouraging . I might even have a sneaking suspicion of a lil joy trying to creep through the last couple hours :)
  20. Crimson wife is right. You HAVE to make sure you get referred to SLP who deals with teens/young adults. My oldest when she was 16 we went back to SLP and I couldn't believe how many either wasted our time and money or refused to take her based solely on her age. This will s Ave you alo of trouble and frustration . I was very surprised to find out it was such a big deal with the age thing. But it sure was. Preacreen that with an NP or development. Ped. You will be happy you did. It was very frustrating for my teen and almost made her ahy away and refuse to go. You don't wanna b in that spot .
  21. We adopted a teen out if the foster system that we also had been involved in his like from time he was 5 th grade. Sounds like a case of good ole depression to me. Was the case with our son ( who layer bolted n went back to birth family) and frankly , currently I am depressed as a result of eval findings. Sounds like me right now too. That's a tough one. As an "adult" noone can make him seek help or meds, only can convince him ir...just take him. Sometimes in these situations thwy r just in zombie mode and will sometimes go with you if you make the appt and take him and be there with him. It's scary. Our son refused. You're right tho, at any age you can intervene and help. Sounds like you have a bind with him. Maybe he will listen to you and jus go even tho he won't be excited about it. Time for a professional to be involved . It's certainly worth a try and you will probably be pleasantly surprised that hell just go with the flow of what you suggest . I highly recommend getting a professional involved. We worked with troubled youth for years, depression can lead to suicide. Sounds drastic but, seen it happen . From there he sure can get the help he needs including academically. Your so awesome to take your time to do this. What a difference it makes in the life of a child :)
  22. Thank you. I appreciate that. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to b harsh. At a , not the best place, right now. Digesting eval results. Meds plays a big part in it. Jus... Tough time right now. I really do appreciate your kind words :)
  23. Imagine more, I am so glad you posted what you did. I always find connection and encouragement with you. Thank you for your suck sweet spirrit and honesty. I RRALLY needed to hear about the depression stage lasting a year for you. I keep asking myself, when are you going to get out of this funk??? Lol. Ouy. With every new round of testing it's the exact same. I expect it to be better each time, BC we already know, it's not good. But, bit the case. I go through the same 5 stages everytime . Thanks. Validation and encouragement .
  24. Hi there, I've heard alot about semple math here. My boys are 12 and 10 and haven't memorized a single math fact despite daily drills for years. They still add using their fingers. I went to the website , as a self proclaimed electronically challenged person myself, I probably didn't find something somewhere on their site that gave more info on the program. I just don't want to invest in another curriculum that doesn't really help like I hoped. Can the semple math users give me any feedback? I would really like for them to at a very minimum learn addition and subtraction facts. :/ Help? Please? Lol TIA
  25. One-step, very glad you started this. Been very encouraging to me . I needed to read and be reminded of the joy. You are an encourager, love that about you :)
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