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Kat w

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Everything posted by Kat w

  1. Ha-ha. Mus. Yep. You got the right program then! :) I really like it for that. Yea, sorry. Don't freak out. You guys will be great. Have fun :)
  2. Try looking at Khan online. You the parent really doesn't do much. I love it :))) I hate it when I warase on accident. So annoying and it's always on a lo g one :) I called the main # I got from Google and transferred to ppl n vm til I got the right Dept. I livE next to UF . they have facilities and staff to accommodate. They refer out for therapies or do them there. Or a satellite station. Yes it can be very overwhelming sorry. It gets better. I haven't read all of what I've learned today too. I bookmarked the post and screenshptted pis and I'll o back and read later when I can. It helps that way for me. And I have to have scripted right now too. Not to say I will follow it eaxtly to the T. but as close as we can. It's summer. Enjoy it. Play. Nap haha :) . jus have fun. They will be a lil older when you start . I've had a few months or even 6 weeks make a big deal. They mature more and have had time to process. I as mom have to process too :)) we all do. Try to grab some sunshine, helps up feel better and cime back when you feel ready more refreshed. :)
  3. Yea. We have always done that too. Read alot of read aloud and phased the lil ones into shared reading when possible. I'm using wwe too. We've only gotton to dictation for spelling words only. A sentence attempt sent them into a spin. :) I even tried the shortest sentence ever ...Jesus wept. Yea. No. They were ready a few months ago . I can probably use a different sentence now. One we've worked on phonics with. We've always just done heavy phonics and reading. I have the same mindset as you. I do love to throw alot of lit. At them tho. Audio. ( oh boy was VERY grueling at first. But I break the audio chapters up in half now and talk extensively about the text. And I try to pull a color sheet out per chapter, doesn't always happen tho and still working on details in their drawing. They've come along way in all of that. Love wwe. It was hard for them at first tho. They LOVE it now. I'm gonna go ahead and get the lit guide for SN. I'm going to use it for a grammar source too. Analyze the sentences they write. ( the answering the questions in complete sentences like wwe does). They will like analyzing their OEN sentences I think. I'm gonna let them use colored pencils for it too. Using the color codes I gave the parts of speech. I have to get creative with lots of visual stuff here with tons of repetition and one curriculum only has so much practice per concept / p.of SP. That's why we use so many different curriculums. We finish them too. Wwe bk 1 will take awhile tho. I'll probably skip to WW 2 toward the end of bk 1 tho. Spring wm forward lol Ok well thank you. I'm just gonna get the lit guide and use the books to it that I already have and get from library what I don't. I'm excited about it :)
  4. I wonder if the new wtm boom is out. I bet she has some extra helpful info in it about this. Hopefully lol
  5. I did the wtm greatbook. List for my big kids in HS. Then they wrote a diff kind of writi g fir each book or most books. Compare contrast . essays. Etc. And kept a booklost in their notebokks of books read. We wrote technically and creatively jis depending on the selection we chose. I let then chose which books in which order and helped them figure out which book was appropriate for different selections. ( research, they need to do good research papers an cite for HS. You know the colleges want essays now too for admissions. At least ones here in FL that we looked at did) That method of HS lit is freeing cuz they are a little more independent with it , butat same time don't have a structured TM that says...do this with this and that. I always did a lesson plan for it ahead tho. Actually I did it with the oldest and just kept it and used same one with other 2 big kids. I had to add a couple booms fir the 2 coming behind her but....pretty much the same. So it was open and go. Jus took a little planning summer before. I'm sure I still have the lesson plans I made it you want to take a look at it. I pre-decided haha, which books should have what type of writing or like a choice of a couple different styles for each book and " helped them come to their own conclusions " through talking about it as they were reading it. Got them talking about it too which helps with retention, comprehension, other viewpoints etc. But from what you're saying that may be a little tok much. It's not really, just sounds like it :) Just. Convos bout the book and they think it's their idea. Trickery will get us everywhere ;)
  6. Heardodge, if your thinking about MUS for math facts, I don't know that it would help with that. It helped us with number sense and place value which we needed . We used mus to intro the lesson for Singapore and beast. I havent really done it much lately and they've asked for it. He likes the man in the videos:) I'm sure I'll use it again. I have a few different levels. But KHAN . try Khan academy online. My boys love it and so do I. It tracks their progress for you and sends emails. I wish they would let homeschoolers print. I'd love to have it for their portfolios. I have become a REALLY big fan of taking pics of things or screenshotting. I'm gonna get the reports/ progress sheets developed tho and put that in their portfolios. Charlotte Mason math. I looked at that online yesterday. I might get that cuz it has stores. Pet store , sport store. We need more store practice. We have bought and sold and ~tried~ to make change lol, with just about all the books and NIC nacs in our house . And Im pretty sure it's a CD too. On a computer screen goes well for us. DS 12 , we position the screen so it's not glaring right at him and he prefers to do it at night before bedtime in the dark. We also play the metronome at bedtime. He moves his body little bit to the beat as he's going to sleep and it sootjs him, alot. When my big kids were little I read a study about the correlation to music ( esp classical) and math, improving retention etc. We can't do it at same time so he dies it after Khan and releivea his anxiety and calms him. He has anxiety esp. At bedtime so I put em to bed 30 mins earlier than I normally would and give them an extra 15-30 mins into "bedtime" lol.they do khan then listen to audio book on librox. ( next day we talk bout it to check comprehension . and do ELTL). We usually have to breakdown the audio slowly bit that's not math. Letting Kahn "cut into bedtime" or perceived delaying going to sleep . they want to do it and Khan has explation videos to watch first then they do the digital practice sheet. This way they aren't having to write the numbers etc and while they are looking for the number on key board they are saying it to themselves to try to remember it as they look. ( helps with visualizing and saying it at Sam time helps) You're probably already with Khan. I recommend it with math issues like our guys. Kind of a forced visualizing and saying. Every little bit helps and I just really love Khan BC Its one that's not labor intensive for mom. One of the only independent or semi Independent.
  7. Storygirl, I just saw the part about better options for the MP. What would you use? If I could find something else more effective ID like to take a look at it . The only mp product I've done is latin with my oldest daughter and logic with both daughter's. Both weere Cheryl low about when they first came out. Not since then tho. Do you remember the name of curric?
  8. Oh I was chattin to myself storygirl sorry :) I looked at the sample guids fo MP k and 1. I'm gonna get k and start. The paxe we take is so slow they could do one a day. For real. And have them understand it anyway and that's what I'm trying to accomplish now. Had poor comp. In past. Gets better. Maturity also plays in that alot too. ...for us anyway. But hey. I'm happy for 2 pages shared read a day and to at least intro the question. Talk about it. Take some note on the side if the paper of either if them have any ideas...after awhile ile throw em a lifeline n give suggestions. Show em how to do it. Practice that for a while...k? Ya feel me? Lol. :/ :)Some days are really fun. Some days are grueling hard. But so it goes
  9. I'm gonna have them go back after we do the K worksheets ( I previews samples) and do a sentence analyzation. Hey. I'm doing my lesson plan right now. Instead of taking pics I should text it to myself :) Sorry Bunny trail
  10. Oh story girl I forgot to say, my guys I'll start at k and 1st. Want them to try to read too butmp is advanced so I'm OK with K. Hey....we made if to K of a method I really like! Yay :) K. There's a success. I need to be tback to a journal.
  11. Oh. I have something I just remembered. It's so good. I stumbled on it looming fir reading programs like 3 urs ago. I typed in ESL reading and...haha. As second language came up. Anyway tho, it's because if that really good. I wrote down 15 sheets. What a dork. Lol. I didn't know how to print it . I have the bookmark to the site that you guys could print if you want. I am gonna use it too. I need lots of variety. We do so much practice I dint want em to get bored an i get bored too. K. Maybe mims jus bored of it. Hee hee But I don't want them to I'm gonna get guide and check out boins from library for lit
  12. Aka: Mom closes eyes fir 2 seconds :) Yay
  13. Oh. Grey elephant. Perfect! Take a pink pillow and that is the inside of the ear and...your listening so good you have your ear to the ground!!!
  14. ....baha....and? Did I read thst right? Hey maybe I did have a glass of wine n forgot. ....did u say y'all are going out today in a grey bunny suit?? Baha. In....85° weather? Eh? :)
  15. Oh no no. I know. If only . alcohol messes w my stomach. I have one now and again. But, more than that and my body says...hey, uh huh lol. So, in the vocsb. Whatchya mean?
  16. OhE. Gonna go to the RB website late too. 10 bucks?? Can't beat that :)
  17. Wow! Lots of good stuff here. I bookmarked this post and screenshptted pics to go back and easily read later too. Onestep, love that :) I was thinking the same thing. What does it really matter if he is an adult who needs a calculator to add or multiy? We all have smart phones with calculators on them. Same with spelling. I don't get super hung up on spelling (except as it applies to be able to read the word) BC, well all always have spellcheck. ..and so on. And who knows? Maybe after many years th calculator will help him start to commit them to memory. And, this is where I have always been completely mind blown. Like to the point of sometimes I have to quit schooling for the day even if he wants to keep going. HE CAN DO BEAST! ...um.....*shakes head vigorously*....WHAT???? ..HUH??? Mindblown. Now, I have to read it to him but, the lil bugar can do it. Heck, some of that they propose to do in a certain way I myself go...huh? Him? He starts working out the problem. ..again...WHAT???lol I never ver for this before our last eval results came back and this round really blew my mind. I knew there is 2e, I guess I didn't think through what 2e really looks like. And apply. OhE mentioned the graphs and probability . ...lil bugar eatsthat stuff uo too. Like...flies they it does it for fun!!! ...HUH???? HAHA. HE does Singapore math level 4 which would be 5 th grade graphs. And really all if it. We went back to 1b and filled in holes. He devoured it tho. And quickly got to grade level. He's not on grade level in anything lol. I was so flabbergasted and kept thinking. ...what am I missing???? Cuz, I promise you if I bring him inside right now and ask him what 2+2 is...promise...he won't know. Hell guess and guess wring , never right. I mean literally 2+2. So, how is it....he dkes beast, Singapore. Was min blown. I knew he heyper excelled at alot. I thought it was , well, I read an article long while bck that said kids in the spectrum will hyper excel in some areas as kind of a compensation of their weak areas. Not worded exactly that way but hopefully it makes sense. I never ever expected 2e to come back. I think that's harder lol Idk maybe not...jus seems harder right now. Reading, this has blown my min too. We have bju reading 3 . back before I realized he knew not one pheomensnsbshs thingy lol. Dunno how to spell it you know what I mean tho. Phonics! Lol. But, will ready a word stupid redic like...idk off top of my head...supercalifragilexealidosiuos haha. Ridiculously long hard words and he's never seen them before and not been taught as a sight word ( he wouldn't have remembered it anyway) uet, still can't read the word "do" . not kidding . he can't read that word! ..flabbergasted . He in the setting of phonics still cannot quickly or fluently read...Ben. Or hat. Not...kiddin. Again, HUH???? Now,...he can't always do that and certainly not enough times to actually read a 3 Rd fr level book...but you give him a sentence with a mix of big words and phonics basic words. He will not b able to read a single thing with a vowell blen or constant blend...but can read a super hard word that has prefixes or suffixes added to it . ...and um. He doesn't know his suffixes and prefixes. *shakes head again* So. I'm going to go have a small mommy meltdown lol. And come back later. Mind.blown. :) is it too early for wine!!! Haha
  18. Susie, I love these sheets! :) Thank you so much. I had no idea there were sheets like this to go with it. Yay!
  19. Also, call your local school district perferrably your districted school directly . ask them to test him. Not sure what they would offer for services at his age, mine quit with much of anything at 3 Rd grade and we had a host of diagnoses . But valuable for testing and probably are some services they can provide him even as a homeschooler.
  20. Sounds like a 2e kid to me :) And yes absolutely , don't wait on Jim to memorize math facts, GP ahead and teach him in sequence the more complex problems. Don't hold h back based on not knowing math facts. My ds12 is alot like this and his last round of evals done at the university came back 2e. Do you have a university around you anywhere that you can go to for the evals? They are literally a fraction of the cost. I'm looking for something to help memorize math facts too. I've heard people on here talk of semple math. I made a post about it but so far noone has repiled that has used it. Go to their website. To me it seems like the website is lacking info on their products bu it's probably just me. I'm not the handiest with electronics. I think I'm just going to see if I can find it on Amazon used, or eBay, anywhere used and it i can't...bitethe bullet and buy it. My son is visual and their tricks (mnemonics I think they refer to it as) could either help him or completely exacerbate him. Oh, I'll have h look at the very few samples they offer n see how he responds. Anyway. I'll be interested to see what people respond with. Do not hold him back tho waiting on math facts. I give my boys a cheat sheet for facts, I'm considering teaching them to use the calculator for them. Maybe that will help. Who knows. Tried everything I know to try and only fact ds12 can tell me is 1+1. Thays SO awesome he can do all the things you described tho! Def sounds 2e to me :)
  21. Oh. I missed what u said bout MP. K I'll do that. I probably did something wrong . I dunno what I'm doin electronically ') thanks
  22. Ohhh k. Gotchya. I just noticed it too in the rear part .k . that's better. Phones teetering on flatlining, don't need a virus to tip me over the edge lol.
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