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Kat w

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Everything posted by Kat w

  1. PS. Before he started this daily at school....h would have the most horrible incredible loud crazy meltdowns. I mean....sent him spiraling completely out of control like to the point, I had to call my husband home from work sometimes even. So....I'm a huge fan.
  2. My limited experience .... The PS did TL with my older lil guy. I don't know what system it was...but it completely entranced him. He spent more of his free time at school doing that than anything. My extremely active kid would opt to stay in from recess to do the TL. They had the pad on his lap and something under his feet too. Don't remember what though. He would walk away calm as a church mouse from this and this was before meds. It was completely astonishing to me the affect it had on him. Oh private OT did this too but in the PS system I could have his spec ed teacher have him do this right before school let out. It helped me get him home, a snack, and on the couch for quiet time until it was time to work again ( I HAD to after school him. Needs alot of repition) FWIW, it had its place in our lives. I really want to get a system just for the calming affect it has on my guy. They are so expensive though. I'll be looking for something I can use after Christmas. I have too. We have too much work to do to not have this daily.
  3. I agree with PP . there are so many more good books to choose. My big kids read both of those. And they are the ONLY 2 my oldest didn't go back and read a second or third or fourth time. I vote: Neither lol Pick something else. Sooook mny other good ones IMO.
  4. Yea, no. This is the 11 y.o. I'm talking about lol. Yup. PS spt dismissed him from speech. I was appalled...simply appauled. That's when I pulled them out. The therapists basically ' graduated' both boys from all help when the 11 to hit 4th and 9 to hit 3 rd. They only went for 3 weeks of that school yr. Came home and made huge strides but honestly....they were soooo far behind in everything. The private spt was still working with him until they closed w short notice. Yes. I do need to start a thread....I haven't been successful with that though. Ppl don't answer. I think it's b/c maybe they just don't know how to help. :/ we have gotten alot of that over the years. Yup. Gen pop can't understand him....dismissed from speech. K. Makes sense lol. He was diagnosed with apraxia. When the best place around closed their doors....i did at home the 'homework' we did when he was in therapy. Sigh.
  5. I just had a quick note on the university route. I called our local university, UF, and they are a teaching hospital ( medical school and other schools in that feild). From my personal experience my former neurosurgeon went to work there teaching. He was sought out from patients across the country. He was just that good. When I lamented he was leaving private practice , he told me, shands/UF employs the top professionals from across the country. That's why UF's medical schools are so hard to get into. They are GOOD. I feel like I will get a better assessment there having top professionals overseeing. I have had some really inept professionals work with my kids and ...that's been at the good places. So...point is: You just never know how good the university maybe until you call. I had a procedure many years ago at....John Hopkins do believe it was. Was 30 yrs ago. I'm from D.C. memory fading. Anyway. Was teaching hospital and awesome. They were the ones most qualified to take my case. Kinda like the Mayo clinic for D.C. lol Jus never know til ya try. Just my 2 cents :)
  6. Oh I'm glad you said that. I put my order together to order in the morning. I had the wrong one written down. I need superfelx ( gr2-5) not the incredible flexible you. Oh that woulda been bad lol. Ordering the wrong product. All the names are so close....I bugged out on thst one. Thanks. :) Changed my order sheet! :) Thst does sound really good for my granddaughter . my DD and Sil are paramedic and cop and both in college...I keep her alot and homeschool her when I have her. Me and my DD both highly suspect HFA . she has ever tell tale sign and does exactly what my 11 y.o did at that age. She's quite the handful. :) love her!!! After Christmas I'm going to order what you were telling the story about . and my boys will do it with her. I LOVE the 'trickery' of getting the older kids to ' wirk' with the younger ones. Have done it for years. Not a one of em have ever caught on :)) good thing. They'd rat me out to the younger kids!! :) Thanks a bunch Lecka
  7. Yea. My 11y.o. had no idea what he had done, last np eval was when he was I think 8 and half. I bet the np got what she needed :) Very sorry for your loss . that's hard. ...prayers
  8. Can I ask? ....my son has a significant speech impediment. As his vocab grows...we have to work even more on it. And honestly ...we've had private and PS SPT and it doesn't seem to be complete. I realize his speech needs alot of work but ...idk. It's just always coming up like I said as Hi vocab grows. Do I really need to buy the complete LiPS kit? Could I just get the manual and the picture cards do you think? I've been doing speech with him as homework since he became verbal at almost 4. We haven't been i. Speech since Feb. But both private and public had released him or were getting ready to....and the GP can't understand him and its a great source of anxiety, shyness and leads to lack of confidence for him. What ya think?
  9. Thank you. That's what I was hoping for :) I don't want to buy it. The description just didn't ' grab' me. I was going to get the incredible flexible you so thank you for that also. I so hate wasting my money. Esp. At Christmas time. Ill get superflex. Usually has been my experience anyway, when you hear things about something, usually pretty good. The zones book and posters are so expensive. I feel I need to get the posters ( kids are very visual) man tho, spending 40. On the zones boom just hard to do. I'm very sure its worth it and I'll need it. Ouy. Money money lol Thanks Lecka, I appreciate it :)
  10. Gentlemommy I hope you don't mind my asking under your post. Lots of good info here. Lecka, in your experience do you HAVE to do the ...I think it's like soial detective ( something detective) before moving onto superflex or the others? It's recommended to do so on their website but , I HAVE to be budget conscience. Does one build on the detective one do you know?
  11. Another quick suggestion to fulfill you 4 hrs a day..... Put in a classical music CD or anything you want. Give them recorders and tamborines...boom . that's music. Have them act out a read aloud or audiobook or what they're reading. Boom. Literature , theater/ drama. Sooooo many ways and all beneficial to the kids and free up mom time.
  12. My older kids HATED Saxon math. At that time we didn't have as many choices as now. And it's worth noting, even my mathy kids had to have extra help by us to do well on SAT's. They did wind up getting academic scholarship s but not because of Saxon. I HATE Saxon. IMO. I don't feel it prepares them for college math. I know, controversial, but I had other friends homeschooling who had to do the same we did. Prepare them for college math. I don't believe their spiral approach is comprehensive enough . not enough focus on mastery and why I have become a big fan of Singapore. We use PM. I bought a level of MIF . IMO its way more busy on the page and to conveluted to teach. I love the HIG's in Singapore PM and even my lil learning challenged guys do very well with it. It's orderly, very orderly and mastery based. The have plenty of practice in the workbooks and the IP and CWP. I recommend checking it out We start with MUS . it's hands on, visual, and has a DVD teaching directly to the kids. My boys do well with it . The Singapore children are killing us in STEM subjects...way ahead of us. This mayh program is amazing imo. We also use beast for fun. I have to help them read it (lc) then I read it to them and we work on the problems together. Beast is comic book form and fun but challenging . it's not about getting the correct answer but figuring out the different ways to come to that answer. Mabe you have a friend who you could look at their math programs and see? Beast has some good samples online. Though probably not ideal for your spine. I highly recommend Singapore PM for a spine. The pages are cartoonish and fun. And the IP has plenty of practice. I save pages to go back and do the ' spiral' things we've already learned and practice. My boys need alot of practice. And why we used MUS first to get them started or to review a concept already learned. What I do love about MIF is their manipulative. I use them with Singapore PM though lol. BTW. MIF is Singapore but an americanized version of it. As I have read from Singapore website. They do ' oen' MIF. Again tho, I found it too busy n all over the place in the TM.
  13. Abba12 is right. Crayons markers and paper, playdoh, blocks, legos ( even if he's throwing them :) ) all of these things are essential developmentally. Count them as school. It IS school :)
  14. PS. Big fan of letting the der ones prepare lunch while you school your kindy lil one ;) 2 birds? ....one stone :)
  15. I have 5 kids. 3 are grown and out of the house. When all 5 were he and I was schooling in some fashion all of them ( my 2 youngest have learning challenges) I did what someone else recommended . Start the 2 older ones first. Put in educational but fun video for younger ones or...just let them keep sleeping ( that's what I did) The older ones will almost always be more labor intensive until middle or high school. So .... Get the ' bigs' started and do math with one while the other free reads then switch. Other does math with you and other free reads. Then they take a break ( mom too) . kids break is longer with some creative free writing...draw a picture about what they read in free reading , while you work with the younger ones. You can always and what I did with my 3 rd child is...wait til the big stuff is done with the older ones THEN do your kind with the lil one. Everyone gets their individual ATTN and instruction. Without mom completely exhausted. Win win :) Also for now.....I would totally and I did this...combine the 2 der ones for LA . it's grammar. Grammar is grammar. I've always done together even with the spec needs ones. History and science we have always done before or after dinner all together. Kids LOVE that. I've homeschooled 18 years and graduated the older ones ( son spent sr h.s. yr in PS to do ROTC) . This has always worked for me. As far as when to get up? Get up when you and DC are rested . if your tired...doesn't help anyone. It may seem like all day but when you have you afternoon and evening 'free' ( ha-ha. Yea right w 4 kids ) but you can do audiobooks.....sports or music or....just relax some days. Big thing to remember....SCHEDULE time for mom to relax and veg. Very important . kids can go play soccer in backyard or have quiet time or both! ;) while mom relaxes. I'm a huge fan of ' quiet time' :)
  16. Mom28great kids....thst makes perfect sense. :) I'm gonna get both books. Thank you for the feedback
  17. How was the oit of sync child? Would you recommend it ? Did it have useful information do you think?
  18. I would be more than happy to loan a level to you if purchasing it is cost prohibitive for you :)
  19. I'm going to chime in here to second what geodob said ( much good information in the other replies too) but my 11 yo has perplexed me and we have some of the same issues you are having and then some. What has completely blown me away, jus speaking what I have experienced with my child, is this: He is 11, cannot remember 5+4, despite daily practice cannot tell you one single multiplication fact, before and after....forget it. Like geodob mentioned. Mine cannot accurately tell you the months of the year and like your lil one , one day will seemingly know something , the next day have no clue. We have the sensory issues too. Here's the thing: Like geodob said, move on with higher math reasoning to ' get' math...but....I tried Singapore pm. ( I'm guessing thsts the type of math geodob is referring to) and I started 2 levels below( no # sense here) and as he started to work on simple place value and overall number send.... He started shooting off with accuracy the months of of he year, before and after, ( they have you work on counting backwards in Singapore , even with thousands etc) . He could start to make more sense of beginging middle and end of a short read aloud passage ( which had elluded him until we tried Singapore ). I would vote to try it. It doesn't seem like it would work with a struggling learner of any sort but in our case IT DID. I could not even believe it. Alot of times, you just have to try alot of different things, even if it seems way over their head. You never know what will work till you try. I agree evals and private and as OhE says....the university is a great option and you have a team of specialist at your fingertips. We did private in the beginning but at a children's hospital not at the university teaching hospital. I had to abandon private therapies and assessments after awhile due to financial reasons. Then we went the public school route . that helped but, they won't always test for what mommy guys tell us...they have a tendency to be the ' wait it out types'. Never do this. Wait it out is bad imho. Try Singapore. It won't hurt and I have alot of levels I wouldn't mind loaning you to see if it works. I can ship it to you and when you're don with it, jjs ship it back . If finances allow maybe purchase it, the resale in those are pretty good. But I would be more than willing to loan a l
  20. I can't believe I found it so quickly. I need to get it too. Alot of moms on another forum have read it and said it has given them insights to what the child has going on inside....and yes! That makes perfect sense. :) It is sublabeled the spd child but moms said it touches on other issues and more of the why's., though not a comprehensive book according to the other moms....still a very good on and they got alot of useful information out of it. How to better deal with and interact with kids with these issues. Note: I have not read it personally , yet, this is the info the other moms passed on. The out of sync child By Carol stock kranowitz Hope it helps. It's on my list to get :)
  21. Oh....I found one I thought looked good yesterday on a different forum....let me try to find thst thread. Something told me to bookmark it but I didn't and I read a ton of threads. Might take me a bit. It might not work for you but could be worth a try. I'll look today.
  22. Ha-ha. Thst was cute.happy thanksgiving. :) And happy thanksgiving to all!
  23. I agree with the ' take a few steps back and breath' advise. This is tough. But you are a very intune mama and doing good. You are ahead of the game :) kuddos to you for starting this ball rolling now. The biggest and best peice of advice I got from a friend here where I live, she has 5 kids like me , her youngest is 5 yrs older than my boys....she told me.... He's not my only child. I've thought back to that so many times in my mind over the years and it's so true. Alot of times the social situations our lil guys are in with their siblings is really good ' therapy' for them. You will have challenges and triumphs. This is a scary time. But you are doing great. Seeking advice , getting your lil one in early. Just hold him and hug him and enjoy your holidays. :) and come to the board for encouragement :) Know, whatever they do find, there is help on the other side. They will refer you to good therapist or programs that will greatly benefit your lil one . ( that's the triumph on the other side lol) And humor, keep your sense of humor. It will work well for some 'mom therapy ' :) We are in the process of basically starting over . The facility a friend of mine and me used closed their doors unexpectedly in Feb. She and I have taken a break to regroup and come up with a new game plan. We are going to the university after the new year and do any new testing they will give us. Then, well get referred to new therapist . Its a process, you'll get through it. Looking for a support group in your area helps too. Let's you see the successes of older children and find out what other moms have done and where they go. Big virtual hugs and prayers. You can do this :) Have a happy Thanksgiving!!! :)
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