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Everything posted by Keniki

  1. Your olders especially could probably go ahead with math, right? I'd assign that first and then I'd head over to this site and see what we could watch or listen to that I could count as school. While they are doing that, I'd plan another class or two. If I felt really lazy, I might see if there was a library book or video in the house that I could 'count' too.
  2. :iagree: We used a 'regular' one for our 5 yo. He was great. He didn't walk in and say 'hello'. He walked in and 'high-fived' our son. He was a winner!
  3. I agree that GF is not as hard as DF. We found out we don't have to be entirely DF, but dd tries not to get much dairy. I went GF with her, mostly out of sympathy, but I was shocked at how much better I felt and how quickly (like two days). It's not as hard as it sounds when you get used to it, but there certainly is an adjustment period.
  4. We do buy gluten free oats, but ONLY if they are CERTIFIED gluten free. We pay $6 for a 2 pound bag. But not all celiacs can tolerate oats, especially in the early stages of 'recovery'. And no, we do not buy anything that says 'processed in a facility'.
  5. I'm another one in the 'wouldn't chance it' camp. I have a daughter who is extremely sensitive to gluten (most likely celiac but not officailly diagnosed). In addition to everything everyone else has mentioned, there is even a probability of cross contamination in your toaster and butter/jam containers. Toast cannot be toasted in the same toaster and if someone spreads butter on their whole wheat toast or bread and then sticks it back in the butter container, it's contaminated. *I* would get every trace of wheat out of the house.
  6. Yes, you can use any, and no, they aren't hard on the digestion. My dh loves them. I prefer them almost ripe.
  7. Do you have a link for this? I have access to History Channel dvd's through our library, but I'm not finding anything about a curriculum on their website.
  8. Our history textbook that I chose for ds did not go well, so I've decided to follow the time periods recommended in Turning Back the Pages of Time and add in a unit for modern history (since WWII) using materials I can find in our library or our ILL system. If you were using these units: Early Indians and Pilgrims (1600-1650) Colonial America - Pioneers - Indians (1650- 1700) American Revolution (1700-1800) Westward Expansion (1780 -1860) Civil War Era (1860-1870) Progressive Era (1870-Early 1900's) World War II (1939-1945) Modern History (1945-Present) Would you treat them all equally timewise (3-4 weeks each), or would you give some more time than others? Are there any that should be further divided?
  9. This would be for next year, and that's part of my dilemma. DD is using TT Geometry now. She usually finishes before they come out with the new edition, so I get more for my used set than if ds uses it too. I can sell it when she's done with it and get more than enough to pay for BJU Geometry's current edition for ds (he doesn't really like TT) especially if I buy it used. There's a good chance we will NOT be able to swing the dvd's for BJU, so the TT would be nice for that, and what I would lose by holding onto it for the extra year would still be far less than what I would pay for BJU dvd's or online version. I can, however, get free videos online elsewhere that would *probably* work with the BJU Geometry. So, I wonder if BJU's is really stronger, or if they are pretty close academically. The dd who is using TT is not heading into any type of career that would require a strong math program, but ds is most likely headed towards computer science or robotics.
  10. Can anyone compare these? This would be for a probable science major if that makes any difference.
  11. :iagree: This is why the need for lawyers have become so prevalent. No one wants to stand behind their word, and we have to get every.single.detail in writing.
  12. K9 allows you to set times that aren't available except by password. You could use it, and set it to block at all times. The only disadvantage is that when you bypass it with the password, it can be for 15 minutes, 30 minutes, or 60 minutes. After that, you would have to put the password in again. It might be a disadvantage if you wanted said person to have two or three hours, you would have to enter the password every hour.
  13. Has anyone here used this? Did it help? Likes/dislikes? I have an 8th grader whose reading skills aren't where they should be partly due to not enjoying reading. Would this help, or do I just need to make him read more? TIA
  14. Our Country Agent told us ACT/SAT test scores or any other standardized achievement tests. They have to score in the 80th percentile or higher.
  15. I'm looking for learning games that can be used with any subject. I know there is Quizlet, and we enjoy it, but we're already using it for one subject. I'm afraid if we use it for more, the novelty will wear off. What else is out there? It doesn't have to be online, but free and/or easy to make at home is a plus. ;)
  16. I'm looking for learning games that can be used with any subject. I know there is Quizlet, and we enjoy it, but we're already using it for one subject. I'm afraid if we use it for more, the novelty will wear off. What else is out there? It doesn't have to be online, but free and/or easy to make at home is a plus. ;)
  17. I only have two boys, but it doesn't fit. My #1 is responsible but sweet. Definitely not mathematical and not really inquisitive. My #2 is the engineer and is mathematical, inquisitive, rough, daring and tough. Maybe he's just two boys wrapped up in one.
  18. Sore throat and grinding teeth can both be caused by sinus drainage from allergies. I wouldn't make an emergency appointment for this, but I would consider allergy testing.
  19. :iagree: And if it causes a bad attitude, the activities she does have CAN be removed too. ;)
  20. "Because" I said so. ;) It's an adverbial phrase, but 'because' is the adverb.
  21. Thank you, Pegasus, for that schedule! That was along the lines of what I was thinking, but this was a simple copy and paste. You saved me a LOT of work! :) For those of you who used this, did you do literature at the same time, one semester of each, or one year (or so) of Jensen's and literature a different year?
  22. These are already made, but they are considerably cheaper than what you have found.
  23. I agree with the pp that said fatter. Even my dc have commented on the disgusting sights that are out in public these days. Our oldest ds is the same height as my dad, and our dd is the same height as my mother. Our younger ds is 3" shorter than the older one was at the same age. He has a few years to grow, but it seems unlikely that he'll hit 6'.
  24. I have been doing some of Leslie Sansone's dvds over the last few weeks. In one of them she said something like, "If you are doing the Walk Slim Challenge....." What is the Walk Slim Challenge? I've tried googling it, but I'm not coming up with anything.
  25. AWESOME! and congratulations! 4-H is an AWESOME program. I wish your dd well in it, but it sounds like she's off to a great start. Our 4-H runs a little differently than others (evidently even at the state level), but both of our children were selected to go to the state fair this year in their projects. At state, only 'Award of Excellence' and 'Superior' ratings are given. Everyone gets 'AoE' but only about 10% get Superior ratings. Our dd was given a superior rating in cooking and recommended for the Clover Challenge project for next year. Unfortunately, she will have to wait a year because she has to be 15 for the challenge. This week, they were both elected as officers in our local 4-H club. They are really excited to get the next year going!
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