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Everything posted by Granny_Weatherwax

  1. I'll wait and see it this weekend. I couldn't stay up that late if I tried. Team Jacob!!
  2. We had a boxer mix, Adobe. She was the best dog, both well behaved and well tempered. She was a brindle and had the most beautiful coat. What I would want to know is what dog constitutes the 'mix' part. Many people breed boxers in hopes to further the pit bull line. (I'm NOT saying anything bad about pit bulls, so let's not go there). We knew of someone who bred boxers with bull dogs trying to get a unique pit bull. Our dog was a boxer/doberman mix. Both parents were registered dogs but they 'happened' to get together.
  3. With all due respect to Pamela, not everyone can save the $1000 in a month. DH and I couldn't; it took us about 3. I agree with the PP who said to hold a sale and sell anything you can. This will help jump start your EF and possibly pay off some of your smaller debts. Do not plan on using the emergeny fund for anything other than emergencies. The EF is to cover things like broken hot water heaters. I would counsel you to not buy another vehicle. If your DH is retiring in a year are you going to need two vehicles? I think the better course of action would be to pay off as much debt as you can between now and his reitrement. I don't say this lightly. We recently lost our second vehicle and became a one car family. We have three people working (one with a crazy anytime-of day-or-night schedule) and we are managing. Is it fun? No. Is it necesary? Yes.
  4. That would only be strange if the last time you played with Lego's was a month ago. :)
  5. Todays treasures: 110 mins; 17 miles along the Mississippi River We enjoyed: a synchronized swimming performance by a flock of pelicans. It was quite the show. black ducks mallard ducks a squirrel which went running across the path and straight into the backwaters of the marsh. It was jumping very high to get out of the water. When it made it to the trees it looked back and was chattering at the ground. turtles sunning on a log water lilies The wind was rather strong but that was okay.
  6. A Trek Navigator 2.0, complete with book rack on the back and a wicker basket on the front. It is Rootbeer colored, with a tan leather seat and tan handle grips and I love it.
  7. Congrats on the 87.5 miles. That is a great start. Want to join me in a summer riding challenge? My computer is by Botranger. It was the brand offered at the Trek store. I bought it, they installed it.
  8. That's not too far off, Mariann. She needs a little around the middle!
  9. Yeah!!!! Please share whatever you see and hear. There is so much to enjoy while bike riding.
  10. Around town, along two lane highways, and quiet country roads. Today we are going to the Cities to ride along the Mississippi River.
  11. One of my students has started riding her bike to school. Yeah!
  12. Oh, Mariann, I don't know how to feel. Like you I am happy SIL has found a job and there is a definite plan for them but my heart breaks for you. You are such a good mom and dedicated to your family. Maybe the change in climate will be good for your DD. The CA sun might be just the things she needs to overcome the Lyme disease. You now have a permanent vacation spot to visit...no more wondering where you should go. :grouphug:
  13. Yep, just tonight. I wonder what the rest of the summer has hidden away...
  14. Nope, didn't forget him. This is what I saw on my ride this evening. 90mins, 17 miles I do have a computer attached to my bike. It cost about $25. It tells trip time, miles, speed, and it has an odometer. It is well worth the price. I need to get some lights just in case I lose track of time and find myself on the roads in the twilight hours.
  15. I hit the 150 mile mark this evening. My summer goal is 300 miles and I think I will make that soon. If I would have stayed home to watch reruns of NCIS I would have missed: A Heron Swallows Mallards swimming in a flooded corn field Frogs rabbits Canada Geese A raccoon (which I thought was a stray dog and tried to avoid, rather silly of me) I would not have heard: tar bubbles popping under my tires corn rustling in the breeze birds calling to each other I would not have been able to: zoom down a hill at 28mph see how fast I could go on a flat road (19.1mph) I would not be halfway to my goal. Other things I found out: a tree lined trail that offers welcome shade in the daytime is kind of spooky at dusk So, is missing DiNozzo's smile worth it? A big resounding yes.
  16. Kudos to your DD, Faith. And to you for raising such a talented young lady. I wish her the best in her new career.
  17. I had not heard that. Hmm..learn something new all the time.
  18. Yes, they can. But you must let them suffer the consequences after they do. Don't go through their bags and add the clean underwear.
  19. I love Springfield. When in August are you going to be there? The State Fair is in August and the IL State Fairgrounds are awesome. If you like books there is a wonderful, ecclectic used bookstore downtown that you could get lost in. We always find wonderful treasures there. The Italian resturants in the downtown area are delightful. You could spend two days touring the Lincoln sites, the museum and what not. New Salem is not too far away, either, and is certainly worth the visit. The Spoon River, from the Spoon River Anthology, is right here, too. Your children are probably too young to appreciate the Anthology but if you like old cemetaries the drive along the river is worth it. ETA: sorry this is so jumpy, I am trying to grade papers, too.
  20. I have the same questions as you. I hope some experienced parents can give us some advice.
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