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Everything posted by Granny_Weatherwax

  1. DH and I are refinancing this week. The appraisers were here yesterday. We were 3 years into a 15 year mortgage. Our bank would not let us do a 10 year or a 12 year mortgage and we don't have the funds to do a non-mortgage loan for the amount we need. We are refi -ing another 15 year mortgage going down 2 points and cutting our payment down by $350 dollars. For us it is worth it because my job is touch and go and rerouting our money is better for us. This way if we need that $350 for medical bills or emergencies it is there. If we don't need it we can use it to build up our savings, retirement, college funds or to pay down the mortgage.
  2. This thread has me thinking about what I can do for DS and his troop. His camp is about 30 mins away and DH and I use our truck to help haul gear so we will be there. The boys go to an opening ceremony first thing so their camp will be empty. I thought it might be neat to put up a sign that reads something like "Have a great camp week, Troop ###" and leave a fun care package for all of the boys. Is that dorky? I think it could be kind of fun. Maybe what I should ask is "What would Remudamom do?" On the other hand maybe I shouldn't! :D
  3. I Googled camp care packages and found this web site. There are some pretty nifty ideas there. Have you looked at the local dollar store? They may have some interesting items that would be fun for boys. I like the idea of sending the mulitcolored glow sticks. The bandana idea is kind of neat, too. If the boys would wear them.
  4. A sense of humor to get you through the rough times. A sense of humility to get you through the good times. And a whole lot of support from your friends here at TWTM. Which you will have unconditionally I am sure. I for one am going to be cheering you on all the way through graduation day, my friend.
  5. I love scout camp. DS goes in two weeks. He'll be gone 7 days. Our camp has way too many restrictions on what can be sent so it's nearly impossible to come up with something that would be fun. I hope you get lots of good ideas so I can snag 'em. :D
  6. Ooooooooh, I will be praying for the NoVa job, Big P. God knows where your dear kids should be and He will give them the right job at the right time. Can we pray this is it? And due to your 'condition' I would suggest getting one of these: I don't want you to continue to hurt or strain yourself, especially with all of those sales your going to make this weekend.
  7. Oh yeah, I'm still doing dairy. I never thought of the real whipping cream. That's always been a high calorie no-no. Time to rethink the dairy aisle.
  8. Thank you for sharing. I love hearing how God answers prayer.
  9. I have Aspartame poisoning and am halfway through my 60 day detox. I cannot have any artificial sweeteners (Aspartame, Sweet N Low, Splenda, etc) for the duration. Someone on here suggested a 30 Day Sugar Free Challenge so I joined in with that. I don't know what I was thinking. I don't know how everyone else is faring but it's becoming increasingly difficult for me to do this. I went to the grocery store and wanted to cry like a baby, so many things have HFCS, sugar or sugar derivatives in it. I found fruit strips that are sugar free. I think I can substitute those for when I crave a candy bar. I already ate two and they are yummy (45 cals, 0 fat, 2 g fiber). I also found All Natural yogurt that does not have sugar in it. Thank you ladies for telling me to go look. I bought some 100% cranberry juice and I will make frozen pops with that. This is a start anyway. Thanks again forhte suggestions. If you have any more please keep them coming.
  10. If someone could tell me how to make lemonade without sugar or a sugar substitute I would be forever grateful. I tried water, lemon juice and a little bit of honey and it was gross. I thought it would be good because that's what I drink hot when I'm sick. It didn't taste good at all, so either my mix was off or that's something that needs to be served hot.
  11. Thanks for the ideas. I love the idea of a frozen yogurt but yogurt contains either sugar, high fructose corn syrup, aspartame or sucralose. I'm going to go to the grocery store and see what I can find. I am hoping to find something.
  12. I am searching online for recipes for some kind of frozen treat but the recipes I find either call for sugar or a sugar substitute. Do you have any ideas? I have searched under sugarless, sugar free, healthy, organic, etc. Am I missing something? Please help, my brain is sugar/sweet deprived and I am not thinking properly.;)
  13. We're keeping the blinds closed and I turned on the air conditioner. We don't have a pool membership this year so we haven't been to the pool at all. DS has taken over the basement and hangs out down there. It's about 10 degrees cooler and he can work on his 4H projects in comfort. We are trying to stay indoors and out of the sun for most of the day. I am lamenting the 30 Day No Sugar Challange today because a nice cold glass of lemonade would be delicious.
  14. I posted a rant earlier about something coming up next week. Then after a few minutes I realized how bratty I sounded and deleted the post. I tried to change the title but evidently that didn't work. Facing a tough week? You could say that.
  15. I don't think they are taking the standard test multiple times. There are truncated versions online that give a profile. Someone linked to one under one of the polls.
  16. We had a good time canoeing and sailing. -- Since I cannot change the title please see post #4.
  17. Our high school went to the block program 10 years ago as an experiment. Since that time graduation rates, ACT/SAT scores and overall pleasure in academics has decreased. So much so that the district is going back to a regular 7 class period schedule. They are changing the calendar, though. School will begin in early August and the first semester will end before Christmas break. The second semester will begin the end of Jan and continue until late May. The idea is this will be more like a college schedule and the students won't have to worry about studying over the holidays.
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