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Everything posted by Granny_Weatherwax

  1. Me, too. I love my knives. Two of them have gone missing and it irks my tatter when I think about it. Gotta save up to replace those babies.
  2. From my extremely formal survey (just kidding) this is what I found out: the engagement ring is supposed to be worth two months salary. Most young couples don't make that much when they are first married so the rings tend to be small and/or simple. As time goes by, however, the salary increases (sometimes dramatically) and the ring is upgraded to reflect the new economic status. HTH;)
  3. With the upper levels (WWW 1-3) both the student and TM are necessary. WWW is fairly intense. From what I have heard and by personal experience most people stumble at week 12 and require a bit more time to get through to week 13. It's because WWW builds upon itself and each week's test covers everything before it. It gets better, though, and starting at week 21 whole words (along with the stems) are studied and tested. DS and I are moving on to WWW2 in the fall. It looks a little less intimidating. The Poetry and Humanity book is wonderful. I highly recommend using it. It can be completed in a semester and then the knowledge applied to reading and discussing poetry the second semester. I think you'll be pleased with these choices. :)
  4. A Child Called It - Dave Pelzer; there are two 'sequels' to this book A Man's Search for Meaning - Viktor Frankl; the first half is excellent, the second more clinical and she will probably find it boring Genie -Russ Rymer Girl, Interrupted - Susanna Kayson - about Borderline Personality Disorder Madness: A Bipolar Life - Marya Hornbacher Some of these are books I allow my Psych 101 students to read and write about for extra credit. The topics are pretty deep but I think they are 'clean' enough. Have you or your daughter studied Psychology at all? I ask only because mental disorders is a fairly dark topic to begin a study of psychology. These books fall under Abnormal Psychology which is typically a mid - 200 level course. Many schools require Intro, Social, and/or Dev Psych before allowing a student to take Abnormal. Many of the books mentioned in these posts are going to be pretty deep and she may need someone with whom she can discuss some of the topics. These books aren't going to be like reading the Twilight saga and musing about Bella's obsessive behavior. These are serious issues that need more than a basic understanding of the human psyche to fully comprehend. Please don't misunderstand me - you know your daughter and I don't; I ask out of genuine concern.
  5. Just checked the recent temps with weather.com and your method doesn't work here in the Midwest. Although the highs were reached between 3-5pm which is later than I thought they would be.
  6. Here's a link that tells how to raise turtle eggs. Depending upon what type of turtle she is you have a couple of choices. If she is an endangered or protected species you should definitely do what you can to protect and care for the eggs over the weekend and then call the DNR as soon as you can. Is there a wildlife preserve in the area? They will usually take native species even on a holiday weekend. If she is not endangered or protected you can do the above or raise them yourself and release them afterthey hatch. Turtles are pretty self sufficient and don't require a lot of care after they hatch. If you can find her and put her back that might help while you are waiting out the weekend. She may not stay, though. Good luck with whatever you decide. ETA: she looks very similar to the turtle I found last week. Maybe it's turtle mating/egg laying season and they are all on the move.
  7. I broke my big toe and didn't go in for x-rays. It turns out the break was worse than I thought and the toe needed to be set to heal properly. Since I did not go in right away I have toe pain on a regular basis. I am developing and will have arthritis in that toe. My break was pretty bad, though. My toe did not move on its own and was swollen, purple and hot to the touch. If your DS's toe moves on its own I wouldn't worry too much. BTW did you and/or your DH see the House episode where the girl broke her toe? It initially aired the same day I broke my big toe.
  8. Okay - I blew it already. I had a touch of ketchup (just a bit, not much at all, like 1/16 of a teaspoon) and it had high fructose corn syrup in it. Do I get to continue? Wahh! This is going to be difficult!
  9. I voted for "too attached". I love my rings (now, there was a point when I was young that I wanted to getthe big, flashy ring, but no more). What I would like to do for our 20th (in Jan.) is to renew our vows. Dh has no desire to do that, though. Maybe I can convince him to take a trip -- that would be good, too.
  10. DH's 'days' are 12 hours long and he can be called back to work after 8 hours rest. There are days where he works 12, off 8, works 12, off 8, and so on; so within a 24 hour period he could work 16+ hours. It's gets rough because he's only sleeping about 5.5 hours between 'days'. He gets a 90 minute call to let him know when he needs to be at work. ETA: DH doesn't have a commute; we are about 10 mins from the 'office'. But when he does go to work he is gone for 24-32 hours, sometimes longer. He works the 12 hour shift, rests where he is, and works the 12 hour shift home.
  11. Maybe someone could begin an anniversary thread and we could leave it open on the screen all day until the DHs notice.
  12. Let's see you quit your job to homeschool your children and your lily-livered. I don't think so, dude. In response to the original question: DH gave me what most people would consider to be a small engagement ring. When we married my wedding band is more along the lines of an anniversary band (it has 5 diamonds in it). Neither ring would make the cover of a magazine. I badgered DH to get me a bigger ring for our 10th anniversary. I complained about my original rings for years (more money should mean a bigger diamond, right?). When he finally decided to get me a new 'engagement' ring (around year 15) I didn't want it. As I have matured (which I really needed to do) I have determined that the rings DH saved up for and bought me when he was young are the ones I want. These rings were purchased with a sacrificial heart, chosen out of love and given with devotion. One of the diamonds fell out of the wedding band and we didn't replace it for a couple of years. I quit wearing my engagement ring because it kept slipping w/o the other ring to hold it in place. We bought a plain gold band for me to wear because I liked the idea of wearing a ring. One day DH asked me to run some errands with him. He stopped at a jewlry store and asked me if I wanted to look around. We went in and DH surprised me - he had taken my rings in and had them repaired and cleaned. I didn't know he had removed them from my jewelry box. He did it all on his own. That to me was better than a newer ' better' ring. Anyhow that's my story.
  13. Okay, count me in. I haven't had any sugar yet just in case. I have been eating raspberries and blackberries to satisfy my sweet tooth. Good luck to all of us!
  14. Yup...that's why I posted it. The other board (although dear to my heart) doesn't quite get the depth of conversation I find here on TWTM.
  15. I don't consider chocolate a food. It is a necessity of life, like air and water.
  16. Pretty much any kind of potato. Whether mashed, fried, scalloped, chipped, or in potato salad I can never get enough of the wonderful potato.
  17. Pre-reads (and/or getting ready for finding supplements): All American History 2 Apologia Biology I really should move the next level of MCT from the bookshelf to my night stand. Maybe I'll do that today. Fun summer reading just because: Crispin #2 & #3 a new homeschooling book entitled Free Range Learning a couple of Rebecca Caudle Award nominated books brochure on taking the GRE
  18. But...but...that's still gross. Weren't you taught to clean it out before putting the frosting on the cake? Did they charge extra for the Chef Spit Special? Maybe that's why wedding cake tastes so good.
  19. DS blessed me yesterday. After I finished grading my papers he asked if we could go for a ride. We went on an 11 mile ride and had the best conversation. We talked about many things (including memory formation, Maslow's hierarchy, personality development) that were related to psychology. The conversation began with his private musings and thoughts and touched upon such deep topics for a 13 yo. His examples were dead on - like using the way people behave on the tv show I Shouldn't Be Alive to show how people's values can change amidst hardhip. His thoughts were very much along Maslow's beliefs so I told him about the hierarchy. He was disappointed that someone else proposed the theory before he did. It made me laugh. When we arrived home he asked if we could continue because he was having so much fun. Unfortunately I had to go play tennis so I couldn't. That made me a little sad. Last night before DS went to bed he came into the office and asked if we could go on another ride today. He has some things he wants t otalk to me about. I love it, love it, love it. BTW - we saw the biggest turtle in the lake yesterday. This turtle dwarfed the one I found last week.
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