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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. *choke* ROFL :lol::lol::lol: Although I'm certain it wasn't funny at the time! hehehehe :p AAAAAAAAAAAAAAMEN! :iagree::iagree::iagree:
  2. How to become a successful tent camper... Well, it requires a lot of surgery and you have to be very flexible, but if you are committed to it, I'm sure you'll be successful in your new life as a tent. :p
  3. I've never personally seen an incompetent teacher face consequences. I had several when I went to PS and nothing ever happened to them.
  4. I need a bicycle. how do I measure How do you measure? hmmmm let's see...... Sorry. You're not mom enough! :p ;) :D hehe
  5. LOL without throwing up yourself! hehehehe Happy Mother's Day to you! :)
  6. ROFL!! For the mom's of specials I'll add, if you've stood there with a screaming, melting down non verbal child trying to figure out what in the world is wrong, you're mom enough! :) If you've been out shopping with your kids who are screeching and squawking and rocking themselves back and forth because they're happy and have braved the dirty looks off the other people in the store who think you're a horrible parent and your kids are out of control, you're mom enough! :p :tongue_smilie:
  7. Awwww that's awesome! Love this! Thanks so much for sharing this Amber. A very happy Mother's Day to you too! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  8. My Aspie dd's experience is a bit different. She has always had fixations and obsessions (she was diagnosed OCD & ADHD too), but they were more about the things she was interested in. When she was a toddler, her bedtime ritual lasted 2 hours at its most extreme, but that was because she didn't want to go to bed and would do anything to keep me there longer. When she got older, she would fixate and obsess over toys or books etc needing to have every single one in the collection or series whether she played with them or not. She just HAD to have them all if she had one or two. She'll be 15 next month and that is still pretty much her pattern, although she was obsessed with Hitler and Nazi's for awhile after learning about them and would make comics and stuff where they were always the subject of some kind of revenge so maybe in that sense it was a "fear" although I think she realized she was in no immediate danger from Nazi's since 1) they're not an organized threat anymore and 2) we're not Jewish, so I'm not so sure if that would count. lol :p
  9. How exciting!!! You must be SO PROUD!! Way to go mom on raising an awesome dd! :hurray: :party: :thumbup:
  10. ROFL!! :lol::lol: Ay, that's something that would happen to me! hehehe Then my dd would be all like :confused: "How many genitals does he have?" hehehehe
  11. Grrrr I so admire articulate people who can say exactly what they mean. I always feel like I'm fumbling for the right words and STILL can't say what I want to say. lol I think what I was trying to say was actually two different sentiments that I got from looking at the cover image. One, the mom is obviously attractive and looks well rested and put together for a mom with a toddler. I guess by put together I don't mean her clothing so much as her makeup and hair all done up nicely and obviously she finds time to work out because she looks pretty fit. Two, the caption of the picture is what I find inflammatory more than anything and coupled with the image of the mom looking good it seems antagonistic. Maybe it's just me, I never had experience with children before I had my own and both of mine are Autistic so maybe they were just more challenging than a typical child? I don't know, but I know it's always been a struggle for me and not for a lack of trying. I'm just saying I never look that good on a day to day basis. I was never a glowing beautiful mom-to-be when I was pregnant like some women are. I looked haggard and tired. Even when my kids were toddlers I was still struggling with finding time to work out and care for myself. My oldest didn't sleep through the night until her brother was born when she was 3.8 years old and she started her day at 4am and went like the Energizer bunny all day. She cut out naps while she was still an infant! (She also has ADHD and OCD as well as being on the Autism Spectrum.) So maybe it is just my circumstances or maybe I'm just a wimp lol dunno. But I know that people judged me and thought I wasn't "enough". I'm glad that I have the personality that doesn't really care too much, but of course nobody likes being scrutinized and judged. Although I completely agree with you that we have no idea how this particular mom looked when she had a newborn, it was just the way the editorial was posed and with that caption "Are you mom enough?" that I found antagonistic and like someone else posted that it seemed to fuel the Mommy Wars. I just think it's too bad that people can't play up what is special and unique about women and celebrate that instead, but maybe that wouldn't sell magazines? lol Grrr nevermind. I can never express myself well. I'm probably not communicating what I'm thinking/feeling effectively. :p It's hard to put feelings and impressions into words. :tongue_smilie:
  12. Awwww and what a sweet pea it is!! :001_wub: Ask your doctor if you're allowed to take oregano oil while preggers. It's GREAT for colds and knocks them out quick. I take it when I get a sore throat and many times I'm well by the next day. It's natural too, but herbal so you should have your doctor's okay first. In the meantime you can gargle with warm water and salt for the pain and that won't harm you or the baby. Feel better mama! :grouphug::grouphug:
  13. :iagree::iagree::iagree: I didn't see the other pictures from the shoot, just the cover, but I do love that quote. So true. Live and let live. Life is so difficult to navigate just with it's own troubles let alone external pressures being put upon us to be more like someone else. No thanks! I have enough trouble just trying to raise my two special needs kiddos. I do the best I can and if someone thinks I'm a hot mess so be it!
  14. LOL Amen!! Thank you for putting into words (with great humor I might add) what I think bugs me most about the cover. It looks designed to play on women's insecurities. I'm sure there are some moms who bounce right back after having a baby and look amazing and that's wonderful, but there are a lot of us who didn't and had to deal with the shock of still looking 6 months pregnant AFTER delivering. I'm sure there are moms whose children are good sleepers and so they look well rested and gorgeous, but there are a lot of us who don't sleep well and look haggard and worn out. To stand there looking fit, beautiful and like you have it all together and throw out the challenge "Are you mom enough?" Seems like a really nasty dig at us moms who don't have it all together, who second guess themselves and wonder if they're doing the best thing for their child, who aren't glowing and radiant and who consider a day a success if dinner somehow happens to get cooked on time. I'm not a competitive person by nature and not too horribly insecure (although I have my insecurities) and this photo provoked me as well. That headline "Are you mom enough?" is really offensive. I really love that blogger Moxie who responded "Time. Shut up!" lol I hate the comparisons made between women sizing up their looks, weight, their talents or lack there of. It's really mean and shame on Time for feeding into that. Women are so amazingly intuitive, creative and nurturing, it's a shame that those traits aren't played up instead. LOL Okay, that was a lot longer than I thought it was going to be when I started replying. Oh well, I guess I had some feelings on the subject. :p :rant: Peace to all my sisters! Beautiful and fit or tired and worn out and everyone in between. You're all beautiful in my eyes! muah! :grouphug::grouphug:
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