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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. It's really really loud!! There is so much banging and crashing of trees going down and the wind is so violent and strong it screams through the trees and it's SO LOUD!! It's unlike anything! lol Our bugs are a little on the big side. :) Glad to hear it. :)
  2. It's true! A lot of people think I'm joking when I say that rum is a hurricane supply but I'm not. hehehe I'm not a drinker by any means, but when those suckers come a'callin', a little rum makes it easier to deal with while you sit and watch your glass doors rippling wondering if they'll hold. :eek:
  3. That's so awful!! I'm so sorry you are going through this. :( :grouphug:
  4. Yes tornadoes are SCARY!! Hurricanes are bad because they are so massive, but at least you know when they are coming, but tornadoes!! They come so suddenly and are so powerful! I thank God I've never been in one! :svengo:
  5. I wish I had this This... or this but I'd take this too. :D
  6. They were GREAT guitars back in the day, they still make good ones, but you have to pay over a thousand for them and that's too much for a poor girl like me. Back in the day, you could get an AWESOME guitar for around $300.00. I knew they were great back then, all my friends who were in bands played them, but like all things, you never know how good you've got it until it's gone and hindsight is 20/20. I wish I had bought an AR 300 in 1983, a blue burst Radius in 1991 and a CN 250 with the flying fingers pickups in 1978. Sigh! :( Goes away sad over what COULD have been. :( At least I have my RG550 20th anniversary edition that I bought new. Yes, at least I have that. :D
  7. :hurray: :party: He shows his face!! Glad to see you again friend! :grouphug:
  8. LOL That's just what I say!! Why hasn't his curiosity gotten the better of him yet! Sin verguenza! :D LOL Yeah.... light reading. :p
  9. :grouphug: I miss my grandpa. He passed in 1987. I miss the Ibanez guitars that they made in the late 70's, 80's and early 90's! What a fool I was to not snatch up a blue burst Radius when I had the chance!! :banghead: It's impossible to find a used one now that's not all beat up. :(
  10. LOL. That sounds like something my dd would do. I remember when she was a toddler reciting back to me (angry voice and all) from the Little Mermaid "I'm 16, I'm not a child!!" hehehehe
  11. LOL We only had a skinny bottle of wine in the house during Frances. We killed that off on the first day! hehehehe You know how animals get nervous when a big storm is coming? Well people do too, and it's nice to have something to chill the jitters. When Hurricane Wilma hit us, it came diagonally so we were lucky enough to get the eye wall 3 times where I live!!! We sat in the category 3 winds surrounding the eye for hours!! I'll tell you, that rum and coke at 7am really helped! She gave us quite a shellacking!
  12. Is there a grey one??? :eek: Really? :svengo: Gosh, I never knew that. I only ever saw the two, the black and the white. Learn something new everyday. :)
  13. Bill, you better come back soon or the white spy will win! :eek:
  14. :lol::lol::lol: She's probably the other spy. :p
  15. Maybe she's saying he IS a Monkee. ;) :p hehe
  16. Yep, every hurricane some surfer or parasailer puts emergency workers in danger because they have to be rescued. :glare:
  17. Oh that's fantastic!! I'm dying to get a copy for myself for the car, but the $$$ That's great that he's getting them for you! :hurray: :party:
  18. That was the year that they coined the term "hurricane fatigue". There were 9 hurricanes that year and most of them hit Florida. :glare: The following year was even worse! We had 28 storms that year!! They ran out of letters of the alphabet for the names and had to switch to the Greek alphabet. Unreal!
  19. That must have been in 2004, no?? That was a fun season. After being locked in the house for 5 days with hurricane Frances I decided that rum was most definitely a necessary hurricane supply! :rolleyes:
  20. Oh Lord!! This forum has totally corrupted me!! hehehehe I thought she was talking about the other booKs. :lol::lol::lol:
  21. hehehe Gosh, I haven't seen the Monkees in YEARS!! Man, nice guitars!! They don't make them like that anymore. sniff.
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