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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Can't go wrong with the Magic Kingdom and Animal Kingdom for young kids. :) Have fun and use the fast pass. :)
  2. :( Bummer. No snow for us last night. Sigh. I think we're too close to the beach. One of the cities in my country further north and west of me reported some brief snow flurries, but alas it was not meant to be for us. sniff. :(
  3. ROFL :lol::lol::lol: That's funny. It's funny how we get these misconceptions. My own mother, who is from Tampa (Florida's west coast) and moved to Ft. Lauderdale when she got married (where I was born and raised) used to tell me all the time, "Don't go down to Miami. You'll get shot!" As if they open fire on you as soon as you cross the county line or something. lol Well, I'm happy to say that I have been to Miami many many times (used to work both in Miami Lakes and in Kendall) and haven't been shot at once! hehe My mom thinks I'm lucky. hehehe btw, if you have some nice curry recipes to pass along I'm all ears. :bigear: :) I LOVE Indian food. :)
  4. :grouphug: I don't know all the answers, but for me, it took time. I had a near crisis in my marriage too a few years back. I was just so tired and I wanted out. To be fair, I think a lot of my depression was stress related becasue I have two special needs kids and my husband can be quite demanding. I think I was feeling trapped and suffocated and it was making me desperate to escape. I actually was planning an escape when God spoke to me about what love is and it put my feet back on the ground. I told God, "okay, I'm here, I'm staying, I'm willing to stick it out for the long haul, but You are going to HAVE to help me. I can't do it. I don't love my husband anymore." For me, it was just my submitting to God's will and putting my trust in Him for my well being and God started to do some major changes in my husband. As my husband started to change, so did I and things really started to turn around. It took some time, it's prolly been about 4 years or so now, but we're in a much better place. I think life is full of hills and valleys in any type of relationship whether it be marital or with our kids or whatever. I think recognizing that and knowing that it won't be that way forever helps and also looking for what you can learn from the situation may make help. My pastor always says it takes manure for a plant to grow, and in the same way it's the ahem, manure that we have to deal with in life that ultimately makes us better people... stronger, more patient, more compassionate to others in the same situation etc. All those are good things. I hope that you feel better soon. One thing I do whenever I'm mad at my husband too, is I immediately stop and make myself list 5 good things about him. Inevitably it always makes me feel better because it's easy to only focus on the negative when your emotions are involved, but when you take the time to focus on his good points as well, it kind of helps diffuse the emotions somewhat. At least it does for me. I hope this is helpful to you. God bless. :grouphug: Jen
  5. lol I'm starting to think that foreigners watch too much t.v. ;) :D I too always imaginged the Japanese to be very quiet,respectful, traditional etc. etc. only recently have I heard stories from people who've been to Japan, lived there or have dated some Japanese guys, that apparently they're quite freaky. :eek: I recently learned what a chikan was and I'm still trying to somehow make all this new information fit into my own idea of the Japanese. hehe One thing I do know for certain, is that Japan has some kick-butt guitar shops. I'd love to go over there for a shopping spree at least. I'd just have to avoid the metro. ;)
  6. 39 degrees at just past midnight!! I think tonight will be our only shot at maybe getting snow. The weatherman said tomorrow is supposed to be sunny. He said we're going to be back up in the 80's next week. :) I hope you ladies sleep warmly tonight. :)
  7. Never saw Metropolitan. I liked Barcelona well enough, although I don't know how realistic it really was. I don't know, I just can't see Spanish girls giving the time of day to a dorky guy like that, especially since he didn't dance. ;) But what do I know? My family left the Old Country awhile ago now. :) Many many moons ago when I used to be single and I had the freedom to actually stop and chat the tourists up I used to ask them what they thought about the US before they came and what they thought now that they were here. A lot of the German tourists used to tell me that they thought it was like the Wild West before they came. They thought there would be Indians running around everywhere or something like that. hehe The Germans used to tell me almost unanimously that their favorite thing about being here (besides the beach, drinking and the girls) was driving. They said that it was crazy and that we don't follow any rules at all and you can do whatever you want and nobody cares. hehe They said it was very liberating. That was years ago now before everybody had a cell phone. I can only imagine what the Germans think now with people texting, watching tv, or going on their laptops while driving. :eek:
  8. LOL My dd would love to I'm sure. She is praying so hard for snow. :) I'd like to see it once in my life, but after one time I'm sure I'd have it out of my system. ;) I'm definitely not a cold weather person. :) Nice to see so many Hillsborough county folks here. :) Most of my family is still in Tampa. :)
  9. :) I think my favorite line from that movie is when the American guy says to the Spanish girl, "You know how at parties everybody always talks about marketing?" and she's like, "No. In fact I've never heard anybody at a party talk about marketing." hehe
  10. Down here in So Fla praying for snow flurries too! :) It's been drizzling all day and the temp keeps dropping. It's 45 degrees right now. I've lived in Broward County all my life and have only seen it "snow" once when I was in kingergarten in 1977. It looked like slowly falling rain and it it disintegrated mid-air before it hit the ground, but they officially called itsnow. Love to see the real thing though where it actually makes it to the ground and covers it. Maybe this will be our year. :)
  11. Hi Sheryl, I checked out a bunch of the Jewish cookbooks that were listed here (actually all of the ones that were named that I could find in my library ;) ) and pretty much as soon as they started coming in I got really busy with Outreaches and then holidays and as a result I only got the chance to look at one of them before they had to go back to the library. I believe it was one of Joan Nathans IIRC. sigh. I'm off to check them out again. :) hehe I think my librarian must hate me. :glare: Fresca! hehe Oh those sound wonderful. Thank you so much for the recommendations. Shalom. :) And thank you to all of you lovely ladies for the recommendations. You gals rock. :grouphug:
  12. LOL And down here right now with it being our tourist season it's a bit like Germany. ;) We have a lot of very colorful people down here. ;)
  13. Happy New Year everybody!! May your 2010 be blessed! :party: :grouphug: :)
  14. Oh that is bittersweet. :grouphug: Wow. That is so heartbreaking.
  15. Oh I'm late on this one, but I wanted to wish you a happy birthday! :grouphug: :party: :) I am grateful for your critique of the movie, because I rarely see them in the theatre anymore because they're just so expensive, but I was thinking of seeing this one in the 3D theatre for the effects. Now I'm not so sure.
  16. Wishing all the WTMers a blessed Christmas! Happy Birthday Jesus! :grouphug: :party:
  17. HUGS :grouphug: Trust me sister, you are NOT alone. lol My brother has a very sarcastic and dry sense of humor which is fine, I get it, but he just moved up to New York this summer and now pretty much my all of my conversations with him are via Facebook and well, let's just say the sarcasm and dryness doesn't always translate so well over the web. I can never tell if he's being serious or not anymore because I can't rely on the tone of his voice or his facial expressions anymore and I constantly feel like a dummy asking him, "are you being serious or are you joking?" I honestly don't know. I swear, I think "are you being serious?" is said more often than hello. hehe If that starts becoming a catch phrase of his I'll be really lost. :eek: LOL about the waitress. I say that all the time too. Or when I leave a shop and they say, "Thank you and come again" I'll say, "Thanks you too." :blushing: hehe
  18. oh wow! That's so bizarre to think of all this stuff going on while we're happily surfing away. It's so Big Brother. hehe
  19. I just looked. That is weird. I know a bot is a computer, but it's strange that they would be looking at threads. :confused: I dunno. Weird.
  20. LOL I'm glad you did. It's good to see you. :grouphug: I was busy too (still am) and needed to take a bit of a board break, but I missed you gals (and guys) and wanted to pop in and say hi. :)
  21. You're a good woman! :) I told my husband years ago, "I don't do organs." ;) :D
  22. ;) How ya'll doing? Just checking in to say hi. I've been MIA for a while I know and am feeling a bit like Rip Van Winkle waking up, but just wanted to pop my head in and say that I'm still breathing and hope that everyone is well. :) Blessings, Jen
  23. :) Thanks. That's really sweet. :grouphug: I miss people too when they disappear for awhile and am happy when they come back. :)
  24. LOL What she said. My Ladies' Bible Study group will be going to a girls' prison/jail in November and we are going to sing songs and visit with them. The girls keep switching the songs that they want to sing on me so I've been playing and learning the ones they want to sing. :) It's nice to be missed though. :) :grouphug:
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