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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I know what you mean. I was hurt very deeply (trauma is probably a better word) by someone close to me and it took me years before I would even pray for that person. I mean literally, YEARS! I wouldn't pray for their salvation because I just couldn't. I didn't really feel it and it felt hypocritical so I didn't do it. I did used to pray and say, "God, I choose to forgive them. Please help me deal with my emotions." and that really started the whole process but it definitely took time to get there.
  2. Wow!! That is incredible! I am SO sorry to hear of your troubles and I cannot even begin to imagine the gall of that man to show his face there to "drop in and say hi". :svengo: Wow! I think under those circumstances even Job would have been tempted to give a piece of his mind. Forgiveness as far as I understand is a conscious decision with the understanding that God is going to have to help you deal with the emotions. You are only human honey, and you got burned badly, emotions in this case are understandable. In fact I don't think that 3 years is long at all to bounce back from a betrayal like that. The fact that your husband was even courteous is amazing. If you ever needed proof of "wolves and sheeps clothing" there you go! Wow! Praying for you. :grouphug:
  3. LOL Thank you for your kind words and encouragement. :) The part I bolded cracked me up. hehe It made me think of how I always have to always ask my dd 12 to show me how something on my cell phone works. hehe She always knows of course! What is it with kids and technology? What I have in my curriculum like I said is nothing really new, but I looked a lot of places when I was in the research stages of starting this co-op and after looking over lots and lots of beginner courses I just couldn't find one single course that I would use. I kept thinking how I wish I could just pick and choose from them and make my own which is kind of what I did. I knew in my mind that I wanted a course that was geared toward children (straight forward and easy to understand) but that would also be meaty enough for an adult as well (one of the moms wanted to take the class also). I wanted something that would take them from an absolute beginner and leave them with a solid foundation in the basics that would allow them to go to any music store or download a piece of music online and be able to play it (within their skill level of course). I couldn't find a single course that covered all of the topics that I wanted to cover so I just pieced it together myself and wrote some of my own lessons and recorded the tracks for all of them. That's basically in a nutshell what it is. I don't know if it's novel or not, I just couldn't find a course that fit what I wanted to do for my co-op so I put it together myself.
  4. Thanks Tex Mex and you other gals for your comments. :) I don't have a website. I actually just posted up this thread to kind of help me think through the process and see if it is something that is even worthwhile for me to do. Thank you for sharing your experiences btw. :) I am just teaching students out of my house at this point and have gathered/created this curriculum to use with my students. I've also recorded the audio tracks to accompany the lessons for the students. I wouldn't even know how to begin to upload something like that. lol I think I'm a little technologically challenged. I really was just hoping to get some feedback from people who have been there/done that to get an idea if it is something that is even worth my investing the time and energy into doing. As you said, there is nothing new under the sun and my curriculum, although I couldn't find another one like it when I was trying to choose materials for my class, is still just a rehashing of the same old topics. I mean, it's music afterall, there's nothing really new there. Theory is still the same today as it was 100 years ago. So maybe it's not worth the time. I was hoping I could just throw the question out there and hear what other people's experiences were. :)
  5. Ah you beat me to it! I was going to say the same thing. I use the Sonlight lists too. They have lots of advanced reading on there. Good luck. :)
  6. We've resorted to making our own bookshelves we've got so many books. The house looks like a library. But seriously, dh just goes to Home Depot and has them cut the lumber in the dimensions he wants and he goes home and assembles it into a book case. hehe They're solid wood and less than buying a book case which allows you more money to buy more books. :tongue_smilie: :D
  7. That's a big part of it for me too. I'm too busy homeschooling! :) hehe And on top of that, my son is severely disabled and requires a great deal of care. Tbh though I've already written quite a bit of the lessons, but since it's for a music class I don't know if it would really fly anyway without like an accompanying DVD or something. I just know how difficult it was for me to find a single resource for my guitar co-op that had what I wanted content-wise. I really wanted something meaty, but geared towards children since that is who I am teaching; comprehensive but easy to understand. I wound up writing a lot of the lessons myself, getting bits and pieces of information off of the internet and assembling it into a lesson etc. I put so much work into getting the course to be what I wanted it to be for my class that I thought, "shoot, maybe I should write my own." But then it would still need to be taught by someone who knows how to play the guitar so.... :confused1:
  8. Honestly, I don't even know if it would be totally doable for me. I really just wanted to kind of weigh the pros and cons of it. It wouldn't have even entered my mind truth be told except for one of the moms in the co-op I'm teaching suggested it. At first I laughed at the idea but then I thought, "why not?"
  9. Congratulations. I hope things work out great for you and your family. :)
  10. Yo tampoco hablo catalan, pero al leer tus comentarios pense en este sitio.http://www.interpals.net/search.php Puedes buscar "pen pals" por pais. A lo mejor podrias encontrar a alguien con quien platicar alli. Suerte. :)
  11. Just wondering. I'm thinking of doing this and I'd appreciate any helpful advice or tips from someone who has done it. Thanks to all who reply. :)
  12. "dropped the ball" I absolutely detest that expression for some reason. It just irks me, but I found myself saying it the other day to my own surprised amusement. Don't you just love when you can amuse yourself? hehe
  13. LOL I think you must be right. I heard somewhere that he based his Pirates of the Caribbean character on Keith Richards. hehe
  14. Oh I still want to go see Avatar in the IMAX. All of the shows have been sold out though for weeks!! :eek: LOL I didn't even realize that Alice in Wonderland was in 3D. Sheesh! I'm so thick sometimes! hehe
  15. I hear ya! And I know that I will definitely be seeing it too, I just have to figure out where. I have to decide if the eww factor of Johnny's character is enough to keep me out of the theater entirely. I reckon probably not. ;)
  16. ROFL!! I actually thought the same thing. hehehe
  17. I waited until my dd was older too (about 3rd grade) before I introduced it also. I still think you could use SOTW and just fast forward the ancients perhaps and cover it on the second cycle perhaps?
  18. ROFL!!! :rofl: :rofl: Those HD will get you huh? hehe Oh my gosh, have you ever seen the 30 Rock bit with the HD cameras?? I almost died laughing. This is poor quality, but it was the only one I could find that didn't make you watch the entire episode.
  19. I'm sorry I have nothing useful to say to help, but I just wanted to send you lots of :grouphug: :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I hope that all turns out well.
  20. LOL He REALLY is!! I realize he's supposed to be the Mad Hatter, but he looks like a clown gone bad. :eek: Really creepy!
  21. That would really like to see the Alice in Wonderland movie in the theater:lurk5:, but think that Johnny Depp's character might just be a little too freaky to see on the big screen. :eek: The movie looks really cool, but Johnny... I think he'd give me nightmares! :D
  22. http://www.flixxy.com/water-drop.htm I just had to share it here. It could be a great additional resource for anyone studying surface tension with their kids. :) Enjoy. :)
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