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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Oh that's lovely!! Thank you so much for the link. :)
  2. What I want to know is how you all know all of these stories from so far back. I know my family stories back to my great grandparents but that's because my great grandparents were the ones who were telling us the stories. I've never seen any archival information or anything like that. I wouldn't even know where to begin to look. :ohmy:
  3. LOL Did the 4th one have any problems in real life?? That would have been wild if they really did. :ohmy:
  4. :) Yes!! Great movie! :) To OP, I really loved the movie Contact with Jodi Foster, but it might have too much adult content.
  5. Thank you!!! That looks awesome. Just added it to my wishlist. :)
  6. Thank you so much! I am looking at both versions on Amazon right now. I have to admit I like the second one very much too. :) Thank you for the recommendations. :)
  7. :) Thanks for the suggestion. I like ballet too but I don't think there is a Pinnochio one showing anywhere near right now.
  8. :lol::lol::lol::lol: Sigh. I can't really tell my most vivid dreams because they are just. too. scary and real. But I remember when I was a kid I used to dream that I could fly. I would be running late walking to school in in my dreams I would run as fast as I could and then just jump (like if you were going to belly flop into a pool kind of jump) and I would just scrape my belly on the pavement before I would begin to soar up. I would flap my arms to get more height and as I looked down I could see other kids walking below me rushing to get to school. I could see the roofs of the buildings and all the cars below. I could feel the wind in my face and the sensation of soaring. It was awesome and I would always get to school just before the tardy bell. The dreams were so real I was convinced that I really could fly. My mom used to catch me all the time jumping off of my bed. She would ask me what I was doing and I would say, "I'm trying to fly." I really believed that I would be able to if I could just get enough height. It took ages to become convinced that I couldn't.
  9. I don't know whose house you've been hanging out at but it certainly wasn't mine! ;) :D
  10. Does anyone have a favorite version for a middle schooler?? Preferably one with some illustrations in it?? Thanks to all who reply. :)
  11. LOL As long as you wake up with the right one. That's funny. :) Absolutely!! :iagree::iagree::iagree::iagree:
  12. Wow!! That's unreal. I can't even imagine it. I'm 38 years old and I have yet to see snow in person. sigh.
  13. Wow. Do you all really get blizzards like that that come up so suddenly? I read that book and I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. I couldn't imagine anything like that. Amazing.
  14. I know what you mean. They are so vivid and ordinary life can be so dull. The good ones are really good, but the bad ones..... shudder. The memory of them can hang on me like a shadow for days after giving me the creeps. :( I have had at least 4 or 5 dreams lately about Steve Perry. lol The lead singer in Journey. But in my dreams, the time is back in their hey day and I am in the band playing. lol I think Steve Perry has such a beautiful voice so it's awesome to be there (in my dreams) getting to hear him sing in person and getting to play along with them. Those dreams are cool. :)
  15. I was thinking the same thing. I wish her mom had been there to see it. :crying: I LOVE how you put that Dawn. Like the world's biggest hug. It did seem like that. That poor poor girl. My heart just aches for her and her father. I hope that her knowing how many people are pulling for her and cheering for her gives her some comfort in her grief. Poor thing. :crying: :sad:
  16. Awesome!! I'd love to meet Rosie IRL. :) I keep telling her I'd love to call her one the phone sometime, but she keeps putting me off. :glare: I think I like her more than she likes me. ;) :D:tongue_smilie:
  17. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: I'm so sorry. It sucks doesn't it?? I have nightmares all. the.time. I had one just 2 nights ago and I was screaming in my sleep and my husband was downstairs at the time and he said he got chills all over when he heard my screaming. He was afraid to go upstairs and check on me for fear of what he would find. hehehe He told me he half expected me to be levitating above the bed or something. :lol::lol: The good thing is that I usually don't remember my dreams fortunately. The ones I do remember are awful though. shudder.
  18. Yes I heard him too. That was Scott Hamilton I think. He was audibly choked up and then Bob Costas says as cool as can be, "yes, it's very touching." :rolleyes:
  19. Warm here in South Florida. I saw the weather last night though that there is some system to the west of us over Texas that is moving this way. It's supposed to bring more cold arctic air. :ohmy:
  20. Placenta Hill!! That's hilarious! hehe Oh my! :ohmy: It WAS a roast she made right? ;) Oh you're making me laugh this morning! hehe Awww. :grouphug: You are SO SWEET!! But you are of the King's lineage too sweetie! mua! :grouphug: Ain't it good? :)
  21. Oh my gosh. I was ironing and crying my eyes out. I got my son's school shirt all wet with tears. My heart just broke for her and her dad. :crying:
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