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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. I wonder if that is it. I found this quote interesting from the article you linked.... "Ahmadinejad told hundreds of thousands of Iranians celebrating the anniversary of the 1979 Islamic revolution that the country is now a "nuclear state," but insisted Iran has no intention of building atomic weapons." He claims that he only wants to use the enriched uranium for fuel and medicines but how would that be a "punch to the West"? He secretly builds a second nuclear processing facility and threatens to wipe Israel off of the map, but he's not going to use that uranium for weaponry. Yeah right. It's like the guy who buys cigarettes and claims that he doesn't smoke them, he just likes to light them and watch them burn. :rolleyes:
  2. That is so awesome!! I'm SO happy for you. God bless you sister and your family. :) :hurray: :party: :grouphug:
  3. That is so awesome!! Congratulations!! :party: :hurray: I wish I could give you a big hug!! :grouphug:
  4. Everything is always lost in my house too no matter how much I try to keep things organized. Sigh!
  5. I never wear a watch. Don't know why, I just never have. Dh used to wear a watch when we were dating and in our early years of marriage. He used to take it off when he went to bed and put it on the nightstand. I think I must have rubbed off on him though because now he never wears a watch anymore.:tongue_smilie:
  6. I've never been up north, but down here when we have hurricanes and school is cancelled for an extended period of time, they just tack extra days onto the end of the school year. Maybe they'll do something like that?
  7. :) cool. :) Asturias, las Canarias y la Habana aqui. y tu?
  8. :iagree::iagree: That sounds right. To Cleo, I'm sorry I can't help you with the fine points of grammar as far as names and such. My family is Spanish/Cuban/American so I grew up hearing and speaking Spanish, but I couldn't tell you a single thing about what's what. I just know what sounds right or wrong to me. These other gals seem to know the grammar well so I think you're well covered here. :) Buena suerte. :)
  9. The "le" would be referring to the wife, but that is a weird sentence. If I were going to say "le" that way I would say it, "Le has comprado el regalo para tu esposa?"
  10. :iagree: :iagree: me too. I've bought things there for years.
  11. Oh gosh. I read that when I was a kid and cried my eyes out. It's still one of the saddest stories I've ever read. Poor old yeller! :crying:
  12. Thanks Donna. :) I'm going to check my libray. :)
  13. Oh I've never read it! What version did you read (publisher, etc)?
  14. It was a well earned, well deserved win. Congratulations Saints!! :D
  15. Ugh! I so feel your pain. Every single time we've planned a trip to Cape Canaveral at when a launch was scheduled they've cancelled it. I gave up trying. :( Sorry you had to freeze your patooties off. :grouphug:
  16. In my neck of the woods they sure can. I know of kids who are graduated from High School who cannot read. :svengo:
  17. :lol: LOL this is so me! When we were car shopping after hurricane Wilma deposited a royal palm tree on our old car and demolished it, we were looking at SUV's. I looked at so many and every dealership I went to I kept asking, "Do you have one that comes in a stick shift?" lol I don't know why they don't have more SUV"s with sticks. Of all the ones we looked at I think only two had them with manual transmission and they were both too small for my husband's ol' giraffe long legs. Had to settle on an automatic transmission. :crying: Next car we get though, I told dh already, I want a stick! :)
  18. I haven't used this, but maybe you check on Youtube to see if there are any sample videos up and see if it's for you? Good luck. :)
  19. Yeah that whole pesky rebellion thingy we did back in 1776 that made us Independent is pretty unnecessary. Just tear that bad boy right out of that book. Well look at the good news, nobody will ever have to memorize, "these are the times that try men's souls...." or "four score and seven years ago...." anymore. God knows those speeches didn't make any kind of impact at all. :rolleyes:
  20. I have an automatic now because a stick shift wasn't an option on my car. I LOVE driving stick. I am used to my automatic now, but I never feel like I'm really driving and getting a dead battery is no fun either. It's not like a stick where you can put it in second, have someone push the car and get her started again. Nope, with an automatic, you're just dead in the water. :( Jennifer (missing her stick shift. sniff)
  21. :grouphug: Thank you. :) I hope that you experience full healing and deliverance from those emotions. God bless you, sister. :grouphug:
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