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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. It really is. It breaks my heart what's happened here. At least they finally protected the Everglades. At least we still have that, but man, the reefs are just about gone. :crying:
  2. That occurred to me, but I thought you all might be too "desert-y" or too close to Asia. :) I would like to hear what she thinks of Australia. :) She's too funny. hehe
  3. Thank you so much for putting into words what bugs me so much about all of this kind of talk. The Indians survived here for centuries living off of the land in a nomadic way AS A COMMUNITY and they got on just fine. I don't understand why everything has to be compartmentalized as "this is mine. Go get your own!" Even the pilgrims learned to share and survive AS A COMMUNITY and needed the Indians to help them through the winter. What if the Indians said to the Pilgrims when they arrived, "tough luck dudes, you're on your own. This is my land and my food and there isn't enough for you." The Thanksgiving story would be very different. The Indians didn't even have a concept of "owning" land. When stuff becomes more important than another person's life, well... I think at that point life becomes not worth living. ETA: Renee you and I must have posted at the same time. LOL I didn't see your reply before typing my own. I totally agree with you. You put it much better than I could have :)
  4. I don't know if it's happened to anyone else, but it just seemed to me that you had a lot of "Murphy's Law" action going on. ;) :D
  5. We're old-timers too. My great grandmother was born and raised in Key West during the late 1800's. Her parents were from the Canary Islands in Spain. My great grandfather was born and raised in the outskirts of Havana, Cuba (Jesus del monte) in 1890. His parents were from Asturias, Spain. He left Cuba at 16 to come to Tampa, Florida to work in the cigar factories that used to be here. He met and married my great grandma in Ybor City in Tampa in 1907 and raised his family here. Both of my grandparents were born and raised and in Ybor City and my mom too was born and raised in Ybor City but left when she got married and settled in Ft. Lauderdale where my brother and I were born and raised. I've lived in Broward county my whole life and have been living in South-east Hollywood since I got married 14 years ago. I live less than 2 miles from Hollywood Beach. My little secluded beach spot is just a jog north of Sheridan Street on A1A on Greene street. It's a sea turtle nesting ground area so it's closed off to development, but it's still open to the public. It's so so pretty there. My camera really sucks so I couldn't do it right now, but I'm in the market for a new one. If/when I get it I'll take some video for you if you want and I'll put it up for you to reminisce. I really love that little spot at night. :) I was on the beach last night and the moon was full and it was so huge rising up out of the ocean. Everybody was stopping and just looking at it because it was just SO BIG and beautiful. I would have taken pictures too if I could with my camera in my phone, but they don't come out when taken at night. :blushing:
  6. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :lol::lol: You should have told me what book you wanted Rosie! I would have picked it up for you. Oh well, you can tell me now and I'll put it in my wishlist for next time. I have a few other books I put in there just now that I want, but can't get tonight. I just finished checking out. I wound up getting a small clip on metronome. It was a little bit more than I wanted to spend just now, but it was a good price for the metronome and I needed a portable one. I've never bought one because my keyboard piano has one, but it's not very loud and not portable so it's high time I got one that I can use when I practice guitar. Thanks ladies for the recommendations. :)
  7. I was thinking anything really. lol I'm partial to books, but the ones in my wish list are all over 20 dollars which would make my cart too high. I was thinking maybe some classics in paperback that I haven't read yet or maybe some kind of inexpensive kitchen gadget that I don't own, but I just can't think of anything.
  8. I have what I want in my cart but am short a couple bucks for the free shipping. I'm trying to think what else I need that is relatively cheap, but I'm blanking. Any suggestions?? :bigear:
  9. Wow!! That is so cool!! You should name him Bullwinkle. :)
  10. :iagree::iagree: Sage advice :lol::lol: Ay Rosie! hehehehe I wish you well in your endeavors and hope for a positive pregnancy test soon! Keep us updated. :) :grouphug:
  11. Well, as long as we're dreaming.... :D One dream I've always had since I was a kid was to get a sail boat and sail around the world, stopping in each port of call for as long as I wanted. There are so many places I'd love to see, but don't know if I'd want to live there since I've never been. I have a fascination with the Azores islands, Belize, Costa Rica and tons of those southern pacific islands that all look like post card pictures. I'd like to see a few in the Lesser Antilles as well like St. Lucia and maybe Dominica or Guadeloupe. I'd also have to be sure to go to the Bahamas because I have a dear old friend that lives there and has been inviting me to come visit her for years! If Cuba were free, and not all screwed up I'd go there too to see my family and all the places that my grandfather and great grandfather used to tell me about. I'd like to go see Asturias, Spain too where my family came from before going to Cuba. I think I need a bigger boat. :)
  12. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: That is so hard. I'm so sorry for all that you are going through. I pray you have a complete and total healing and are restored to sound and vibrant health. :grouphug::grouphug:
  13. Sure! I'll just take my WTM boardies with me and we can have a Well Trained Community. :) I sometimes wonder what this state must have been like when the Spanish first arrived here and it was all unspoiled. I'm only 39 years old and it is shocking to me how much we have lost in just my lifetime. I used to dive the reefs all over the southern East coast and down into the Keys. I probably dove every reef there is (or was) and it's amazing to me how much of them are gone now when they used to be so beautiful and thriving with fish and marine life. Same thing with the Springs in Central Florida. I went to Alexander Springs a few years ago after not having been there in probably 18 years and I literally cried when I saw it. The fish were all gone, the water that used to be so clean you could drink it and it was sweet and you could see clear straight through down to the sandy bottom, was yucky tasting and there was nothing but algae everywhere. You couldn't even see the bottom anymore for all the algae. It broke my heart. :crying: I do have two secret places that I go to that nobody else seems to know about. One is a nature walk kind of place the other is on the beach in my city where there is this secluded area that nobody ever goes to. It is my favorite place. I love to sit there at night with the ocean and the moon on the water and just watch the waves. It's so secluded all around with palm trees and sea grapes it feels like a private beach. It's so peaceful there. :)
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