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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Is it really, Jean?? Awwww. I always thought it was one of those oil paintings of royal children or something. Were you playing dress up or something. You were so cute! :) hehe
  2. Mine is a fantasy picture. I liked it because you can see it in two ways. When I first saw it, I thought it looked like the cross surrounded by snow and up above looked like the Aurora Borealis, but the shape of the Aurora is like a face coming down and kissing the cross. The caption says "I believe in You". Jesus saved me when I was in a very dark place and His showing up in my life was like being flooded with light. So for me the image reminds me of my salvation and how I will always believe in Him not just for my salvation, but for all of my life. The picture on my profile page is of the last guitar that I bought after I had cleaned it up. I'm fixing to change that one soon though because I have a blue electric guitar that I "rescued" from Ebay about 5 or 6 years ago that had been horribly neglected. I've already put in probably about 30 man hours trying to fix it up and restore it to it's former glory and I'm almost done with it now. I just need one more full day to work on it and that should do it. I'm going to change my picture to that one when it's done. It's one of the best guitars that I own. It brings tears to my eyes sometimes because it sounds so good. It was so badly treated and neglected by it's former owner and I'm just so glad that it came to me and I can clean it up and treat it the way it deserves and properly appreciate it. I truly love that guitar. :)
  3. :lol::lol::lol: Yep. Sounds like all the boys I grew up with too. :) He's so funny. hehehe me too. Well not the same number of brothers and sisters you had, but I had an older brother and grew up in a neighborhood where I was the only girl so I always played with the boys. I have a really hard time making girl friends. Really hard. I think I kind of overwhelm them a bit with my exuberance and sense of humor not to mention I'm into cars and guitars which not too many girls are so my interests are either boring to them or they have nothing to contribute to the conversation since it's not their thing. But I always fall in so easy with boys and it's so easy to connect and joke around, but now that I'm married, i can't really do that anymore.
  4. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Now that's just mean! :lol::lol: I've been thinking about that very thing lately actually. This is our last hurrah before the weather starts getting hot. This time of year I start trying to use up everything in my freezer so I can empty it out before hurricane season starts up in June. I just hope we don't get any hurricanes this year. That sounds like so much fun. If I lived somewhere cold I would so want to do that too. :) Have fun with it Darla. Stay safe. :)
  5. hehehehe I know right? :D Actually, I don't have any homeschool related fun things or inspiring things to report. Truth be told, we're feeling a bit like we're in the doldrums right now. BUT my mother is coming down at the end of this week and will spend a week so it will be a little vacation and that's always good. :)
  6. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: That is awesome! Great job mom! :hurray:
  7. hehehehehe I wonder how much things have changed since I went there now that the East and West I'm sure are more blended together. When I went in '95, the differences were very apparent. You could actually tell you were at the border to East Germany even before you ever saw a sign. It was really an amazing experience. I'd love to go back and do it again sometime. I see you're in Heidelberg. I was there on my visit too. I loved that city. It's so picturesque. :)
  8. :iagree::iagree: Me too, although I'm not very quotable anyway. :D :tongue_smilie:
  9. This will probably want to make you all egg and TP my house and throw tomatoes at me, but where I live, February is actually the most beautiful month. It's gorgeous outside. Some kids are swimming in the pool right now actually. **ducks and runs**
  10. Glad you all are safe. That is so scary. :grouphug: :grouphug:
  11. That is so sweet. I don't find it odd at all. I find it very endearing actually and a very nice way of representing how motherhood really does change everything. You're no longer just "you", you're now someone's "mommy".:001_wub: LOL That is too cute! Your house sounds like a lot of fun. such sweet stories. :) Thanks for sharing them. :)
  12. I wonder if he works for the Wall Street Journal? ;)
  13. He was funny when he was referring to Melissa Leo's f-bomb and said he wasn't going to do that because he'd "done that plenty". :smilielol5: :lol::lol: It's good that he can laugh at himself. :)
  14. :iagree::iagree: I thought so too. I thought on the whole, it was a well dressed Oscars, but what was up with the greasy hair??? On Russell Brand okay, you almost expect it, but Sandra Bullock?? When I saw her being interviewed on the Red Carpet I thought she looked fab but that her hair looked greasy and dirty. :confused:
  15. We ordered one of these in the twin size for my dd and she now has the most comfortable bed in the house. We got it over a year ago and have never had a problem with it. My mom tried it out and bought one for her bed too, but she got the thicker version, and she loves it. They're super comfortable. :) Good luck finding a mattress that works for you. :) Waking up with back pain is no fun. :(
  16. :lol::lol::lol: I could imagine her coming on as the Overmind and saying authoritatively, "You are all wrong. He's MY boyfriend!" thread locked! hehehehehe That would be awesome! hehehe Love you SWB! :)
  17. Wow Rosie!! You did a fantastic job on your square mama! :hurray: :party: I'm so glad you got it finished after all. :)
  18. :smilielol5::lol::lol: :iagree: Rosie, you really should be President! :hurray: :party:
  19. Very good point Mrs. Mungo. :) Although I think in that day they considered it a matter of breeding. Like with dogs or horses. I recollect one of Mr. Bingley's sisters commenting to Elizabeth about Wickham's father being only Mr. Darcy's steward and "considering his descent one could hardly expect much better" or something to that effect. I would agree more with your point than it being chocked up to breeding although I do believe genes have something to do with it also. :) Nevermind. I think it's too late for me to be trying to speak coherently and I'm being about as clear as mud. :tongue_smilie:
  20. Perhaps not, but I will answer your question just the same. No. I don't. In looking for opinions I really don't know how any answer will satisfy you since it will all be anecdotal. It seems to me that you are seeking some kind of definitive proof or scientifically based statistics or something. In that case you might do better to read a report or study on the subject rather than asking anecdotal opinions. I hope that helps. :)
  21. Wow! Such gorgeous projects. You gals are AMAZING!!! :hurray::thumbup:
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