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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. How do you control your kids enough to teach them?! Have you tried duct tape?? It works for me.
  2. Oh I didn't know that. I don't know if it is different in other states, but I was told that here I only needed to use a college course textbook to put it down as AP. :confused::confused: I'm only using one college text at the moment though so it's not like I have a lot vested in it right now, but I need to find that answer out for sure. Thank you for making me aware. :)
  3. I used to weight lift years ago and I loved it when I did it too. I don't know why I stopped. :confused: I guess I just got distracted with other things. I'm so glad it's working for you! :) My library has the book you are using and I just put it on hold. Maybe it will get me re-discovering the fun of weights again too. Thanks. :)
  4. :bigear: :lurk5: What kind of textbook was it? Was it one that they use in schools?? I would like to know the answer to this myself. The only thing I know about credits is that if you use a college text you can put it down as an AP course. I think you have to put in 180 hours of course work though in order for the class to count as a full credit. If you put double that time in, I'm sure it would count for 2 credits, but I'm not really sure. Hopefully some others will chime in here soon. :)
  5. My DD14 finished her story for Kafkatime and I will post it here. It is untitled so if you want to discuss it on the Kafkatime social group just reference as my DD's story. :p I haven't finished mine yet (spending too much time here on the forums :p ) but will soon. :) Enjoy. Gregory could not sleep that night. The reasons for it were unknown. Perhaps he ate too much at dinnertime, or maybe the room was too hot or he wasn’t tucked in right. Whatever the case, he got up from his bed, turned on the light and began reading a book his mother bought him awhile back. Not long after, she, noticing the lights on, poked her head through the doorway and waved at Gregory. “What do you suppose you’re doing up so late at night?†Gregory paused, looking around the room for something to throw him an excuse, but nothing came. “You can’t get to sleep?†He shook his head. She pulled her tapered hand up to her delicate mouth. “I see… Would you like some milk?†Gregory nodded. A bright smile lit up his face. He placed his book gingerly upon the shelf, put on his slippers and trotted slowly down the old, creaky stairs. The milk was steamy and warm to the touch; and yet, as good as it was, it was unable to remedy Gregory’s current state of insomnia. “It isn’t working, hmm?†Again Gregory shook his head. “Then, how about I lie in bed with you until you fall asleep?†Gregory nodded over his mug as his mother cleared the table. She washed the mugs, brushed her teeth and curled up next to Gregory on the bed, resting her arm across his body. It wasn’t long before the steady stream of his mother’s still breathing finally lulled Gregory to sleep. In the glow of the moonlight, Gregory’s hair looked almost black. Slowly, he unconsciously scratched his head and out came a small spider no larger than a ball of lint. Soon another spider made its way out from Gregory’s hair, and another and another until the bed was nearly swarming with spiders. There was a long, silent pause before, one by one, in single file, the large line of spiders crawled their ways toward Gregory’s sleeping mother, the first spider in the line biting her before all of the spiders regrouped in her long tangle of hair. The next morning, through ways not yet fully understood, Gregory’s mother was nowhere to be found. The only things remaining of both her and that night were the mugs in the cupboard, the half empty carton of milk, and the abnormally large spider in Gregory’s bed, with one leg resting across his small young body.
  6. I'm so sorry! :grouphug: :grouphug: Definitely feel free to vent. :grouphug:
  7. :lol::lol::lol::lol: Oh my gosh! Thank God I wasn't eating or drinking anything when I read that I totally would have choked! It must be brutal to be on the back row after taco night! :svengo::lol:
  8. We may have to. I work with my son extensively and do my own version of PT, OT and ST. It helps, but since I'm not a real therapist I don't know if I'm doing him a disservice or not. :(
  9. Rosie!! I puffy heart love you! And for the record.. I've been mostly dead all day! :p As for the scrum practice, did that guy just ahem check that other guy for a hernia?? :eek:
  10. Services? Please! My son has profound Autism and can't get services. We've been on the wait list for almost 8 years! :mad::glare:
  11. Man! I envy some of you ladies so much. I hope you realize what a blessing it is that you have to wake up late. I'm NOT a morning person by any stretch of the imagination. I'd give anything to sleep in late every morning. Sigh! Enjoy that sleeping late girls. I'm living vicariously through you and counting on it! :p ;) :lol:
  12. Talk to me about foreign languages Well... It all started when these guys got the idea to build a big tower....
  13. Actual shoes of course! What kind of girl do you think I am. ;) :p :lol:
  14. So THAT'S why I didn't get that job. It's all so clear now! :lol::lol::lol:
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