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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Something like this?? I have to confess, if I saw this in the bathroom I think I would die laughing. :lol::lol::lol:
  2. The ones of him in the kilt all looked like he was shouting so I thought best not to use them. ;)
  3. ROFL!! :lol: :lol: Me too! I've sat here reading it to avoid starting my housework! But now that I've read all 8 pages I can't put the kitchen off anymore. sigh!
  4. I can't believe that there is a thread about a bathroom sign that is 8 pages long... and I've just sat here reading the whole thing! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  5. I'm pretty sure they ship internationally. I always forget you're not in the U.S. even though it's right there in your username. lol Whenever I talk to you it always feels like I'm talking to a friend so you always seem closer than you actually are. :) :grouphug: I hope you find your designer on there. I'm sure you will eventually. They have vintage Halston on there today I saw. Some of them are really nice. The skin care events are the ones that I usually watch out for. It's the only way I can afford to try some of those higher end skin care lines. Do you like jewelry? If you do you might like Amrita Singh. They have her items on pretty often and they are beautiful Indian style pieces. Her jewelry uses a lot of the colors of the tunics you posted pics of so I thought you might enjoy her pieces. :) Happy shopping. :p
  6. Thank you, Bill, for the backround. We Wiki'd Kafka after we read Metamorphosis. I had known that he had died young and that most of his work was published posthumously, but I didn't know he was wracked with self doubts. That is so sad. It's so sad that he died not even really knowing how amazing his work was. So many great artists died not knowing. When we read the Wiki article about him it was my dd who noticed that he had died the same way Gregor Samsa did. I didn't even make that connection. How strange to actually die the way a character in a book you've written has. I told my dd that if she writes herself into a story of hers to make sure it's set on a beautiful beach surrounded by friends and lots of good food. :p hehehe THANK YOU so much for your kind words to my dd! :) I cannot even tell how happy she is reading your wonderful comments. Thank you. :) Would you and Bill like to contribute something to Kafkatime? I'd love to see what you all come up with. If you don't want to write a story you could contribute a discussion maybe about your favorite story of his and what it meant to you, or add some details about Kafka's life. I'd never read him before my dh assigned dd and I to read a book with his most well known 15 short stories. Some of them were too far over my heard (like The Great Wall of China and The Country Doctor) but I really liked and "got" (or at least think I did :p ) a lot of the others. I'd love to hear your insights as well. I created Kafkatime as a tribute to the man and his work and would love to learn more. Thank you all again for your kind words to my dd. My short story is coming soon. I already have the first page done. I don't write as well as my dd though so ya'll have to go easy on me. :p Blessings, Jen
  7. :lol::lol::lol: Where in the Keys are you?? I used to go to the Upper Keys (Islamorada area) almost every weekend growing up. My great grandmother is from Key West. :)
  8. I would like to see snow at least once in my life just for the experience of it, kwim? They do do that fake snow here sometimes for the kids. They'll make a big mountain of it and blow a big fan so it blows around. :lol: That's winter in South Florida for you! :p
  9. Oh gosh! They have so many designers on there. I think a week or so ago they had Missioni on for $100.00!! I wish I had had money! They have Tory Burch, Betsey Johnson, Amrita Singh, Michael Kors, sometime Gucci and Chanel, Valentino, too many. You just have to keep a watch on the emails because they have different sale events every day. What I do with the daily email, is I just hover my cursor over the message title and it expands the title (kind of like how you can see the first sentence of a thread without opening it here on the WTM Forums) and if its nothing I'm interested in, I just delete the email then and there w/o opening it. I don't mind them though because I've gotten a lot of great deals on there so for me its worth it. But I use them mostly for skin care though, I don't really have the coin to afford much of the fashions even at that kind of discount. I was dying the other day because they had winter boots on and they were all so nice and some of them were around $40.00!! But I didn't have any spending money. They do have a lot of great deals though especially if you're into designer stuff. The jewelry is nice too. I've gotten some nice earrings on there as well really cheap. :)
  10. Do you like it? Are you happy with the coverage and contract etc? We're looking into changing service providers and hubby is looking at Metro PCS or Boost Mobile. I'd love to hear your experiences. Thank you to all who reply. :)
  11. It doesn't snow where I live. I've never seen snow in my life. I just had my air conditioner on a few minutes ago. Today was warm (I think the high today was in the 80's) and the sky was crystal clear blue and sunny. A gorgeous winter day. :)
  12. I would get some oregano oil if you don't have it already (you can get it at GNC) and take it three times a day (for a couple of days as insurance) 4 drops in a little apple juice for adults and older kids, half that for younger children. It can cure a full blown strep throat. HTH :)
  13. Wow!! Thank you so much Bill for your kind and generous comments! :) I showed them to my dd and she is absolutely beaming! You gave her a real self confidence boost. She often has self doubts about her writing and your validation has been a real boon to her. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. :) :grouphug:
  14. My dd was exposed to TB when she was a baby. We found out when she was a year old and the pediatrician gave her the TB skin patch test and she tested positive. The doctor gave her a drug called INH that she had to take for almost a year. The good news, is that TB is apparently a very slow growing bacteria (hence the reason she had to take the medicine for so long), but once you've been exposed to it, any TB test you take after will show positive since your body "recognizes" the bacteria. My dd took the INH until she was almost 2 and she is now 14 and a half and has never gotten sick. HTH. :)
  15. Oh how sad! What a beautiful little boy he was. :crying:
  16. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I'm so sorry for what you went through. Your story brought tears to my eyes. :crying:
  17. Cinderella?? Is that you?? :p :D Just kidding Bethany! :) But seriously, that's what came to my mind when I was reading your story. Ugh, I can't even imagine it. And what of your baby sister? Does she still live there? I just can't imagine being content to live like that. Well... if they have depression then I guess they're not content are they? Why don't they just hire a maid if they both work? Seriously, that's going to lead to some health/breathing problems I think.
  18. Update! The first Kafkatime story is up! You can find it here. :)
  19. I had trouble with BC pills too. The only one I could tolerate was the one that had the lowest estrogen. Sorry, I don't remember the name of it now, it was eons ago that I took them.
  20. Have you ever looked on Hautelook? They have lots of sales on designer stuff all the time. You can sign up for a daily email (free) that tells you what the deals are for that day and the website also always has the upcoming events listed. I've bought quite a lot of stuff of there at like 50-80% off. Here's my personal invite if you're interested, but you don't have to use it if you don't want to. You can also sign up directly at hautelook.com
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