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Everything posted by unsinkable

  1. I'll try to find one but you basically get a variety of jello flavor/colors. For the first color, dissolve the package in about 1.5 cups of boiling water, then take about 1 cup of that mixture and pour it into a dish to make a thin layer. You let the half cup cool a bit, then add 3 TBS of yogurt or sour cream and once the previous layer is set, pour the creamy layer on top. Repeat with various colors until your pan is full.
  2. Based on this thread, no, you're not the only one. It seems like it's pretty common to dislike it.
  3. Here, some districts teachers' unions have a sick bank that each teacher contributes an hour or so a week. If you participate, then you can use as many days as needed out of the bank. So you have teachers who use all their own sick time (5 to 10 days depending) then take as much as needed from the bank.
  4. No, thanks. I made my point. If you don't think people had already said political things then you disagree with me and I'd rather not get into a back and forth. Ta!
  5. Like Whoopi Goldberg said about Polanski did: "I know it wasn't rape-rape. It was something else but I don't believe it was rape-rape."
  6. How much does it cost? (The note, that is, not the visit.)
  7. When my boys had influenza B, the order was do not return to school until fever free for 24 hours. The doc told me that would most likely take a week. So she wrote something to that effect on the note and put the appropriate dates on the note. For strep, the order was written to reflect the child was to stay home until 24 hours of antibiotics were on board. I'm sure if I wanted, the doc could write..."patient under my care. Stay out of school until blah blah blah." And I wouldn't be charged for the note.
  8. Yes, there is. If someone has a contagious illness, the doctor writes an order to stay home from school.
  9. Doctors charge for a medical order, issued by them, to stay home from school? Nope, never had it happen. For physicals, camp physicals, copies of records, yes. But if the doctor tells me to keep my kid home and she writes it down, no charge.
  10. I find it exceedingly hard to believe a reputable doctor charges $50 to write a note that a child should not attend school. ERs, Urgent Cares, Peds, Sepcialists, Dentists, Orthodontists...they have forms for this that take a maximum of 30 seconds to fill in. I've had docs charge for school forms or camp forms but it is a nominal fee and sometimes even tho they say it costs $5, they don't always charge.
  11. No advice but I googled Gotham WW and now I am getting ads by them to save $40 with code SAVE40. Maybe it'll save you a bit.
  12. Sisters or any siblings for that matter don't always share the intimate details of their lives with each other. And if the sister isn't part of their religion, I think it's even less likely Michele would share this with her.
  13. :grouphug: I'm so sorry things are in such turmoil. I hope and pray every one heals quickly and your DS can move on to a wonderful college experience.
  14. You could look at University of Buffalo (New York). Housing and COL is low, taxes are high, but it is a great place to live and raise a family.
  15. :grouphug: I'm so sorry. We had (2 very serviceable to us) vehicles totaled thru others' negligence* and the replacement money didn't come close to how valuable the vehicles were to us. *one was totaled by someone running a stop sign and the other by a drunk driver.
  16. I'd bet JimBob would cut Josh, Anna and their kids out of the TLC filming in a split second if he could continue the gravy train for himself.
  17. You're a wonderful mom! I'm praying for the baby, that this setback is brief. :grouphug: And happy birthday to the birthday boy! :party:
  18. Yes, the point of the article is that the range of child-on-child sex abuse is a complicated matter with no one-size-fits-all solution.
  19. This is from an article on the challenges of dealing with child-on-child sexual abuse. "Basic data about child-on-child sex abuse is detailed in an authoritative, Justice Department-sponsored analysis of crime data from 29 states. Conducted by three prominent researchers, the 2009 analysis found that juveniles accounted for 35.6% of the people identified by police as having committed sex offenses against minors. Of these young offenders, 93% were male, and the peak ages for offending were 12 through 14, the researchers found. Of the victims, 59% were younger than 12 and 75% were female. The report referred to a popular misconception that juvenile sex offenders are likely to reoffend, and said numerous studies over the years have shown the opposite — that 85 to 95% of offending youth are never again arrested for sex crimes." http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/nation/story/2012-01-07/child-sex-abuse/52431616/1
  20. http://sasian.org/sibling-sexual-abuse-a-parents-guide/ I was reading this on a website about sibling sexual abuse, in the parent handbook: "What Factors contribute to sibling sexual abuse? *Lack of sex education *Children and teens who are not taught in an age-appropriate way about their physical and sexual development are more likely to engage in sexually intrusive behaviour. *Inadequate socialization *Children who are not allowed to play with their peers, and teenagers who aren’t allowed to date, dance or socialize outside the home, are more likely to sexually abuse younger siblings. *Denial" All still applicable to the Duggar household
  21. Oh, dear. I'm sorry! :grouphug: Happy birthday and congrats on the weight loss!
  22. Woohoo! A holiday weekend birthday! Make the most of it, Amy! :party: Happy Birthday!
  23. Sometimes, you don't even have to ask.
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