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Everything posted by unsinkable

  1. Kelly is no soft touch as an interviewer and I don't think she will be treating the Duggars with kid gloves. She is a smart woman. She is a Syracuse grad and got her JD from SUNY Albany. I'm looking forward to the interview bc I DO watch her show and I'd predict she won't be pulling any punches.
  3. Now quit vanish hoppy eating talk. Urp on rug. Urp on bed on wood hard. Unworldly noise.
  4. I remember those! I just googled to look at them and you can still buy some...anywhere from $10-30! You're right though. The ice cubes were so difficult to remove.
  5. Consider the ice cube, the lonely one that doesn't pop out of the tray. It is stuck, and unwanted but in a short time, it gives a bit, yields to warmth around it and surrenders a part of itself. Then it easily pops out of its tray and goes forth to the daiquiri or the Mai Tai or Long Island Ice Tea, and it is fulfilled. So, too your candle wax...heat it a bit, until it yields and goes forth. But don't drink it. Or something.
  6. Kahlanne, Ugh...what a horrible situation. I think you handled it fine, and that the odds are very good it was a projectile from the man's lawn mower that did the damage. I think he should have stopped and at least helped you with the glass and any possible first aid. In our family, both my DH and I would have assumed our mower did the damage and would have worked it out with you, whether we went thru our homeowner's insurance or paid out of pocket or paid for your deductible. I'm glad your son is OK and sorry you're now in a tight spot. :grouphug:
  7. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: I am so sorry, OnTheBrink.
  8. Of course they can take their child to any funeral they want. It is whether or not it is considered an excused absence by the school. I wonder if it is religious discrimination? One of the Catholic works of mercy is to bury the dead (attend funerals). If a child is penalized for attending a funeral that is part of her religious requirements? Just musing...I've never worried/wondered about it before.
  9. Come on, really? I thought this was going to be some philosophical musing, not an actual practical question! :lol:
  10. Oh, I feel for you! I hope you are feeling better! I get these weird headaches that I wake up with that are so painful I want to cry. But the weird thing is, they start to ease if I sit up or stand up. The problem is the pain is about an 8 or 9 out of 10 and the last thing I want to do is move, let alone sit or stand. So I struggle to get up and take some excedrin and stay upright for a few hours until the pain gets down to a 3 or 4.
  11. Well, I'll give it a shot! Side hugs...I've only seen on 19 Kids...and they maybe learned of it from Gothard? "Cheerful countenance" I've heard with various Christian denominations. Proverbs 15:14 "A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance: but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken." The one odd phrase that I always thought was FLDS but I am now seeng on Duggar threads is "keep sweet." I had always associated that with polygamy...the sister wives need to keep sweet with the other wives.
  12. /related aside Louis C. K. really really horrified me with what he said on SNL last week. Not funny at all.
  13. OK, they're not idiots and yet they have a $200,000 shortfall. Something is not right...
  14. I'm gonna call you Al. (From my favorite Paul Simon album) :D
  15. I actually thought about that the first time the $200K shortfall was mentioned. Were there no absences factored at all? Or were the absences higher than usual?
  16. Congrats on finishing your associate's degree! :grouphug: It's nice to hear the kids are doing well!
  17. No, I'm talking about being distracted and not paying attention, and calling a teacher Mom because kids say Mom so much in their lives.
  18. And calling you Mom! It was so cute when kids would accidentally say, "Mom?" instead of my name.
  19. Looking out side windows made car sickness worse for my kids. Once they were big enough to sit in the front, (and didnt look out side windows) it was much better. I'd put him in the middle back seat (assuming) that he can then see out the windshield. We've also used sea sickness bands and Dramamine but nothing worked better than moving to the front seat. I'm Sorry that is not an option!
  20. This is similar to how I do it. The measurements are a bit different but the concept is the same. http://en.m.wikibooks.org/wiki/Cookbook:Rainbow_Jell-O
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