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Everything posted by Catwoman

  1. And incredibly childish and offensive. How about a little respect for Susan and our moderators? This behavior is disgusting.
  2. Thank you very much! :)
  3. Your post reminded me of a thread a while back where someone mentioned that you can get part time writing jobs online. I’m hoping someone will be able to remember the name of the website because apparently it’s legitimate, albeit low-paying. If I recall correctly, he would start out at a low pay rate because he’s inexperienced and new, but his fees would increase as he got more experience and good ratings from the people who hire him through the website. I was thinking that Beth’s son might be able to make a few dollars doing that while, at the same time, figuring out if the writing business is right for him. I was thinking that either he would love it and work hard at it until he got enough experience under his belt to apply for a better writing job (or until he developed the discipline he will need if he wants to become a novelist,) and if he doesn’t enjoy it and it turns out that being a writer isn’t the way he’d dreamed it would be, he can discard that career option and move on to something else. The best thing about it is that he could take online college classes at the same time he was trying the writing job. He could start with very general classes that would apply to almost any degree, so he wouldn’t be locked into a specific major right away.
  4. Catwoman


    You may not be able to completely avoid her, but you can also make a point of always talking to other moms in the group, so if this particular woman joins in, you’ll have at least one other person there to deal with her attitude. She sounds obnoxious — and if her kids are misbehaving, the time to put a stop to it is NOW, while she’s still new to the group. The leader of the group should talk to her, or if there’s no designated leader, the other moms need to get together and have a chat with the woman and let her know that she is responsible for supervising her children if she wants her family to be part of the group.
  5. Ooh! You got two birthday threads today, Crimson Wife!!! :hurray: :party: :party: :party:
  6. I’m so glad to hear you’re on the mend! I think you should stay home tomorrow, though. Give yourself a bit longer to recover! Also, if you go out while your resistance is this low, you might end up getting sick all over again. I hope you keep feeling better and better every day!
  7. I can’t believe I didn’t see this earlier today! Hope you had a great birthday!!! :party:
  8. I agree with double checking just to be safe, but there are plenty of degree programs that don’t require a lab science course.
  9. I know! Me, too! I still haven’t eaten anything today and I have been up for hours. Of course, if somebody happened to show up at my house with donuts.......... .
  10. That’s a good idea. If he did well on it in high school, he would have an edge on the college class, rather than starting from scratch on a brand new subject.
  11. :iagree: I don’t see any benefit to just dropping a kid off at the bus stop and making him figure out his route on his own, or to assume that he will know which route to his destination is more direct, or that maybe the most direct route goes through a dangerous area so he would be better off taking the bus with the longer route. I think it’s a good idea to go over things like that with a new bus-rider — and as scoutingmom said, you don’t have to do it in a way that will make the kid nervous. Some kids are street savvy and things like this come naturally to them, but I don’t think we can assume that’s the case for all kids. It never hurts to go over basic safety tips and to make sure the kid knows which bus to get on, and where to get off. I also think a confused kid who looks lost is probably at higher risk of being approached by someone with bad intentions than a kid who looks like he is confident and knows exactly where he’s going. If I was in a strange city and someone told me to take the bus to get where I was going, it would make it a lot easier for me if that person would be kind enough to tell me which bus to take and where I should get off of it and not leave me standing at a bus stop looking like a confused tourist, trying to figure it out on my own. And that’s kind of like it is for a kid taking mass transit for the first time, even if he basically knows the area. So why not help him out?
  12. I’m hungry for breakfast right now. I’d even eat a breakfast taco! :)
  13. I hope you feel better tomorrow! :grouphug:
  14. Thanks again! I have to admit that 30,001 is a little bit of a letdown. 30,000 looked so much cooler!
  15. :party: :party: :party: 30,000!!!!! Thanks, everybody! This thread is so much fun — thanks to unsinkable for noticing my post count and starting it!!! :hurray:
  16. Dawn probably has to get up early for work so she’s probably getting ready for bed. No donuts for Dawn tonight!
  17. I keep clicking the like button and every now and then I get one back, so if it seems like I’m randomly liking posts, that’s why. Consider all of your posts liked!!! What number post is this? I have to check and see if I’m getting close.
  18. Sorry I disappeared for a few minutes! The people in this house have some nerve wanting food and clean laundry! Don’t they realize I have more important things to do???
  19. Thank goodness your ds is nothing like those two!!!
  20. I know, right??? There should be bonus likes for special occasions.
  21. I have been to a lot of places where they serve breakfast tacos, and I have made them at home a few times, but I still can’t get past the concept of “breakfast†and “tacos†together. I love breakfast and I love tacos, but breakfast ingredients wrapped in a tortilla still seems wrong to me, even though I know in my head that I’m being completely idiotic. Put the same ingredients on toast, English muffins, or bagels and I’m fine with it. Clearly, I have issues.
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