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Everything posted by Catwoman

  1. So basically that coffee shop is going for some sort of "Health Department Code Violation Chic" aesthetic? 😉
  2. Really? Not where I lived, it didn't. Not even close.
  3. I'm not being snarky -- I'm genuinely curious. Do you think most of the parents even bothered to read the Code of Conduct? I can imagine a lot of people knowing their kids wanted to participate, and just signing the form the kid handed them without paying much attention to what it said. Or perhaps, because alcohol was available at that particular event, could the parents have assumed it was allowed on that occasion? Edited to add -- I posted this before I read all of the posts in the thread, and I see that you already answered my question! 🙂
  4. You said it way more nicely than I was going to! Wow, that guy is an idiot. I couldn't even sit through his ridiculous nonsense. Does anyone actually believe he truly believes any of the garbage he's spouting? I figure he's a big phony and that he's just doing it for views and to have women fawn over him for being so "enlightened." Oh, and I assume he's also trying to make money at this, because he is promoting himself on TikTok as having, "anti-misogyny educational content." Educational. 🤣🤣🤣 Definitely a phony idiot trying to make a name for himself because he's such a champion of women... even if he does have to make stuff up... 🙄
  5. Based on the rest of her post, I didn't assume not being able to afford food was a serious factor in this specific situation. And nobody "is fine" with cockroaches. Cockroaches are disgusting!
  6. I will not lie. I would never in a million years thought I would ever hear anyone say, "Cockroaches are fine."
  7. "Ok, boomer?" Seriously??? Cheap shots against those of us who disagree with you are unnecessary and insulting.
  8. I'm honestly pretty surprised that there are people here who don't think a food service worker should look neat and tidy. I don't care about tattoos or piercings or makeup. I care that they look like they are clean.
  9. Same here. And I kind of feel like if you're going to work in a stained t-shirt that's all stretched out and ratty-looking, personal cleanliness may not be your top priority, because who wants to wear a t-shirt that has obvious large stains on it? (And what business owner wants to project that kind of image? Whether or not the shirt was actually clean, it didn't look clean, so it would still make me question the cleanliness of the entire place, because appearances do matter.)
  10. It wouldn’t concern you at all that the employee was wearing an obviously dirty and stained shirt? Wouldn’t that make you question the cleanliness of the entire shop, particularly places like kitchen areas that you wouldn’t normally be able to see from the counter?
  11. And in this case, I could easily also imagine young families not wanting to go there, either, because even forgetting about the cleanliness issue, who really wants their little kids looking at some girl's butt every time she bends over? It's not the beach! There are appropriate places for the employee to wear revealing clothing, and a coffee shop isn't one of those places. I'm not sure there is ever an appropriate place to wear that t-shirt...
  12. I'm in a very liberal area, too, and obviously dirty/stretched-out t-shirts and ratty shorts that show butt cheeks would not fly here, either. Aside from the inappropriateness of the shorts, who wants to be served by a person who clearly has poor personal hygiene habits? Yuck!
  13. I don't think dirty and stained is a style. It's just sloppy and unsanitary. And the shorts might be a style choice, but they aren't an appropriate style choice for work. When you're pretty much flashing your butt at the customers every time you bend over, and your place of employment isn't a strip club, I think it's tacky and that the owner/manager should seriously think about implementing a dress code.
  14. Same here, but I don’t even think I would stop at a rural crossing unless it was really a blind spot and I was sure there was no one behind me who would plow into the back of my car, because people just don’t stop at railroad crossings around here unless they know there’s a train coming.
  15. I don’t remember ever having been taught to stop at railroad crossings. Where I live, you would cause an accident if you did that. Only school buses stop at railroad crossings.
  16. Everyone was raving about it in a homeschool group years ago, so I bought it for my ds. Our whole family hated it.
  17. Of course I remember you, Chris! You were always so kind to everyone. I'll pray for you and your loved ones. I'm so sorry you have been going through such incredibly difficult times. 😞
  18. Oh no! I hope you start feeling better very soon!
  19. Well, we have owned 3 houses for decades now, and no one has ever said anything negative to us about it. If anyone has a problem with it, it's their problem, not mine. 🙂
  20. One other thing -- if you think the neighbors will ignore your signs, make sure to put Obama's picture on them (as large as possible.) Most people will notice a cute cat photo way before they will read a general "lost cat" poster. Also, the neighbor kids will probably notice Obama's picture, too, and they are the most likely people to have seen him around the area, because kids are outside more than their parents are. If you offer a reward, you might get more interest in helping you find him. And if your neighborhood has a Next Door group, people are surprisingly helpful about trying to locate lost pets, and a lot of people really go out of their way to search their yards/garages/sheds/porches, as well as to keep their eyes open when they are driving around and taking walks around the neighborhood. Also be sure to ask people to check their Ring cameras and other security cameras for Obama sightings.
  21. You could tuck the flyers by the neighbors' mailbox flags, if you think they won't read signs that you post. (You can't put them directly into the mailboxes because that's illegal, but I'm sure you would get away with putting them by the flags on the outside of the mailboxes.) I would wait until the mail was delivered and then I'd go around and distribute them.
  22. Praying that Obama will return home soon! Have you called shelters, rescue organizations, animal control, and local vets? How about posting on Ring, NextDoor, and any local Facebook groups? Did you hang flyers all over your area? Can you go door to door and ask your neighbors to check their garages and sheds, and under their porches and decks?
  23. Thinking of you, Mercy, and hoping you passed that stupid stone!!!
  24. Just checking in to see if you passed it yet, @MercyA. I'm still praying for you! You must be so stressed and worried about that long drive tomorrow!
  25. I wish I had some advice for you, but I really don't. I just wanted to post and say that while I know I can't technically speak for everyone, I really believe that we're all here for you whenever you need to talk or vent, and whenever you just need some support that reminds you that we are in your corner. I'm so sorry you're going through this, and I hope you're able to find some help to work your way through it. Sending lots of hugs.
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