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Everything posted by BikeBookBread

  1. Loved it! Yay! The "Coming Soon" peeks looked pretty great, too!
  2. We get a white Day-After-Christmas. But as was pointed out to me a couple of days ago, the whole 12 Days of Christmas is in play, so really, yes, we are getting a White 2nd Day of Christmas! :) If we were British, I could say it was a White Boxing Day, too I suppose. :)
  3. iPod Nano 5G (not the new 6G).... I like the larger size of the 5G. I wore it all day making Christmas dinner!
  4. Without giving anything away, how was it? It still hasn't shown up on Video on Demand at Amazon or on iTunes...
  5. Here here! We don't have cable either, but you are *supposed* to be able to purchase it for streamed viewing on Amazon on Sunday, and I *think* iTunes will have it as well.
  6. I want to play Chicky Balance with LLL. She's looked at this for a year now. I'm excited for her to get it! I also want to play with the mandala designers we got them. I'm also excited to buzz Doctor Who Scrooge DH (he thinks DW is dumb -- the GALL of him!) with the sonic screwdriver I got for each girl.
  7. I should think so. I would probably use regular milk, which would add the richness and browning needed for the enriched dough. They really are very, very good! For future reference, I buy powdered buttermilk... works great!
  8. This one takes time, but it is easy, and you stick in the fridge to bake tomorrow morning :) I have eggs coming to room temp as I type :)
  9. Is there a way to allow iTunes to play wirelessly through the PS3?
  10. Not like I saved everything for the last minute or anything... This is what I *plan* on doing today. I know fully well it won't happen! :lol: 1) Bake and frost 5 dozen cutout sugar cookies, making sure it is a festive and fun activity for the girls 2) Make stollen, even though I know I'm the only one who eats it. 3) Make stock for tomorrow's turkey gravy. 4) Prepare the stuffing for tomorrow's turkey dinner. 5) Watch It's a Wonderful Life in black a white -- no color version allowed. 6) Take a long bubble bath. 7) Wrap stocking stuffers for the girls' stockings. 8) Clean the house so I'm not embarrassed when Santa Claus comes (who we've now established is a Time Lord...perhaps he wouldn't mind if it was dirty, though) 9) Make overnight cinnamon rolls for tomorrow's breakfast. 10) Make a quiche for tomorrow's breakfast. 11) Make pizza dough for tonight's traditional Friday night pizza -- even though it's Christmas Eve, that tradition stands. 12) Make the homemade salsa I promised DH. 13) Figure out how I can make the refrigerator bigger on the inside to hold all of this stuff I'm making for tomorrow. 14) Somehow spend meaningful time with the girls and DH while keeping a smile on my face. All before 7:00 so that we can go to Christmas Eve service. I guess it's time to get off of the Board and wish you all a Very Merry Christmas!!!!!
  11. 1 day. 11 hours. 34 minutes. 16 seconds. Not that I'm counting or anything. Well, counting and crossing my fingers that it will show up on iTunes or Amazon as a pay per view... The sleigh and reindeer are just his working chameleon circuit. He has changed looks through the ages, as well, so he must have several regenerations under his belt, too. I got PDG the DK Doctor Who Visual Dictionary. It's mostly 11th Doctor-centric, but I'm going to try and find the older edition with 9 and 10...they are pretty pricey new, but I might find a good used one on Half or amazon marketplace. I also got the girls mini sonic screwdriver flashlight keychains with working blue LED light. I think that Mrs. Claus (erm, me) may have gotten me a surprise for my stocking too :) in the form of a mini TARDIS cell phone charm that spins when your phone rings. LOL!
  12. That battery-powered mascara threw me for a loop. Who wants to put a jiggling mascara wand next to their eyeball?
  13. DH kept asking me if I knew someplace that wrapped for a fee. I didn't (I guess he could've gone to the PX but the wrapping station hasn't been there regularly...kind of hit or miss. He was just so stressed out about it, it made me feel badly for him. Honestly, I don't care about the surprise factor, as I already knew, and I'm just so excited that I finally got my own kelly green iPod (I'm a few years behind the times...)
  14. DH asked me to wrap my own presents. I knew what I was getting, and he was so stressed out about work and travel, so he just came out with it and asked me last night if I would wrap my gifts. :lol: At least he wrote the tag himself, though!
  15. We used the pack 'n play a lot, but only because we moved when PDG was still an infant. It came in handy while we were staying at hotels and in temporary housing at the Base to which we moved. We never really used it at home, though, only on the few vacations we took when the girls were babies. As to swing or bouncy chair, PDG loved the swing, hated the bouncy chair; LLL was the absolute opposite. The only thing I would suggest, though, if you are trying to scale back, is get a portable, small swing rather than a tall one. We ended up taking that to friends homes, the park for picnics, etc. It was very handy. The bouncy chair we had was also foldable and portable, but nothing fancy. The one thing that I wish we had sprung for in a bigger way up front was a better stroller than we bought originally. We went out for a ton of walks -- I used it almost daily, and it was awful anyplace but the smoothest sidewalk or flat indoor surface, like the mall. When PDG started to get heavier, it became very difficult to push. It wasn't a super cheap stroller, but I wish I'd tested more with a more-critical eye. I wouldn't do a "travel system" either. If I was set on having a stroller that could accommodate a car seat, I would buy one of those cheap frames, and get a much better stroller if it didn't accommodate a car seat. Turns out we had to replace the car seat very early anyway --both of the girls were really, really tall, and outgrew the Graco travel system compatible seat before they were 9 months old. The one thing I would NOT buy again is a diaper genie type contraption. Just keep every grocery store plastic bag you get, wrap up the dirties and take them straight to the trash. Those diaper pails stink no matter how much they say they won't.
  16. I'm making a quiche and Alton Brown's overnight cinnamon rolls. Both can be made tomorrow afternoon and refrigerated. I'll bake the cinnamon rolls on Saturday morning. I also have a stollen, but I'm the only one who will eat it :) which is fine with me because the fruit is marinating in DiSaronna and orange extract right now. MMMMMM.
  17. I liked it, but it took me a second to figure out what it was.
  18. I'm a fiscal conservative. We have a mortgage on a home that is losing value by the month. We recently received notification that we quality for a HARP refinance. It would make a big difference in our monthly mortgage payment. If you are a fiscal conservative, do you think it would be going against principle to refinance using this federally funded program, given the growth of the deficit? I really don't want a fight, I just would like some points of view. And please don't let this thread be the first one I've ever started to get deleted!!!! :lol:
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