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Everything posted by denarii

  1. I have twin toddlers. Random battles are a thing 🤦
  2. I married the person I dated when I was 15. We split for almost a decade before getting back together after uni😅.
  3. My mom's second flipped when she was in labour. Her first was an unmedicated incomplete footling breech and she said she would never do a breech delivery again. They were making plans for a section when my sister flipped. I had a twin flip at 36 weeks. Still needed a csection because of his sister but he was well positioned.
  4. I have one friend who had her last at 42, another who had 4 in 4 years in her late 30s to early 40s (two singletons and a set of twins), and my mother was 40 with her last.
  5. My neighbor was working outside in this cold helping a friend keep their home warm. He has a medical condition where he has limited feeling in both hands and suffered 3rd degree frostbite on all of his fingers. He might lose everything 😥 Be safe out there.
  6. This is how things were done in my house when I was a child. Took a lot of stress off my Mom to fill all those stockings and let all the kids run around being 'Santa' without too much expense.
  7. The twins got me up at 4am today and I work the evening shift. I'm having a hard time wrapping my brain around doing this on purpose 🤨
  8. Oh yah. This is cold but not abnormality so, we usually get -40 without wind but more often in January. House is cozy. We line the windows with an extra layer of plastic etc. I wish the fireplace in the basement was working but the furnace does just fine. Going to be expensive though. Out of five people my husband was the only one that made it to work this morning. Three people couldn't even get their vehicles to start.
  9. -54 in the wind here. Busses are all cancelled, pipes are frozen at work, still have to go in though 🤨
  10. We bring home between 4000-4500 and put away between 500 and 1000 a month into savings. We could survive on 2000-3000 depending on the time of year. Utility costs in the winter can be brutal up here.
  11. I think it would be worth looking at your preferred news source and asking yourself "are they trying to push a specific narrative?" https://www.allsides.com/media-bias/how-to-spot-types-of-media-bias
  12. I can speak to the use of 'unsheltered' as well. It's been years since I did much work with that particular demographic so I may be out of date, but in my experience it was predominantly used to subdivide homeless people to highlight those with increased needs. For example, a person living in a shelter and a person living on the street could both be defined as homeless but only one might be defined as unsheltered.
  13. The phrase 'men who have sex with men' has been widely used for years with regards to sexual health. Not all men who have sex with men identity as gay especially in more conservative countries.
  14. There is a whole conspiracy around Finland not existing so this honestly doesn't surprise me 😅
  15. You are braver than me. I had a man get in my face over masking telling me how he assumes people who mask are up to no good and he wants to punch them in the face. So now I get to weigh the risk of getting covid against the risk of being assaulted.
  16. I've largely given up. I live in a small town and almost no one masks. My in-laws don't and have now decided to be anti vax (the first three were fine but it's the fourth one that will kill you, etc). My husband won't mask, none of my co-workers do. I'm just tired of everything.
  17. Key word being IF. If they have been using and are not not loud, violent, or vomiting etc why kick them out? I've seen some pretty appalling behavior from people who are sober. We need short term rental assistance and easy to access dry shelters for people experiencing a short term crisis. We need transitional housing for people going through mental health or addiction outpatient treatment. And yes, we need wet shelters so people, drug addicts are people, don't die of exposure on the streets.
  18. I once asked a regular I hadn't seen in a while how they were doing. They smiled and replied "I'm doing really good. I'm drunk right now but I'm not high!" Honestly, there are times someone shares with me and I can't help but think "yup, if I was you I'd be high or drunk right now too". Requiring a drug user suffering from schizophrenia to be sober, participating in job training etc. to have a safe place to sleep is just cruel. Instead he will sleep rough during a Canadian winter and lose most of his hand to frostbite. I promise his hospital stay cost more than just housing him for the winter would have cost. But we are a society that likes to kick people when they are down.
  19. Unfortunately there isn't a magic bullet but I 100% believe, with sufficient staff training and support, the severity and frequency of incidents can be reduced.
  20. Ok. This bothers me. I've facilitated a lot of training for library staff and this is absolutely a failure on the part of management. At the bare minimum they must have sharp containers in every bathroom. Period. Naloxone must be part of their first aid kits and staff have to be trained. My local library does naloxone training for staff every year. Second they need rules on appropriate behavior in the library and staff must be trained and support in enforcing them. Fighting? Call the cops. I absolutely do not want anyone trying to break up a fight. Violence or threats of violence are an immediate 911 call and the perpetrators are banned for a time. Sleeping? My local library has a no sleeping rule and it is enforced but done so kindly.
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