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Everything posted by denarii

  1. Border Collie. I had one and lost him in 2022 and I miss him. I'd love to have another.
  2. Message from Mayor Ireland to Jasper residents Friends, neighbours, Jasperites, You have now had some limited time to begin to come to terms with the devastating news revealed in the damage assessment map released over the weekend. For some, your worst fears have come true: loss of homes, loss of businesses, loss of livelihoods. For others, the loss is reflected in losses suffered by family, by friends, by neighbours. As a community, loss to one, is loss to all. For those who have lost so much, whose homes are gone, whose memories have been turned to ash, whose future remains so uncertain, whose hearts are breaking, my heart breaks with you. I understand the overwhelming desire to return, to see for yourselves, to sift through the rubble, to perhaps find some small reminder, a treasured memory, of the life that was. I understand because I held tightly those very thoughts. One photograph, one item, one keepsake to help trigger and restore years of precious memories: one link to the life of the past. In my case, it was not to be, yet I know many of you will continue to harbor that hope. Your need to see for yourself is undeniable and understandable. It breaks my heart that your desire cannot yet happen - fire remains on the landscape; roads remain closed; risk to you and to first responders remains real. In the meantime, as devastating as have been the losses, I urge you to consider what we have not lost, and what we have gained. We have not lost any lives - residents, visitors or firefighters - nor have suffered any personal injury; we have not lost our opportunity to connect; we have not lost any critical infrastructure; we have not lost our town or our community; we have, and we will, suffer grievous pain, but we have not lost hope. We have gained such comforting support from throughout the province, from across the county and from around the world. We have gained strength from others and from each other. We have cried, and through that, we have deepened our resolve; we will demonstrate our strength and resilience to all. We have confirmed that no matter where we are, we stand together as one community. We will rebuild. We will be home.
  3. https://www.facebook.com/share/r/H65qDqiEVBvzGaJJ/?mibextid=oFDknk Drive through Jasper. So much is gone. 😔
  4. Yes and no. Lots of fires around Grande Prairie but the city was never evacuated. I think one or two of the more outer subdivisions were but the city core was safe. Grande Prairie takes a lot of evacuees because of its location. And because people could not go east and had to evacuate west out of Jasper Grande Prairie was much much more than 4 hours away 😕 There just aren't many communities in Northern Alberta that can handle that many people.
  5. Grande Prairie is one of the cities people have evacuated to. Hwy 16 runs east-west through Jasper Township and National Park. Hwy 93 runs south of Jasper and fires threatened the road. There was only one way, Hwy 16 west to Valemount, B.C., on to Prince George and then complete a loop into Grande Prairie. Most people would have continued on to Edmonton or gone south from Valemount to Calgary. Or Valemount-Calgary-Edmonton. That route might have been faster than Grande Prairie-Edmonton.
  6. Same place as in same province but not same town. Jasper didn't burn like this last year, Edson was close. It's not just Alberta though, there are fires in BC and NWT. My brother was evacuated out of Labrador City and thats on the other side of the country. I'm not near an active fire right now. We had a close call earlier this spring but it was contained before it reached the town.
  7. Bumping this thread. The fire around Jasper is in the city. Major structures are being lost. They are trying to save key infrastructure but it doesn't look good 😔
  8. My parents are 71 this year, my mother retired 10 years ago due to health complications but she's healthier now than she was a decade ago. She sits on several non profit administrative boards and is heavily involved in volunteering. My father retired from teaching in 2020 due to Covid and is working on a masters degree online because he was bored. He tutors esl students for free and volunteers with an organization that helps refugees settle in the community. Neither of them have any interest in working now but physically and mentally they still could.
  9. I just smile and say "yup it is nice". I don't need to justify to anybody how we chose to spend our money.
  10. Oh, if you are using images on social media with the information in the image then also have the same information in the body of the post. People using screen readers often can not have text in an image recognized.
  11. Frequent regular updates via social media. If there is an immediate change then get that information out quickly but regular 4pm update every day stating the current status and repeating important information such as location for evacuees to register etc. I remember the social media for the Yellowknife evacuation was handled very well. GOOD signage around town. We had a lot of evacuees in town during the summer and poor signage made everything even more stressful. Don't forget your local library as both a source to direct people to but also making sure the staff there know up to date information. Just send them an email or something so they have the information on hand when people reach out. We had to keep scouring Facebook for new information because the town never thought to keep us up to date 🙄
  12. 31, living together for a year and a half, married two years later, kids started a year after that.
  13. I figured what the hell, let's see how many I can do. The answer is at least 3. I got 3 pushups in before I was tackled by twin toddlers and then a dumb as rocks mutt trying to be involved in whatever it was we were all doing on the floor. 😂
  14. My mother had 4 weeks in hospital and a week of out patient monitoring after an emergency abdominal surgery but that time overlapped with a planned spinal surgery so I'm not sure what the recovery time for either alone would have been. 🤔
  15. Grew up in the 90s in northern Canada as one of 5 kids. My mom was a pretty crunchy SAHM when I was young so we ate a lot of veggies, beans, whole wheat bread. She cooked everything from scratch, canned her own produce, bought what little meat we did get in bulk from farmers, made yogurt on the radiator 😂. When I was 10 she went to work part time and still gardened but didn't can as much. She used to buy flats of fruit canned in juice to last us all winter rather than buy the fruit and can it herself. More store bread. We started eating cereal when it was on sale rather than a big pot of oatmeal for breakfast. Frozen juice. When I was a teenager she started working full time and we had more convenience foods but she always had a garden and her cooking style of lots of veggies and very little meat stayed. My husband is the same age as me, grew up in the next town over. His mom was a SAHM for his entire life. She gardened a little but almost every was sidekick noodles, stove top stuffing, tang orange drink etc.
  16. And she's apparently been free from her addiction for 7 years. Sooo she read a book with a kiss in it at 11 and that resulted in 2 years of porn addiction. Not to dismiss someone else's struggles but I'm honestly curious if those two years were an addiction to hardcore pornography or if she read some smutty fanfiction and felt really guilty about it.
  17. Drama was published in 2012 and most articles I've seen say that Lanah Burkhardt is 20.
  18. Bacon only lasts 1 month in the freezer 🤨. That doesn't seem right.
  19. I'm with you on this plan. My MIL passed just after Christmas last year and I'm dreading this Christmas so much. If I could skip the next 2 months I 100% would.
  20. Just an idea. Instead of goodwill maybe you could donate the winter clothing directly to a shelter. It would not help the former houseguest who, by the sounds of it, is suffering from mental illness and may be homeless but it may help someone else in a similar situation.
  21. And if he'd lied on the form? I'm not trying to be snarky. As a Canadian I'm trying to understand the rationale that we just trust people to self incriminate themselves as a means of gun control. Is there a mechanism to confirm the information provided is accurate BEFORE someone could buy a silencer?
  22. Unfortunately no. Her body was not found. What they found was enough DNA evidence at the festival site to conclude that she had died.
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